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Семь версий конца светаIn recent times the theme of the Apocalypse, which, according to the prophecy of the Mayan calendar, should happen in 2012. That is waiting for us in the future, we have many versions, from the most fantastic to quite real. We decided to look at seven of the most popular of them.

Almost every religion has its own version of the end of the world, and some people truly believe that everything happens exactly as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

In the biblical book of revelation describes the Apocalypse, in which Land is the Messiah and will defeat the Antichrist. But to precede this event will be a serious disasters: will burn a third of the trees and grass will die a third of fish and animals, and people threatening epidemics, the heavenly fire and locust invasion.

Buddhists wait Maha-Kalpa - cycle expand and collapse the Universe. At this point gradually destroyed world in which people live. Then followed a period of "emptiness", and the universe will again unfold.

In Norse mythology tells about Ragnarok - the last battle between gods and monsters. In the day of battle huge wolf Fenrir would swallow the sun, from the depths of the sea will emerge snakes J?rmungandr, and water will come out of the banks, and fire giant Surt will burn the earth. Survivors after the victory of the gods of the people will create a new world.

Of course, many will see these prophecies encrypted reflection of current events. Still, it is worth noting that in the ancient texts is told not about the end of the world, but only about the events that will follow the rebirth of the world. Besides, did not specify the exact date when all this should happen.


Contact with extraterrestrial civilizations promises mankind total destruction! This idea found a place not only in film and literature, but also in the minds of people who believe in aliens. From time to time these people are shocking the public sensational statements like this: "the Earth is attacked huge UFO". And immediately reminded of a three-legged monsters from the novel, by H. G. wells ' war of the worlds" or obstrelivaya town giant flying saucer from the movie "independence Day". Grounds for such theories lot. We have repeatedly written about the many ancient findings indicate that our ancestors met with the aliens who were called gods. So why these gods, really, once again, welcome to the Ground? For example, the year date in 2012... that's just not clear to what they want to destroy us.


We now turn to a more realistic predictions of the death of our civilization. Because if you look at the summary of world news over the past few years, we will see quite a sad picture. In different places of the planet of the city shaking from an earthquake on the coast hit by the tsunami, the countries are enormous amount of snow or melt from the phenomenal heat. What is this if not the eve of the Apocalypse?

Why there are environmental disasters, hypotheses, there are many. Here's one: global warming gradually melting Greenland glaciers, which exert a strong pressure on the planet's surface. Due to the melting of glaciers, the deflection of the globe in this place decreases and thus increases the width of break in the earth's crust on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. The consequence of numerous tsunami and earthquakes. When the fault reaches the mantle, who came in contact with it, the water will rush into the atmosphere in the form of hot steam. Through the resulting dense clouds the Sun can't warm the surface of the Earth, and on the planet will begin a new ice age.

According to another version, the end of the world literally comes from eruptions of many volcanoes: the atmosphere will fill the ash cloud, through which the world will not be able to get sun's rays - and the planet will also hold down the ice.

And there are fears that very soon will stop warming Europe, the Gulf stream. If this happens, the planet will dramatically change the climate in Western Europe will begin harsh winters, and in many other parts of the Earth on the contrary - the severe drought. As scientists believe, the Gulf stream was already stopped (about 13 thousand years ago), and this has led to severe cold snap in the Northern hemisphere, which lasted 1300 years.


Cause a global catastrophe could be ordinary bees. Even albert Einstein warned that if the planet will die out these insects, mankind to live will remain no more than four years. The fact that the majority of plants, which supply us with the necessary life vitamins, minerals and calories, it is pollinated by bees. Their disappearance threatens us economic crisis and hunger worldwide. Meanwhile, since 2006 on the planet began mysterious bee Maur - at a time when volumes are dependent on bees production grows every year. Why these winged women? Sparkle versions: the use of chemical fertilizers for growing crops, unknown bee disease, radiation of mobile phones. Already, global food prices have reached unprecedented heights, and in some countries due to begin hunger riots.


We all remember the story of dinosaurs that died out allegedly because of falling to the Ground a huge meteorite. Maybe in 2012 and us something similar will fall down on our heads?

Scientists do not exclude this possibility, because every 100 years in dangerous proximity of our planet is flying by at least one comets, and asteroids, and that more often. Sometimes a relatively large space guests" still strikes the Earth. Even in the twentieth century they were many: the Tunguska meteorite (1908), the Sikhote-Alin meteorite (1947), the meteorite Jilin (1976). But they were not large enough to seriously affect our ecosystem. However, the risk of collision with some cosmic giant is. For example, in 2029 at a distance of only about 37 thousand kilometers from the Earth must pass the asteroid Apophis. If its trajectory accidentally changed and he collapses to the Ground, we will have a blast with the capacity up to 506 megatons (for comparison, the Tunguska meteorite is estimated at three to ten megatons). Will survive such a blow planet unknown.

As for 2012, in this period, it seems that none of the heavenly bodies do not threaten. As contenders for the collision with the Earth have to be within the Solar system and be visible in a telescope.


And yet, the most important and the most likely cause of the end of the world can become the people themselves. I remembered an anecdote: "physicists have a tradition - every 15 billion years to launch the Large hadron Collider". A joke's a joke, but scientists themselves at 100 percent do not know, what a surprise we are able to present this thing. Some seriously concerned that our desire to understand how the universe is, in fact, may turn into an understanding of how it dies. Suddenly, in the midst of the Collider will arise black hole and tighten Land together with the Solar system?

Another hypothetical catastrophe of a scientific nature - creation of artificial virus that will destroy all life on the planet. Moreover, the epidemic will occur so quickly that people simply will not have time to develop a protective vaccine. Such events should be expected at any time, including in 2012. After all, difficult to even imagine what the next "fire" currently playing modern scientists. We continually shocked by reports of the emergence of SARS, avian and swine flu... unfortunately, there is a considerable chance inventions by scientists of something truly deadly.


It is no secret that many countries, especially Russia and the United States, kept in operational readiness of nuclear weapons. The whole world is literally living on a powder keg: one unwary movement-politicians, and the planet will be covered with fire mushrooms. And the reason, in the world there are always enough. Even now conflict with India and Pakistan, Israel and Palestine, which, in which case, ready to defend superpower.

By the way, the great seer Wang predicted that the Third world will begin because of a conflict on the subcontinent. And if this war is really happens, it will become the Apocalypse, which we so afraid.

Someone will ask: "what if we still safely survive 2012? What then?" Personally, I think people will find a lot of explanations why not fulfilled the ancient prophecy. Well then appoint a new date again to expect further end of the world.
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