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In June 793 ad monks small island of Lindisfarne (or Holy island), located off the coast of Northumberland (England), has been quietly engaged in daily Affairs, not even suspecting that their island on the waves are approaching fast boats. They silently approached, and wicked-looking bearded men armed with swords and battle axes, jumped on shore and rushed to the monastery. Attacking frightened monks, they arranged a brutal massacre. They robbed the monastery, taking the gold, silver and other jewelry. Then they got back to the ships and disappeared, swimming away on the waves of the North sea. These bandits were the Vikings. Their sudden and violent attacks, which marked the beginning of "the Viking age", they were known throughout Europe. Soon the Vikings began to tell the people this fear that throughout England in churches prayed: "From rage Norman deliver us, o Lord!" (Outside Scandinavia Vikings used to call the Gentiles, the Danes, Normans or Scandinavian. Most modern scholars, the word "Viking" apply in relation to all Scandinavians "Viking". The origin of the name "Viking" is not certain.) Who were the Vikings? Why do they suddenly burst onto the world stage, as if from nowhere, and for three centuries played an important role in the history, and then he disappeared without a trace? Farmers and robbers The Viking ancestors were German tribes that about 2,000 years before "Viking" began to move from northwestern Europe to Scandinavia - Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Like their ancestors, the Vikings were engaged in agriculture, even those of them who participated in the raids. In those parts of Scandinavia, where the climate was more severe, the Vikings had to earn a livelihood mainly by hunting, fishing and whaling. Those who were engaged in trade, lived in the larger towns. Passed through these trade routes to Europe, for which the Vikings and sailed on their durable vehicles. How did it happen that these seemingly harmless and ordinary people have gained within one generation(!) bad reputation? One of the possible reasons is overcrowding. But, according to many historians, this only applies to the Western part of Norway where the availability of cultivable land. In "the Oxford illustrated history of the Vikings," says "Among the first generation of Vikings most needed not land, and wealth". First of all this can be said about kings and military leaders, who are to stay in power was required large sums of money. Other Vikings probably left Scandinavia to avoid a blood feud and various civil wars. Could be another reason. Among the notable men, it was common to have several wives. That is why, such Vikings had many children. But, as a rule, all the inheritance was given to the eldest son, and the rest had to take care of yourself. As the book says, "the Birth of Europe", deprived of the inheritance of the sons of "formed picked troops, numerous and formidable, by any means to earn their livelihood - raids inside their country or committing piracy abroad". Convenient means of transport, which allowed the Vikings to make sudden raids, served as a rook. Historians estimate Viking as one of the most outstanding technical achievements of the early middle ages. These ships with little draught, which could drive and sailing, and with rowers, the Vikings were able to rule on any located within their reach the sea, lake or river. The conquest of the Viking According to some historians, "Viking age" began in mid-VIII century - before the RAID on the Lindisfarne. Anyway, hike Viking on the island attracted to him worldwide attention. After leaving the shores of England, they went to Ireland, where the object of their attacks and robbery also became rich monasteries. For the winter Vikings were usually returned to their homes, putting on the ships of the loot, and slaves. However, in 840, by changing their tradition, they stay for the winter in places, which was subjected to an attack. This place was originally and Irish Dublin. 850 year they were also spend the winter in England, settled on the island of Thanet, located at the mouth of the river Thames. Soon Danish and Norwegian Vikings arrived in the British Isles. But now they were not already groups of raiders, and the squad,having at its disposal a fleet of ships. Some of these ships may have reached 30 meters long and can accommodate up to 100 soldiers. In subsequent years, the Vikings won the North-East of England, an area that became known as Denly, or area "Danish law"because there was dominated by the Danish culture and acted Danish laws. In the South of England, in Wessex, the Saxon king Alfred and his successors successfully resisted the onslaught of the Vikings. But later, after 1016 year there was a major battle when Ashington, and then, in the same year, he died, king of Wessex, Edmund, the leader of the Viking - Knud, professing Christianity, became king of all England. Deep into Europe and beyond In the year 799 Danish Vikings began raiding the