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Тайна Американских цивилизацийWho are they? One of the most interesting and exciting history, remaining to this day to the end not resolved is the issue of colonization of the American continent. And though the Word of God and does not give a direct answer to this question, recent scientific discoveries have confirmed the biblical concept. But before we move on to its consideration, let's take a quick look at the version on the settling of America.

Once on the American shore in the XV century entered the leg of a European, immediately began versions about the origin of the Indians. One of them, the most common in the XVI-XIX centuries, claimed their Jewish origin. According to this theory, after the defeat of Palestine several Jewish tribes moved to America and established there the first state. This version held famous scientists of that time, such as B. de Las Casas, Fernandez de Oviedo, Diego Duran, X. de Torquemada, G. Garcia, Lord Kingsboro and other

One of the major and indisputable still evidence of this version was the discovery of several ancient Indian villages, the population of which accept -- Judaism! Except semi theories about the Tatar (A. Calancea, 1638 year), Latvia (E. Martinez, XVII century), Phoenician, Egyptian, Sumerian origin of the Indians, the next major theory that fundamentally contradict Jewish, became evolutionary theory of Florentino Ameghino. Being one of the most ardent supporters of the theory of evolution, Amegino kept polygenes, according to which mankind is descended from the apes, with eight independent "cradles of its development, one of which was America.

In confirmation of his theory scientist showed the remains of one of the skeleton and frontal bone. On these data it creates the table of Indian origin from the apes through intermediate species tridiagonal and gipotalamo. Covered by atheism world rapidly welcomed the new "proof" of the evolutionary theory and the "failure" of the Bible, who denied evolution. But years passed, and it was proved that the skeleton of the ancient person became skeleton South American predator, and frontal bone - ordinary bone modern man.

After the failure of these and other so-called evidence of evolutionary origin of man in America even the staunchest scientists evolutionists have come to the conclusion that life on the American continent was brought in from the outside. Even in atheist USSR and other socialist countries did not admit the evolutionary origin of man in America, believing that life there was entered from the other continent. So finally collapsed, having existed for several decades, an evolutionary theory of the origin of life in America.

However, despite this, scientists again, rejecting the testimony of the Bible, began to search the Indians. Originally dominated theory Mendes Correa, who claimed that the ancestors of Indians went from Australia, then were put forward theories about their exit from Oceania (Paul Rive) or Antarctica. But all these versions suffered complete defeat, until, finally, scientists have not paid their attention to Asia, which the Bible calls the cradle of mankind.

The largest American scientist, is Czech by origin, A. Hrdlicka (1869-1943) proved Asian Indians. Today this theory is considered dominant, receiving every year more and more confirmation. Hrdlicka it was proved that the Indians have moved to America from Asia via the Bering Strait, which in those times was under the glacier formed in the result of the great flood. It is for this glacier moved the ancestors of the Indians.

Heirs Of The Great Babylon

In the same years Graebner developed diffusion theory, according to which advances in science and art, having arisen in one tribe, or a state, spread in other countries. Although not all provisions of this theory it is possible to accept, a valuable and compelling grain it definitely contains. Recent archaeological and historical findings confirm a huge community in the Indian culture of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and other countries of the Old world.

The oldest American culture: Sandia, folsomca, cochise, heaps of shells, pocket, inhabitants of the rock cities are almost identical with the ancient Eastern cultures. It is interesting to note that the farther was the development of culture and statehood of the ancient Indians, especially, though, and together with local characteristics, it was found striking similarities with the countries of the East. The opening of numerous moundou-mounds were found in temples and shrines, showed similarities with the similar structures in the countries of Mesopotamia. Many Maundy had the form of various animals, crocodile, deer, bear, or snakes. In selected areas, such moundou there are today several hundred. In addition moundou were quite common earthen pyramid.

The phenomenon of all the ancient pyramids, with a mother described in the Bible the tower of Babel, still today, for some unfathomable mystery, and for other proof of fidelity of Scripture. The fact that the pyramids of Babylon, Egypt, America, Mesopotamia and others have before striking resemblance that it seems as if they are created by one architect. In addition to extraordinary external similarities, they have that, perhaps more important, the one spiritual meaning and purpose. The course rites perpetrated in these temples, had no difference both in America and in Babylon.

In this regard interesting pyramid of one of the ancient Indian tribes totonac in Zempoala and Tahini. So, pyramid Tahina, having seven floors (like the tower of Babel and other pyramids!) and 364-speed, served as a center of worship the pagan gods, the main of which were the gods of rain, sun and corn. On the top of the pyramid was a ground with the altar for human sacrifices. During all days of the year there was wordplays hundreds (!) people, mostly young children. The blood of babies mixed with juice and then distributed to all the participants of the ceremony. Such pyramids of the totonaca culture, Zapotec, chichimeca, mixtecs and other Nations have thousands.

