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Жизнь трех последних цивилизаций Земли ч.2Civilization conquerors. Not, perhaps, on the Earth is not a people, which would not be a myth or a fairy tale about a dragon, which had to give not only animals, but humans. The North American Indians have preserved the legend about an invasion of the land of monsters-dragons that destroyed civilization ancestors. Therefore, those who are the Vedas called the gods-Naga, most likely, were dragons, who arrived to us from Venus and kolonoterapii the Earth. Remember the amphibious serpent people depicted in the halls of Egyptian pyramids and the Serpent cast out of the biblical myth, tempted eve forbidden fruit.

Apparently serpent people and dragons are one and the same. And how many came to us legends about the battles of heroes and heroes with these monsters? Sanskrit sources call them Naga is gods-snakes living, according to the legends, in the underground palaces. Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, everywhere people say about the same, about dragons that had to fight, because to pay excessive tribute there was no way. Russian word "fight", (compare dragon") suggests that the original battle was only with dragons. And it is no coincidence that one of the values "dragon" - Satan, and the same sound of these two words from different Nations, speaks not so much about the commonality of cultures, how about the one true story. The description of Chinese legends horned dragon named Moons coincides with the biblical descriptions horned Satan. The Board in ancient Greece archon named Dragon, known in history for his brutal laws, was provoked by the forces of Satan specially because everyone began to think that draconian laws existed only in the period mentioned above archon, people forgot about open slavery Humanity during the existence of Atlantis.

Apparently, koloniaal the Earth, these forces continued to destroy all remaining Asuras and their adherents, but left all that is unsustainable and aggressive. Not touched Atlanteans who went to self-destruction. Not touched monkey civilization, which, according to drawings on stones of ICA, was brutal slavery, as well as those peoples who deified dragons: Egyptian, Chinese and Africans, one of the first who worship the moon (the dragon), while on the Ground everywhere, there is a widespread worship of the Sun . All this may seem like a bad science fiction, we think sometimes fantastic description in the old Testament all kinds of monsters, but in fact most of it is written in the Bible is true, although many contemporary Christian theologians believe driven her facts allegory.

Are there traces "gods conquerors" on Earth? Unfortunately all twisted the history of Mankind - these are all consequences of the conquest of Earth civilization dragons. First, the forces of Satan could not subjugate Humanity, as people stuck to the solar cult, and refused to change my religion and language. And only in the last 3-4 thousand years they managed to uproot completely solar cult, which our ancestors worshipped and replace it with "lunar cult" or worse yet, full of unbelief. While all Nations, completely converted to the cult - are already gone. It is curious, that in the battle with Asura "gods", as reported by "Vishnu Purana", last first lost the battle, and then they turned to Vishnu with the following prayer: ..."Glory to thee, who is one with the Race of vipers, bilingual, fierce, cruel, insatiable pleasure and abounding in wealth... Thank you... O Lord, with no color, no length, not one of the approved quality"... And Vishnu came for help to the gods. Further, the legend of the biblical "About the deceitfulness of Satan (the Serpent) eve eat a Apple", only here is a deceiver Vishnu who persuades the Asuras to abandon the Vedas and as soon as the Asuras did it, the gods of them won.

The Civilization Of The Atlanteans.

The period of the existence of Atlantis, probably, the most strange time in the history of our planet. The myths of different Nations tell us that at this time he reigned monkeys, while others say that after a fiery catastrophe reigned dragons. But right all time is the greatest species diversity of civilizations on our planet.

In 1902 eruption of Mont-Pele on the island of Martinique (Antilles) destroyed all life, but life quickly returned to the island. But now everything was huge: vegetation, dogs, cats, turtles, lizards, insects - all became large and continued to grow from generation to generation. French research station established on the island to study this phenomenon, determined that the animal's growth was caused by the radiation of those resources, which were submitted by the eruption. The head of the station, Jules Engraver itself increased by 6 cm, and his assistant, Dr. Rouen, which was 57 years old 5.5 see Ten lizard "ldoras" turned into a half-metre killer. The phenomenon of the abnormal growth immediately stopped as soon as the object was taken from Martinique. After the fall of radiation monsters began to shrink in size. Not whether this phenomenon is explained by the Renaissance reptiles, known from different Nations under the name of dragons and monsters? When in Antarctica, scientists have discovered frozen dragon, they decided that glaciation occurred in the Mesozoic. But it occurred to 30,000 years ago. Recall the findings of the American expedition of Admiral Baarda 1946-47, which was mentioned above. One of the stones IKI engraved figure of a dinosaur, who attacked two hunters. This engraving refers to the epoch of Atlantis, which replaced the Asura civilization.

