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Viewings: 18109
Парк имени снежного человека
In the Kemerovo area will construct "residence Bigfoot"
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Viewings: 8504
ГОРОДСКИЕ РОДСТВЕННИКИ ЙЕТИUsually Bigfoot or traces of people see in the dense forests, in remote mountain areas, generally in remote, unexplored corners. Obviously it is not near to settlements and especially in the cities.
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Viewings: 9066
 В России поймали снежного человека и не знают, что с ним теперь делатьThe servicemen of the Frontier Department of the FSB of Russia in Ingushetia in the forest in Dzheyrahsko district of Ingushetia caught a strange two-meter-like creature Bigfoot, informed the Agency "Interfax-Yug" Minister of labor and social development of the Republic of bahaudin Marsani.
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Viewings: 8592

61-year-old Vladislav Buzzard from Zaporozhye who for 30 years is engaged in search of Bigfoot, argues that Bigfoot lives on the island hortytsa in Zaporozhye. Vladislav Antonovich calls himself cryptozoology (looking for the legendary animals) and ufologist (believe in UFOs and waiting for aliens). According to Buzzards, he still was not able to see Bigfoot, but he saw the dwelling monsters on the island of Khortytsia.
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Viewings: 7371
Ученым удалось исследовать ДНК «снежного человека»Do scientists have finally proved empirically the existence of "Yeti"?!
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Viewings: 8601
СНЕЖНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК — ПОСЛЕДНЯЯ ЗАГАДКА ГИМАЛАЕВ"You will take the Yeti!" - so in the Himalayan mountain villages, many mothers are afraid of their disobedient children. In our region in this role is usually Baba Yaga. Yeti... That creature is described by the inhabitants of the most powerful and highest mountain system of the Earth in different ways.
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Viewings: 7326
Bigfoot or "snow man" haunting in remote areas of the United States, including in the area of Missouri near Kansas city.

What Scott Nelson hears in his headphones strange, uneasy and inexplicable.
"Yes, I heard he says. And you will hear, as he says here, through the moment"," replied Nelson, when asked whether he thinks that Bigfoot exists.

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Viewings: 8602
Что нашел петербургский Зоологический институт в волосах йетиLast week the scientist-cryptolog Valentin Sapunov said that hair, discovered during the expedition on the Kuzbass year ago, with 70%belonged to the snow man. However, learned this the scientists even in winter - and the news somehow appeared just now.
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Viewings: 7432
В России давно пора создать центр по изучению "снежных людей""We have to talk about creating a new science education, if you like - Institute of hominology, who'd been seeking, and at the same time, the study found samples" - said one of the leading Russian professional researchers of the so-called "Bigfoot" Igor Burtsev, noting that at present, Russian Academy of Sciences officially recognizes the existence of the "Bigfoot" and skeptical about the work of private researchers.
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Viewings: 15534
В Сибири обитают около 200 Йети?Professor Valentin Sapunov from the Russian state hydrometeorological University aroused the anger of many scientists of his claim that scientific tests, including testing DNA showed that samples of hair, was found in a remote cave Siberia, belong to the male unknown mammal.
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Viewings: 7207
Ученые допускают, что нашли следы йетиRussian scientists have studied the piece of fur, found near Azasskuyu caves in Mountain Shoria (the South of Kuzbass), where supposedly lives Yeti, and concluded that the sample with a probability of 60-70% owned snow man, said Monday, RIA Novosti chief researcher of the Russian state hydrometeorological University Valentin Sapunov.
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Viewings: 9468
В плену у снежных людейThe history of men in bondage relic hominid species, often cause distrust and smile, and even accusations of lying. In fact, it's not proven that real self snow man, how can you visit a prisoner of the myth, the elusive Ghost, or simply from fiction?
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Viewings: 7667
Researcher of anomalous phenomena Vadim Chernobrov. The actions of the planet Earth, 2012, a huge animal is walking across the river, on the frame is visible long coat and a trunk. Now this video has broken all records of popularity, with millions of views and millions of views. For a long time, scientists are trying to find evidence that in Siberia or in the Far North are still living mammoths.

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Viewings: 8085
Родственник йети выдал себя воплямиРаботавшая в Австралии съемочная группа записала душераздирающие крики неизвестного существа
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Viewings: 8326
Учёные возьмутся за ДНК снежного человекаПредполагаемые останки йети могут оказаться под микроскопами сотрудников Оксфордского университета (Великобритания) и Зоологического музея Лозанны (Швейцария).
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