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Where the grass grows in Africa, possibly through decades will be standing forest. Growing in the atmosphere concentration of CO2 creates an advantage for trees in the Savannah.
Recent studies show that throughout the growing period the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Africa creates favorable conditions for the growth and increase of the number of trees, if the level of CO2 emissions. Thus, there is the risk of changes in existing ecosystems due to a sharp change of vegetation.
In Savannah grass and trees are constantly fighting for dominance. Thus, this landscape can be very different, including tropical pastures: can be open plains, covered with grass, with individual trees, or a dense forest. Grass and trees react differently to changes in temperature, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere or fire. Thus, it is believed that this ecosystem is very sensitive to changes in climate and atmosphere. Before the changes of the dominant plants in Savannah happened slowly, and the rapid growth of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has increased the speed of these changes now.
Stephen Higgins, Manager of the biodiversity research Center for climate studies and Professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, said: "Until now, we investigated the impact of elevated CO2 concentration on growth of trees in the Savannah. The present increase the growth of trees in the Savannah is just the beginning".
The effect of changing the model of vegetation, explains Higgins, in their study is an example of what scientists call a "paradigm shift". Even a small initial changes in the system and create conditions that allow to strengthen these changes, so that the whole system begins to change faster and faster. The study showed that she is already showing signs of this change. "The possibility of changes in such widespread ecosystem as Savannah, now attracts the attention of scientists," said Higgins.
The results of the research can provide practical assistance for climate protection and nature conservation. If meadows in Savannah or small forest change, it is also a loss of unique flora and fauna. The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus, is another risk factor, as well as over-grazing, plantation agriculture, which lead to changes in the ecosystem in General.