In the book "Ancient cities and Biblical archaeology" we talked about the culture and religion of pre-Columbian civilizations of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans, which differed from those religions only large scale bloody sacrifice. Sodom unspeakable depravity, accompanying the ritual service of the American natives, was no different from rituals dedicated to the Phoenician gods Baal and Molech, Astarte. Of great importance in the religion of the ancient Indians had high priest, who, having allegedly gift of prophecy, had contact with the gods, which will convey it to people. The high priest's orders no one dared to challenge, moreover, to contemplate had the right only dignitaries.

Statehood and pre-Columbian cities and kingdoms on your device actually duplicates the ancient Oriental civilization. Linguists always pointed out the relationship of Indian languages and peoples of the Old world. Today it is proved that all languages, including pre-Columbian, originate from a common root. Legends about the flood and the first people also have a striking resemblance to the Bible, what we pointed out in the book "Ancient cities and Biblical archaeology".

So, to summarize our short essay note that, though the Bible does not provide guidance on education and pre-Columbian cultures, indirect her testimony today confirmed completely.

First, proved to be totally unfounded theory of the appearance of man in an evolutionary way from a monkey.

Secondly, it was confirmed the biblical statement that the mankind began to spread around the world from Asia.

Third, confirmed and approval of the Bible about the existence of the once single language.

Fourth, confirmed the biblical evidence of the flood.

Fifth, striking commonality of cultures around the world suggests that all Nations come from a single cradle.

Sixthly, the community of the pagan religions of different peoples (the essence of which is the hate speech) indicates their founder, the ancient serpent, Satan.

And finally, seventh, falling away from God and His Law has led to a complete spiritual and physical degradation of the American native Indians.

Who was first?

Let's start with the end... search of the shortest paths in the fabulously wealthy India has troubled the minds of medieval people. And that's one of the days to the court of the Spanish rulers of Ferdinand and Isabella is the Italian seafarer Christopher Columbus, which offers them the plan of the expedition to Asia, across the Atlantic ocean. Instead Columbus demanded his title of Vice-king of new land, a quarter revenues from trade with the newly discovered countries, the rank of Admiral with the right to transfer the title and rank of inheritance. After several years of complex negotiations, on August 3, 1492 with three ships, "Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria have departed in a unknown direction. And 12 October of the same year with ships saw desirable land (modern Bahamas).

Besides having several voyages to the land (in 1493, 1498 and 1502 years), Columbus up to the end of his days was sure that he had found the shortest route to Asia. The mistake of Columbus discovered another Italian Amerigo Vespucci: having in 1499 and 1501 years sailing the open lands, he realized that opened not the way to Asia and the new continent. About his discovery Vespucci said the Duke de Medici and the Spanish monarchs.

For the first time the term "America" in honor of Amerigo Vespucci appeared in 1507, and to 1541 on the globe famous cartographer Mercator aboutcanatella had the name of the new continent America. It is this understanding of the circumstances of the discovery of America can be found in any textbook on geography or history of geographical discoveries. However, relatively few people know about who first Europeans landed in America.

Despite this, today have finally proved that the discoverer of America were the Vikings, fierce warriors, who had terrified the whole of Europe VIII-X centuries. So, according to history, in the year 985 Icelandic merchant Barn Herjulfsson, wanting to reach the South of Greenland, a terrible storm was thrown on the unknown land (as it is now established, not far from the modern new York city).

Safely back after his unplanned journey, Barn told about his extraordinary adventure son of Erik Jarl "Red" Leiva. Last, fascinated by the story, equips the expedition and follows the journey of Barna. The Leiva visited Hudson Bay, island of new Funland, Bay Hamilton. In 1001-1003 years after the Leiva sent his younger brother Torvalds, and in the year 1007 - Torrini Karlsefni, my sister's husband Leyva, in 1010 - sister Leyva and his brothers Fynbos and helm.

As a result of these expeditions to America they founded a colony in Vetlanda, constantly warring with the local population (the Indians). During the XI century the Vikings make several voyages to overseas continent, and in 1118 colony in Vetlanda visited Greenland Bishop Eirik of Gipson who did a lot for strengthening the spirit of the colonists.

Today found a handwritten card and explain to her Bishop Eirik, in addition, archaeologists discovered numerous traces of the Viking colony in Vetlanda, not to mention the legends of many sagas and Chronicles. Up to 1347, Grenlande kept in memory for the American colonies and many times attempted after the XII century to reach America, which, however, was always unsuccessful.

Soon the memory of this has gone into the memories of people in a romantic legend. However, the memory of the true pioneers of America - Vikings - now restored, and, in particular, in Boston in 1887, built a monument to the Leiva.
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