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In 1950, ethnologists Marcel Grill Germain and Dieterlen said in a brief article that by studying the life of a small tribe catches living in our time still primitive communal system, they found the natives extraordinary knowledge of the distant star system of Sirius. The Dogon told researchers that "the height of the sky" is "beautiful star Sigue". Around her, according to their information, rotates another star - Tolo. "On" in the language of the tribe means "wheat grain". It is interesting that in the modern astronomical literature this star is called the Latin word Digitaria that also means "wheat grain". Digitaria is the most severe star system of Sirius, it's invisible to the human eye, and the period of its circulation around Sigue is 50 years. The Dogon also report that the system of Sirius includes two more stars. One of them they call Emma Ya It more Digitaria, but 4 times lighter than her. Another satellite, Sigue is very far from him, and rotates in the opposite direction.
The most surprising, that the information in the possession of the Dogon, largely coincide with modern scientific views. Already in 1934, the American scientist Clark opened the first companion of Sirius, who later astronomers began to call the Sirius-In, or Digitaria. In1970, Sirius-In was photographed. Calculated the period of its circulation around Sirius - 51. Diameter of Digitaria approximately equal to the earth, but its mass is unusually great. Just one teaspoon of the substance of this star is roughly the same weight as the Moon.
Until recently, scientists believed that the system of Sirius consists of two stars: Sirius-a and Digitaria (Sirius-In). But in 1997, the French astronomers Bonn-Bideau and Gris suggested that Sirius-And there are two more satellites: Sirius-and Sirius-D. Components of this star system is still very little understood, and scientists still do not make any final conclusions, but according to preliminary data, Sirius-With more Digitaria and several times easier it, and the fourth star very removed from Sirius-A. Astronomers can not yet say with certainty whether Sirius-D self-star or included in the star system of Sirius. However, information about the structure of this system, derived from an African tribe, extremely coincide exactly with the latest scientific data.
The Dogon culture contains amazing knowledge
It should be noted that, in addition to Sirius the Dogon knew also other stars and planets. They were well aware of the existence of satellites of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. The Dogon also determined the borders of the milky Way and believed, like many ancient peoples that our Solar system has 12 planets. Interestingly, many astronomers and astrophysicists are inclined now to the opinion that orbit the last of the known planets - Pluto - is a heavenly body, having large mass. It is also possible that there may not be one celestial body, and two or three different planet.
Where did the Dogon know so many details about the structure of the stars and heavenly bodies? On this account there are several opinions. Some researchers believe that knowledge in astronomy, existing primitive tribe catches, confirm the hypothesis of scientists about paleokontakta, i.e. the interaction of ancient peoples with representatives of some highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, representatives of which visited Earth thousands of years ago. Perhaps the aliens were those "gods" and "teachers" in ancient times, about which narrate legends and sagas of almost all Nations of our planet. Based on the legends and amazing knowledge of the Dogon, famous astronomer Robert of temple believes that in ancient times the Land of profit inhabitants of Sirius or one of the planets that are included in this star system. It can be assumed that, having met at the "blue planet" intelligent beings, messengers of a distant star gave the aborigines of the Earth some of their knowledge, and then I went to my world. In the opinion of Temple, that aliens from Sirius were the founders of the ancient Egyptian civilization and the first pharaohs of that state. According to another version, on our planet thousands of years ago there was "their", the earthly high civilization, lost because of the global catastrophes. There is an opinion that the Dogon are heirs of great people, who had once vast knowledge. Perhaps few surviving disaster representatives of highly developed civilization assimilated with other Nations that are on a low stage of development, and, handing them some knowledge degraded in the historical conjuncture. Among the scientists there is no consensus about the information obtained from the Dogon. Some believe that all stated scientists are so incredible that just can't be true. Some critics accused Griolya, Dieterlen in the hoax. Others argued, however, no basis whatsoever that Sirius-In (Digitaria), and Jupiter, and Saturn's rings allegedly can be seen with the naked eye, although it is known that the rings of Saturn, for example, were discovered only in the XVII century by the Italian astronomer Cassini with the help of a telescope. Robert of temple in response to numerous attacks of the opponents said that he is aware of the critical attitude of his colleagues to this issue. After all, the knowledge of the Dogon "not just change the traditional picture of the world, and shake the foundations of modern science. To recognize the existence of such knowledge from a tribe living primitive communal system, you should have known courage," says of temple in one of his articles.
Disputes about the knowledge of a small African tribe conducted so far. Science has yet to give an answer to the question who and when told the Dogon about the star system Sirius."