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Around protection Agency U.S. environmental broke a major scandal: the Federal court initiated against the organization case on charges of illegal experiments on human beings. Even now it is clear: despite the outcome of the proceedings, the reputation of the office already heavily damaged, writes The Washington Times.
According to the investigation, which, according to some data, confirmed by thousands of pages of various documents, Agency, since 2004, and has been deliberately subjected to dozens, if not hundreds, of people to the impact of a huge number of air pollutants: exhaust gases of diesel engines, solid particles of hazardous metals. Scientists call such substances PM2.5.
Almost 10 years ago the specialists of the Agency have found that high concentrations of PM2.5 can cause cancer or even kill a few hours. In addition, scientists have found that safe level of exposure to this substance simply does not exist: deadly can be any dose. One of the experts of the Agency, Lisa Jackson last year, said in the us Congress that finding ways to reduce the amount of exhaust gas efficiency is comparable to the invention of a cure for cancer.
Illegal studies conducted at the site of the Agency near the campus of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many participants of the experiment were a particularly vulnerable category of citizens. These were asthmatics suffering from metabolic syndrome, and pensioners. For them the action of PM2.5 represents the greatest threat. They all went on a deadly step because of financial needs: per hour of participation in the activities of the Agency they received at $ 12.
According to investigators, testing PM2.5 on the sick and needy people, the employees of the Agency simply not informed of the subjects that matter is so toxic. Despite previous research that suggested the lethality of these elements, and people were saying that "experiment may cause a minor extent, respiratory tract irritation, which will disappear after two to three hours".
During the interrogation, one of the researchers of the Agency for environmental protection said that orally people warned that the tests can kill them. However, even if we forget about ethical rules, which tacitly accepted by scientists around the world, mindful of the terrible experiments in Nazi concentration camps, and assume that it is possible to risk the lives of people in the name of science, such notice must be made in the form of a Treaty, introduced to the lawyer. And especially it's unacceptable to subject such research sick people, according to U.S. journalists.
So, if the matter PM2.5 really as dangerous as the scientists say, the Agency for environmental protection may face serious legal problems. Medical Council of North Carolina has already begun its own investigation, which for some reason refused to participate established Obama's Commission for the study of bioethical issues noted American journalists.
Author: Elizabeth Vogt-Babushkina