Adriatic coastal area in Europe, located approximately between Denmark and the Netherlands. From there, up the river Loire and Hay, they penetrated deep into the European continent and ravaged cities and villages. In the year 845 Vikings even raided Paris. The Frankish king Charles the Bald paid them 7000 pounds of silver, so they withdrew from the city. But the Vikings came back again. They continued to arrange raids, moving further inland to the towns of Troyes, Verdun and Tul. The Vikings also swam in Spain and Portugal, where, according to the available data, they first invaded 844 year. They looted a number of small towns and even for some time captured Seville. But the Arabs have given them such a powerful rebuff that the army Vikings has been almost completely destroyed. However, in 859 they came again - this time with a fleet of 62 ships. Ruining some parts of Spain, they have undertaken a campaign in North Africa. Vikings, although their ships and were filled to overflowing captured prey, went to Italy and devastated Pisa and the moon. From the territory where modern Sweden, the Vikings sailed to the East, across the Baltic sea and further along the main waterway of Eastern Europe - the rivers Volkhov, Lovat, Dnieper and Volga. So they came into the Black sea and came to the shores of the rich lands of the Byzantine Empire. Some of the Vikings, engaged in trade, on the Volga and the Caspian sea even got to Baghdad. Over time, under the rule of the Swedish military commanders were extensive Slavic lands Dnieper and Volga region. Conquerors called "Russ" or "dew". According to some, it is from here there was word Rus", or "earth Russes". To the shores of Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland Norwegian Vikings have made trips to many remote Islands. So, in the VIII century they conquered the Orkney and Shetland Islands, in the IX century, the Faroe, Hebrides Islands, as well as the Eastern part of Ireland. The Vikings founded a settlement even in Iceland. There they created the Parliament, the Althingi. This is the oldest in the West Parliament and to this day is the governing body of Iceland. In the year 985 Viking named Eric Red founded a colony in Greenland. Later in the same year, Bjarni Herjolfsson - too Scandinavian, is put off the coast of Iceland, went to Greenland to their parents. But he was off course and passed by Greenland. "Bjarni obviously, the first of the Normans came to the shores of North America" - said in one of the books about the culture of the Vikings. Based upon information reported Bjarni, Leif Erickson, the son of Erik the Red, went - in all likelihood, after the year 1000 - West from Greenland to Baffin island, and then to the coast of Labrador. He landed at the Cape, which gave the name to Vinland. Leif spent the winter before returning to Greenland. And the next year the Thorvald, brother Leif, led an expedition in Vinland, but there was killed in a skirmish with the indigenous people. A few years later about 60-160 Vikings founded in Vinland settlement. However, with increased enmity with the natives in three years they left these places and more than ever there is no room. Almost 500 years Italian Explorer John Cabot, on behalf of the British crown, approved in North America domination of England. End "Viking" By the end of "Viking" they created a number of new political powers that ruled the Scandinavian dynasty. But the Vikings remained strangers for long. Many of them eventually adopted the special features of local cultures of the conquered lands, even their religious beliefs. For example, one of leaders of the Vikings, by the name of Rollon, which won the part of France, called Normandy (which means "Earth Norman", or Norman), converted to Catholicism. One of his descendants was the Duke William of Normandy. In 1066 at the battle of Gestisce descendants of the Norman and English Viking fought against each other. Won Duke Wilhelm was elevated to the throne of England. Wilhelm immediately stopped all influence the Scandinavians in England and launched the era of feudalism by typing in the country existed in medieval France's system of governance, land tenure and economic device. "Trying to establish when finished "Viking age" - says in his book "Vikings" Elsa Rosdahl, - we come to 1066". Besides, in the XI century the first educated Viking Kingdom in Scandinavia became independentdata of the state. Three hundred-year history of the Vikings is rich in various military campaigns. However, the idea of the Vikings as of violent savages with swords and battle axes does not reflect reality to the full. They proved to people easily adapt to a new environment, when colonized distant land. Vikings even adopted the special features of local cultures. They became farmers, starting to lead a settled life, and was ruled by other Nations, occupying foreign thrones. Thus, the Vikings showed itself not only experienced sailors and soldiers, but also skilled farmers and politicians. ![]()
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