Released from the dungeon people first began to grow, but because of the low atmospheric pressure born again, he was lost. Restoration of the destroyed biosphere has been surviving in the dungeons of the Asuras. Recreated it, at least for 5,000 years. All these years was due to the fact that as soon as increased biomass in the biosphere, for which we used the water of the oceans, as there is growing concentration of carbon dioxide in water. He was intensively emitted, there was the greenhouse effect, and started heavy rains, turning into another flood that destroyed all recreated. The era of Atlantis - the first civilization in the last 10 million years, which began to build their cities on the Earth's surface. However, not all followed her example. Found in North Africa underground city, comes right back to the era of boratav, since the dimensions of the rooms are more suitable for their growth. This is how the system of tunnels beneath the Sahara English writer and traveler John Willard in his book "lost worlds Africa" (In the book "Secrets of the Millennium" M, 1995, Around the world): "This system consists of a set of parallel and intersecting shafts, here called "fosters"... even Though they look similar to the irrigation tunnels in Persia (which are still used), the design of the African system is different... from within the main tunnels have dimensions not less than 4.5 meters in height and 5 meters wide. In either side of the main tunnels leave the side of the mine, which connect them to the main underground railway. Many of these remnants of ancient structures is unknown, although hundreds of tunnels are still visible. Traces more than 230 tunnels with a total length of about 2,000 km"

Atlantis existed between Europe and North America, the first recovered from the applied planet shock and gradually extended its influence on the entire planet. But terrible external conditions that existed after the nuclear Holocaust, gave rise to cruel morality, which has been preserved even after the restoration of the biosphere and still exists.

Atlanta, taking draconian morality, was divided into many Nations, peoples and races. Nothing, how to become in these conditions conquerors. It was at this time there was slavery. Having won almost all continents and partially restoring its former power, they, according to Agni yoga were moving their Vimana with the speed of thought in any point of the planet to commit another crime. Ruthless exploitation of natural resources metropolis, which built all new and new cities, have generated a lot of environmental problems, which gradually escalated into ecological-climatic disaster. At this time, there are many predictors, who warned the then Mankind about a possible global cataclysm. But the rulers were deaf to their warnings and, as reported by Agni-yoga, for such predictions was introduced even the death penalty. And now, according to Plato, for 9,000 years before our era occurred penultimate the flood that had to happen in these circumstances. By the way, do not forget the current situation, when the leaders of a number of countries dismiss such problems. Although it is very likely that the flood was caused again by the war between two races, about which he writes, citing "Puranas", E.P. Blavatskaya ("the secret doctrine"). In the "Agni yoga" E.I. Roerich about this event is reported that the Atlanteans were killed because he possessed enormous energy of crystals.

Ecological-climatic catastrophe.

Our civilization to some extent repeats the mistakes made by the Atlanteans. Therefore it is appropriate to describe more fully threatening again to repeat the cataclysm, that those who will suddenly appear to be his witnesses, were able to survive. The upcoming continental Livni called on all continents of the stresses in the crust and earthquakes will destroy not only human DSCiligaciu, it will cause irreparable damage to the biosphere. Where here will sit in the bunkers! The destruction and fires chemical plants, explosions and accidents at nuclear power plants and military facilities make the planet radioactive and change the chemical composition of the atmosphere so that not only people, but also many species of animals and plants will not be able to exist. Only one in Russia as a result of the arms race accumulated about 50,000 tons of toxic substances that she is going to liquidate and 120,000 tons of it already likvidirovat but, rather buried. The United States is not going to eliminate its chemical potential of toxic substances, which by weight not yield potential of Russia. But for that would spoil everything alive on the Earth there were only 2 tons. And in the case of floods and earthquakes, all this will go into the biosphere.

There is no need to hide from the people the truth about what is going on with the atmosphere and ecology of the planet, the fear that this information would cause panic, insolvent. In the conditions of the ecological-climatic catastrophe, when hurricane winds and muddy streams of boiling water will absorb more and more victims, people will not need any bags with food or chests with treasures. And in the flooded plains, in a collapsing from earthquakes cities and stormy oceans, people will not be able to find a safe shelter. In these conditions, values, pushing the death will be endurance, strength and knowledge. In the imminent events useless individual salvation. What will be expected of those who for some reasons could be saved and to adapt to the new conditions? Without dwelling, agriculture, without Pets? In a constant battle with the elements and cold, absolutely unusual for our planet's climatic conditions, among disfigured landscapes? Only diseases, mutations, running wild! So there are only two options: to prevent the impending catastrophe or at least to reduce its destructive force.

