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Why expedition to the South pole was killed under mysterious circumstances?
The event, which took place in February of this year, in importance compared with the first manned flight into space. Russian researchers of Antarctica over 20 years struck almost 4 km of ice and reached the surface of the subglacial lake Vostok. Scientists hope that in the lake, which is millions of years had no contact with the outside earthly world, you can catch solving a lot of mysteries of the ice continent.
One of them told the world by the Soviet polar Explorer Yury Korshunov, who miraculously survived in Antarctica during the infamous expedition to the South pole in the late 50-ies of the last century. Out of six of the polar explorers, launched to the pole from the station "peace", ago could return only two.
According to the official version, people died because of severe storms and frosts. However, Yuri E. subsequently told about what happened to the expedition actually. Here is his story.
"Standing polar day, and almost all the time our journey was beautiful weather. A thermometer showed only minus 30 degrees Celsius, the wind was not - for Antarctica is rare. We passed a route for three weeks without losing a single minute on car repairs. In General, everything was going too well...
The trouble began when we camped at the point corresponding to all our measurements, the South magnetic pole. All were exhausted, so we went to bed early, to sleep but could not. Feeling vaguely uneasy, I got up and went out of the tent.
Three hundred meters away from our vehicle, I saw a luminous ball. He bobbed like a soccer ball, only the size of him were a hundred times more. I cried, and all rushed out. The ball stopped jumping up and slowly rolled to us, on the move, changing shape constantly and turning into some kind of sausage.
Changed color - become darker, and in front of "sausages" began to appear scary face without eyes, but with a hole, like a mouth. Snow under "sausage" hissed, as if she was hot. The mouth was moving, and I, by God, it seemed that the "sausage" says anything...
...The expedition photographer Sasha Gorodetsky went ahead with his camera, while the senior of group Andrey Skobelev cried, that he dared not approach "sausage", and even better to actually stood on the spot! But he kept going, clicking the shutter. And this thing... She instantly again changed the shape - stretched a narrow band around Sasha appeared glowing halo, like around the head of the Saint. Remember how he screamed and dropped the phone.
At this moment he heard two shots - fired Andrei Skobelev and stood to my right, our doctor Roma Kustov. I thought that was not shot with explosive bullets, and bombs was sound. Glowing tape Suhl, all sides threw sparks and some short lightning...
I rushed to Sasha. He lay on his face... he was dead! The back of the head, hands, and, as it turned out, the entire back like a charred, polar suit was in rags...
We tried to communicate by radio with our station "peace", but it never came out in the air, something unimaginable happened - a continuous hissing and growling. I'll never met such wild magnetic storm! It lasted all of three days we spent at the pole. The camera was melted like from the direct hit of lightning. Snow and ice - where "crawled" tape - evaporate, forming a rut depth of two feet and a width of two meters.
We buried Sasha at the pole. Two days were lost Bushes and Borisov, then - Andrey Skobelev. The same thing happened...
We worked from the outside, the mood was subdued... First there was one ball right on Sachin hill, and a minute later two more. This time we all saw the balls appeared, as if having thickened from the air, at a height of about a hundred meters sank slowly, povisel above the ground and began to move for some complicated trajectories approaching us.
Andrey Skobelev was removed, and I measured it and electromagnetic spectral characteristics of the devices in advance established hundred meters away from the machine. Bushes and Borisov stood with rifles ready. They started shooting, as soon as they thought that the balls are drawn, turning into a "sausage".
When we recovered from the shock of the balls was not, the air smelled of ozone - if after a strong storm. And Bushes from Borisov were lying on the snow. We immediately ran to him, he thought, you can still help somehow. Then drew attention to Skobelev " he stood, pressing his hands to his eyes, the camera was lying on ice metres in five, he was alive, but remembered nothing, and saw nothing.
He... is It scary to remember... was like a baby. Went, sorry for themselves. Didn't want to chew only drinking splashed the liquid around. Probably it had to be fed from the nipples, but, you know, nipple at us was not. Skobelev all the time whined and drooling... On the way back he died...
Returning home, we decided to tell the truth - too pressed what happened. To my surprise, we believe. Although there was no convincing evidence. But to send a new expedition to the North pole not become didn't let any research program, nor the lack of necessary equipment...
...As far as I understand, the same as with us, occurred in 1962 with the Americans..." the story of polar Explorer Yury Korshunova was published in one of the American Newspapers.
What was it?
The next group of researchers who went to the South magnetic pole, became an American - from station "midway". It was in 1962. Americans have taken into account the sad experience of the Soviet colleagues - equipment took the most perfect in the expedition consisted of 17 people on three cross-country vehicles, they had maintained constant radio communication.
In this expedition, no one died. But he returned people in only one survived the car, on the brink of insanity. All immediately evacuated home. About what happened, you know it is still very small: a few newspaper notes, and two articles in scientific journals. All events were immediately classified.
After returning home to almost half of the participants of the campaign was in the psychiatric clinics. Therefore, we can assume that without the machinations mysterious monsters matter too, was not. There is an assumption that the participants of the first expedition to the South pole also met on his way balls killer.
As you know, it was first visited by American researcher Robert Falcon Scott in 1912. On the way to the pole expedition lost only one man. Setting the flag, the travelers went back and... died. According to the official version, Scott and his companions died because he lost the way was left without food and frozen. However, there are suspicions that in addition to natural storms and bad weather polar explorers several times encountered some inexplicable anomalies, which killed one by one.
...To explain the phenomenon that was observed by the explorers failed so far. In 1966, the researchers gave balls-murderers name - plasmopara. American physicist Roy Christopher expressed the view that these Antarctic monster - some on-electricavenue living beings, clots of plasma.
According to his version, plasmopara live at an altitude of 400 - 800 kilometers from the Earth's surface. They are there in the rarefied status and remain invisible. However, in the area of the South pole (on the North pole of the kind was observed) plasmopara can come closer to Earth. Getting in a dense medium, they are so dense that they can be seen.
Plasmopara, according to the American researcher, can cause people hallucinations and hit them with electric discharges. Christopher took them to the category of living beings, which originated in the nature even before appeared on Earth organic life forms. Naturally, this is only version.
Perhaps, with time this mysterious phenomenon and will cease to be a mystery. Who knows, maybe the latest achievements of Russian scientists in Antarctica mystery of plasmopara will also be solved.