Viewings: 4997
Detail of the topic: the myth of global warming, climate and geophysical weapons, GMOs, vaccination and other
Viewings: 4659
Every person lives in parallel in 2 dimensions. The first world is the real world, the second - a world of our dreams. Even the venerable scientists still can't understand what happens to a man in a dream. Why some see prophetic dreams, while others claim that they never dream?
Viewings: 3455
In the transmission refers the woman, whose son, elementary school student, began to show unprecedented for their age aggression. Sets the observation of the behavior of the boy and the equipment records strange frequency indignation in his room. This outbreak coincides with the moment when the boy yells at her mother. Experts notice, that earlier the student started to play with a book, and believes that the impact may be linked to her
Viewings: 3906
Superpowers is a gift or a curse? Why each of the people who possess these abilities paid for his gift terrible price?
Viewings: 3887
In the Mayan prophecy 2012 December 21,said-then there is no Will be the unique astronomical event,galactic Eclipse when our sun will stand between the earth and the center of the galaxy and hide from us the source of mind...the Last time such an event was 26000 years ago...
Viewings: 4239
The true reasons of the end of the world - from the past into the future. What awaits us in the future, after the global mistakes of the past? These questions will be answered by: Victor Rogozhkin, Sergey Mader, Yuri Kovelenov, as well as the permanent host Sergey Mudrov
Viewings: 5569
27.09.2011, the notorious website WikiLeaks published classified documents,which,according to the site,reported the outbreak of the invasion of aliens on Zemlyak NASA "Blue Beam" is a fundamental part of the plan to capture our planet.
Viewings: 4828
Viewings: 4795
Battling a deadly disease, it is increasingly sought help for her...Personal psychic Ilya Oleynikov will tell how she tried to help the artist and could not.
Viewings: 4021
Historian, sociologist, publicist Andrey Fursov a world government as the capitalist dream. Moderator - Andrey Fefelov
Viewings: 3933
For decades the study of unidentified flying objects is conducted at the state level. In almost all developed countries have programmes for the study of UFOs. They are highly classified, and only today beginning to raise the veil of secrecy...
Viewings: 4755
Recently from space, the signal was received, but the human ear is unable to hear. However, not everything that a person does not hear, he does not see. Perhaps our mind interprets space messages on voice and this might drive people crazy. Any body in the Universe, is the source of radiation. But resistant radiation - messages, there are only about a hundred and fifty. What or who sends us these signals? Space ship? Alien station? Or maybe this probe?
Viewings: 4176
Why are people so very different from other species living on Earth? Did we evolve from the APE, or our mind is the result of contacts with extraterrestrial beings? What forces are actually worth the evolution of man? |