The temperature increase on the planet is the result of the flow of carbon dioxide anthropogenic origin (2x10 in the tenth degree tons) responsible for the greenhouse effect and thermal pollution (70% of consumed by mankind energy dissipated as heat in the surrounding area). Pollution of the oceans waste civilization (according to Elizabeth Borgese annually in the oceans is reset to 20 million tons of waste) enhances the absorption of solar heat (albedo) of ocean water, and contributes to warming. Increased temperatures caused by the reduction of forest cover, acquiring the excess CO2. According to Tibor Bokach, by 70 years was destroyed 70% of the forests, which caused widespread soil erosion. In Europe alone, the wind annually kills in the oceans 840 million tons of fertile soil, in Africa 21 billion tons, the situation is no better in America and Asia. Carried out in the form of dust, the soil gets in the glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctic and causes it to melt. In order melted glaciers of the North and South poles, enough to raise, according to calculations Budyko, the average annual air temperature at 2 degrees. Beginning at present, the melting of the ice caps releases huge quantities of methane frozen in ice (traces of decomposition of the biosphere Asura). According to the Soviet glaciologists, three water molecules have one molecule of methane. Easily reaching the ozone layer, because it is lighter than air, methane intensively destroy it than increases tough solar radiation and stimulates further melting of the glacier. Therefore, the ozone hole it is often observed over Antarctica and glaciers of the mountains. Spanning continents, the ozone hole will cause the death, disease and mutation have all living and lead to large-scale forest fires.

All these reasons include two positive feedback. First, open Manabe and Vysehradem caused by the fact that with the growth of the absolute air humidity is rising temperature. This leads to the increase of humidity (through evaporation), which generates a temperature increase. And the second link: when you increase the temperature of the ocean from it starts to separate carbon dioxide, which again causes a temperature rise of oceanic water. Now if only 10-20% of the solar energy is spent on the turbulence of the atmosphere (wind), and the rest is spent on evaporation, with the increase of temperature of the ocean, according to the observations of the Earth Institute, the energy consumption for turbulence increases 4-5 times and compared with the energy for evaporation. In this case, the evaporated water is carried by the winds on the continent, where will rage heavy rains, and over the oceans will be permanently retained conditions for intensive evaporation. The Sun, the ocean will turn into "steam boiler". Hurricane-force winds and heavy rains will wash away all the soil, this will be enough for 400 mm of precipitation per month. The rainfall will be twenty times more and will be about 8 meters in a month.

The only way to avert a looming ecological-economic climate catastrophe is to halt deforestation and to stop environmental pollution, especially the oceans. According to our estimates with A. I. Krylov, since 1987 the biosphere of the Earth has entered a period of instability, and this means that any subsequent year for the human civilization may be the last.

In the times of Atlantis to long rains and frequent floods have all become accustomed. The destruction of their civilization forests and burning of mineral raw materials has led to the formation of excess carbon dioxide, which is the remaining forests could not absorb, and as a result of the greenhouse effect began warming of the planet.

If rainfall is more than 5 meters, there is an earthquake, arisen because of stresses in the crust cause recrystallization and seal of the earth's layers (this critical thickness of water is taken into account in the construction of reservoirs for hydropower stations), in the result of which can be the lowering of the earth's layers, which are under pressure of the water column. In periods of world floods occurred lowering of entire continents. The bottom of the Atlantic ocean consists of a small layer of granite. The transformation of Sandstone in granite caused by excessive pressure. Sandstone is almost 1.5 times less density than granite, therefore, judging by the thickness of a granite layer, lowering sushi happened for almost a kilometer. Appeared four-kilometer-long wave - it was exactly that height, as Noah's ark was found on mount Ararat at this point. This wave has rounded the earth, erasing the face of the city's land, forest, country, destroying all life and carrying away the soil. Mankind was once again thrown into the stone age. The restoration of the biosphere stretches for 600 years (the time of recovery of soil). The main part of the remaining Chelovechestva was denied the opportunity to engage in agriculture. Agriculture remained only in places where the wave struck off the ground, mainly in tropical and subtropical lowlands, for example, the Fergana valley, Mesopotamia, the valley of the Nile, the Ganges, Mississippi, etc.

Comparing calendars Indians and Maya, Have came to the conclusion that the disaster lasted 110 years, i.e. the flood (osadko-tectonic cycle) took place every three years, being replaced in winter, lasting almost three years, and 36 times, while the excess of carbon dioxide was not absorbed recovering the biosphere.
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