Viewings: 3629
Viewings: 3818
What do UFO both poles of our planet, both in the air and under water? These and many other facts and hypotheses influence UFO on human civilization.
Viewings: 4024
According to some scientists, the ancient pyramids is a high - tech facilities. Among the archeological finds are items which origin is also mysteriously, as the history of the construction of the pyramids.
Viewings: 3910
Scientists suggest: the continents are moving towards each other. And soon they face great clash. Africa crash into Eurasia. A strong blow will cause a series of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions...
Viewings: 4391
Where the Murom Prince Peter had hidden the Sword of light, which overcame a giant snake? Is this ancient weapons hoped to have Hitler, and the monster is still found in Ryazan forests?
Viewings: 4875
"The world behind the scenes" was dissatisfied with the appearance of such unpredictable and strong player, as the Russian mafia. As the Russian "thieves in law" hardly was did not become criminal kings of the planet.
Viewings: 4710
The revolution of October 1917, or the taking of power that "lay under your feet"? In whose face the world capital participated in the October events?
Viewings: 5348
The land can be overturned. But such "somersaults" cannot be nullified. They create a shock wave. The result planet served earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions
Viewings: 5085
The Terrans could start colonization of Mars, 50 years ago. Technologies exist for this for a long time. But only a third of satellites and automatic stations reaches the red planet. Mars does not want to take Earthmen. What awaits us on Mars, if we get there?
Viewings: 4803
For a long time humanity is trying to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations. Maybe the mysterious crop circles, figures of interplanetary ships on the walls thousand-year churches, strange encrypted radio is an attempt of aliens to communicate with the Earth. Also there are people who call themselves contactees and say that they can receive telepathic information from other worlds. What this information is, if she finds a confirmation of what we are warned, and how to establish a dialogue?
Viewings: 4557
Russian scientists have found the edge of the Universe! There happen every minute of the extraordinary power of explosions, comparable to those that marked the beginning of everything living. Does this mean that the explosion on the outskirts of the Universe are born new galaxies and planets? |