Viewings: 5481
- UFO: a Conspiracy of secret services - Chechnya: the History of one of betrayal.- Tanks-amphibians: the fire does not burn, do not sink in the water.- Rocket SN-3: American wolf in sheep's clothing.- The mystery of Chinese lake.- Barklay De Tolly: Stolen glory.- All the secrets of the army hand-to-hand fight.- Dragons: a Beautiful tale or a true story?
Viewings: 5036
Statistics show that in spite of wars, natural disasters and disease, humanity is still growing. The further increase in number of people can lead not only to a lack of water and food in most developed countries, but also to the fact that people will start killing each other in the struggle for a place under the sun.
Viewings: 4812
Viewings: 4256
"X-version" is information program, reports, the exits correspondents on the scene, interviews with experts and participants of the events. Ordinary news analysis program, but the subjects of her absolutely Neobyknovennaya focused solely on paranormal phenomena: emergence of a UFO, "circles", poltergeist and TPS recent past week
Viewings: 4229
A new cycle of volcanic activity has already started. Our planet is being rebuilt from the inside. For the Earth it is a common thing, and for mankind, can be fatal.
Viewings: 3813
Viewings: 4336
One of the most ambitious projects of the Soviet era was the Kola superdeep borehole to a depth of 12 262 meters. This record remains unsurpassed to this day. The authors of the report will tell you about the history and goals of this ambitious scientific experiment, talk with direct participants, in popular form will explain the results. Viewers will be able to see what condition is boring at the moment.
Viewings: 5629
Around the world find the skull of the giant sizes. There is a perception that they belong to representatives of the most ancient civilizations of the titans. What happened to svarceelaaja giants? What was the reason of their death?
Viewings: 5224
The film addresses rumors that the U.S. government is using UFO, spying on the people of Central California.
Viewings: 5100
Oil is one of the most important resources in the world, but what happens when all the oil that is in the world, suddenly disappear? What will happen to our cities, our lives? What will happen with us? Future crisis, which many predict will become a reality, and the result will be a disaster.
Viewings: 4951
The film of Alexander rogatkina "Power".THE film is about the multibillion-dollar corruption in the Ministry of agriculture under the former Minister Elena Skrynnik.
Viewings: 5259
The young man is unable to explain the strange sounds from time to time hear the apartment. The installed equipment is not showing sound anomalies, however, records the temperature anomaly on the floor. The apartment is invited clairvoyant whose attention is attracted women's things in the far corner of the Cabinet. The man remembers that things belong to the cleaner who for almost a year now did not appear in his apartment.
Viewings: 5223
Many are waiting for the end of the world. It was completed in the 2012 calendar of the Maya, Aztecs and Cherokees, finish earthly life foretold in the writings of the Egyptian and Hindu priests. So how it would happen, and will happen if at all, in spite of the fact that too many points to possible destruction of mankind?
Viewings: 4201
When people started to become aware of the nakedness, the human brain has overcome fears: ugly body, aging, and death. The man turned out to be a repository of thousands of fears and phobias and started with them fierce struggle |