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Viewings: 7609

Крымские привидения правда или миф

Есть в Крыму такое интересное место – гора Демерджи. Называют ее еще Долиной привидений.  Это место привлекает множество туристов и любителей душераздирающих историй про заблудшие души и призраков, ведь здесь, как считается, их можно встретить! Кроме того, славится гора как Место Силы, поэтому частые гости здесь не обычные туристы, а экстрасенсы и те, кто хочет восстановить энергетический баланс и душевное равновесие.

Души заблудших воинов в тумане

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Viewings: 10645
Бесконечно повторяющиеся истории Вселенной относятся скорее к философии, чем к физикеFrancisco Jose Soler Gil from Seville University and Manuel Alfonseca of the Autonomous University of Madrid (both Spain) considered two of the most popular variants of the concept of an infinite Universe in which history repeats itself an infinite number of times in various far-spaced points of space.
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Viewings: 9340
Гости из иной реальностиPhantoms of other universes. Several cases from the experience of non-governmental research groups "Avesta", in the Soviet era created in Samara group of local scientists. And although since its Foundation it has been almost three decades, "Avesta" to this day continues to study various abnormal problems.
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Viewings: 11072
Физика невозможного - Параллельные вселенныеWhether alternate universes have the right to exist? In Hollywood they have become a favorite tool of cinematographers; as an example we can cite the episode of "Star trek" called "Mirror, mirror". Captain kirk accidentally gets into a strange parallel universe, where the Federation of planets is a sinister Empire, the unity of which is provided by brutal conquest, greed and robbery. In this universe Spock is terrible beard, and the captain kirk is the leader of the gang greedy pirates, always ready to turn your opponents into slavery and kill their own commanders.
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Viewings: 8044
Человек, его связь с параллельными мирами Земли и Духовной ВселеннойPeople who do not think of the higher order of existence, living in a Physical World (his body), and in the Astral World (their thoughts and deeds, not spiritual). This is because each of them is not developed energetically, and his soul (Space Spiritual Energy) does not increase. Often, he is not even aware that the spiritual life there and necessary to him and to all people.
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Viewings: 8648
Альтернативная реальность. Дорога в иные мирыThe first indirect mention of the problem of parallel worlds can be found in the works of Greek and Roman philosophers of the ancient time.
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Viewings: 9737
Параллельные миры и как туда попастьThere is a view that the mystery of the alternative of being associated with a certain "fifth dimension". Allegedly, besides the three space dimensions and "the fourth dimension" - time there is one. Opening it, people will supposedly be able to travel between parallel worlds. However, head of the sector of interdisciplinary problems of scientific-technical development of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences doctor of philosophical Sciences Vladimir Arshinov am sure that today we can talk about a much larger number of dimensions: "is Already known about the model of our world, which contains 11, 26 and even 267 measurements. They do not see, and folded in a special way. However, they are present around us".
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Viewings: 7103
Загадки параллельного мираJune 5, 1952 in the Yucatan jungle archaeological expedition under the leadership of Alberta RDCs Luara and his three companions made a remarkable discovery. She has conducted research in the area of remarkable monuments of Palenque, which stood in County Chiapas near the famous Mayan village.
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Viewings: 6453
Фантомы из других вселенныхSeveral cases from the experience of non-governmental research groups "Avesta", in the Soviet era created in Samara group of local scientists. And although since its Foundation it has been almost three decades, "Avesta" to this day continues to study various abnormal problems.
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Viewings: 7692
Пропавшие без вести исчезают в параллельных мирах?According closed to statistics, in Russia annually perish tens of thousands of people. Some of them are. Some, unfortunately, lost. Others in hospitals. Third - friends-friends or bajowski on the streets of big cities. However, a significant part of those lost dogs" is defined as "missing". Experts are more inclined to the conclusion that the world around us multilayer as pie, and "the lost ones" happen to be in parallel worlds. And no way to get out.
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Viewings: 7056
Ворота в параллельный мирThe ancient temple of God-the monkey is hidden under the ground near the Siberian village Okunevo - considered famous in India prophet SAI Baba.
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Viewings: 6828
Гости из сопряженного мираThere is an assumption that there is special, the unknowable beyond, or the subtle world, which continues its existence energy essence of man, colloquially known as soul. You could call this place a familiar concept: "mated world".
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Viewings: 7026
Окно в предыдущие вселенныеCurrent cosmological theory States that the universe began 13.7 billion years ago with the Big Bang. But the legendary physicist says that he found the first evidence of the eternal, the cyclical nature of the universe.
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Viewings: 7784
Размышляя об обличии жильцов альтернативных пространствNo coincidence statement of one of the giants of physics, Nobel prize winner, our compatriot Vitaly Ginzburg, who said with his usual bluntness: "Such beings, most likely, are some energy field, endowed with unusual properties. And this, undoubtedly, testifies to the existence of parallel worlds".
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Viewings: 6562
Внутри земли скрыт параллельный мирMore and more evidence in favor of the theory of parallel worlds. Physicists from Stanford University was able to calculate the hypothetical number of universes, formed as a result of the Big Bang - 10 in 1016-St degree. Thus it is not excluded that they may stay in each other, and within our Land, perhaps hidden Earth-2.
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