Viewings: 4863
The war is over. The third Reich fell. Part of the Nazis guilty of crimes against humanity tries to evade justice. And helps them in this sinister organization! The main goal of which is the establishment of the Fourth Reich! The name of this organization ODESSA.
Viewings: 5403
Nitrates -- salts of nitric acid. In nature these salts are formed in a natural way, so no nitrates can't grow any vegetables or fruits. That is, nitrates are in all the berries and vegetables. The whole question in the number...
Viewings: 4941
Superpowers is a gift or a curse? Why each of the people who possess these abilities paid for his gift terrible price?
Viewings: 4991
To look into the future at least once a dream of every man. Prophets always arouse genuine interest. In the main book of prophecy, the Bible is encrypted all the events of the future. But why are they still remain a mystery? And who and why hide them from us?
Viewings: 5438
Why recently in the middle East UFO issued for the Russian rocket. Who is to blame that the Russian security agencies so many suicides and why we are forty years kept reverent the bloody mystery of Nikita Khrushchev?
Viewings: 5983
Every person lives in parallel in 2 dimensions . The first world is the real world , the second - a world of our dreams . Even the venerable scientists still can't understand what happens to a man in a dream . Why some see prophetic dreams, while others claim that they never dream?
Viewings: 6305
Tornado, hurricane, hail, and rain fell upon the city of Komsomolsk in the Poltava region. This was not for all history of the city. More than 300 trees were torn off. Hailstones the size of a chicken egg has broken machine. Street in seconds turned into rivers. Because of the massive breakage of wires in the city turned off the light and water. Exclusive video from the epicenter of the storm.
Viewings: 5514
Next week - 200 years, as a great reformer and rare adversary Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia. Ahead there were Vyazma, but first "we have long silently retreated", made of Napoleon in the Kremlin and burned Moscow. Or not we burned, and the French? What then happened in our ancient mother?
Viewings: 5379
Easter island and all its history is shrouded in mystery. Where'd you come from its first settlers? How they ever managed to find this island? Why did and installed 600 multi-ton stone statues?
Viewings: 6380
The pyramid of Cheops created from 2 600 000 limestone blocks weighing up to 2.5 tons, and some up to 70 tons. Therefore, the total weight of the pyramid, reaching 6.5 million tons! Yet never before has humanity been erected such a huge buildings of stone blocks.
Viewings: 5389
The mysteries of Sayan mountains. Is the most powerful mages, shamans and magicians were able to push the mountains and to spend all evil, all the demons that dwelt on the earth?
Viewings: 3908
Samsara or samsara (SKT. ????, sa?s?ra IAST "transition, a succession of rebirths, the life - cycle of birth and death in the worlds, limited karma, one of the main concepts in Indian philosophy: the soul is drowning in the ocean of samsara", seeks to liberation (Moksha) and get rid of the results of his previous actions (karma), which are part of the "network of samsara". |