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История исследования НЛОThe history of UFO research in the United States can be divided into two periods: the first (1947 - 1969), when it was officially considered, that the UFO phenomenon was studied for the us air force on projects with various code names; the second (from 1970 to the present time), when it became officially known that all UFO research on the state line stopped, although in fact they continue to be conducted and the Pentagon, and the Agency for National Security, and the CIA.

the second is the Study of UFOs state organizations in 1947-1969 years

The publication of the above-mentioned document Admiral Hillenkoetter now allows to set how was initiated and carried out investigation of the UFO in the U.S. government organizations.

The following sections describe these events in chronological order.

3-7 July 1947, the air force has discovered an unknown object that crashed in new Mexico.

8-10 July, head of the logistics command of the U.S. air force Lieutenant General, Training promptly flew in the state of new Mexico.

on July 15 the Department of the air force turned to the FBI Director Hoover with the request to assist in the collection of information about "flying discs", and Hoover gave its consent to it, provided full access to the FBI to the Affairs of the seized objects (4, pril).

In the same month to all branches of the FBI was launched Directive, which was ordered in conjunction with the air force to investigate every case of detection of the flying saucers and the results are immediately reported to the Bureau in Washington .

on September 19 the research drive, crashed in new Mexico, was made a preliminary conclusion that it is of extraterrestrial origin .

on 23 September, the General of Training presented a confidential report to the chief of staff of the air force Lieutenant-General Vandenberg, which indicated that "flying discs" really exist; their high rate of climb, the ability to produce complex maneuvers and get away from fighters suggest that some of them are operated manually, automatically or at a distance. At the end of the report was given a recommendation to start the study of UFOs in a secret manner, using data from the army, the Navy, the atomic energy Commission, the National Committee for Aeronautics and others (13, 17, pril).

24 September (as specified in the document of General Hillenkoetter) President Truman issued a special decree on the organization of the top-secret study of the UFO problem under the name of "Operation "Majestic-12" (pil). It was conferred on a group of 12 high-ranking heads of intelligence, the Pentagon and eminent scientists, headed by the first Director was created in 1947, the Central intelligence Agency Admiral Hillenkoetter and one of the leaders of the Manhattan project Dr. Bush.

The composition of this group included two previous head of the U.S. intelligence Admiral Sayers and General Vandenberg, the defense Secretary Forrestal, Deputy Minister army gray, head of the logistical command, air force General Twining, four major expert in atomic power, armament, physiology and famous astronomer Menzel. And in 1950, in its composition instead of the deceased Forrestal was included new CIA Director - General Smith (prilu).

Thus, already from the composition of this group shows what an important role in the study of UFOs in the United States from the outset played by the CIA, which controlled all conducted in this area of work .

In addition, the conclusion is that the basis for the organization of UFO research in the U.S. on the state line, apparently, was not monitored by Kenneth Arnold 9 flying discs over the Cascade mountains on June 24, 1947, as it was considered to be still, and object detection, crashed in new Mexico.

In December, the defense Secretary Forrestal ordered the air force to organize the study of UFOs, and this work under the code name Project """ was assigned to a group of officers of the scientific and technical center air force base Wright-Patterson .

In June 1948, the group submitted to the chief of staff, General Vandenberg secret report, entitled "assessment of the situation" in which it was concluded that UFOs may not be the secret weapon of the Soviet Union or any other country and, apparently, are of extraterrestrial origin. But the leadership of the Pentagon, who decided to hide the conclusions made in this report, not published it , and the study of UFOs was assigned to another group of officers of the Scientific and technical centre of the air force and now it was called "Project "Discontent"" .

The final report of this group indicated that UFOs are not a threat to U.S. security, therefore, their study may be conducted at a lower level .

Meanwhile, information on monitoring UFO, continued, and in early 1953, the air force decided to again collect and analyze data about UFO - this time on a new project "the Blue book". This task was assigned to another group of the staff of the SEC located at the base of Wright-Patterson. The very composition of the group, including its head in the rank of captain, one Lieutenant, one Sergeant and two servants (clerk and typists), says that she, of course, could not deal not only serious research in the area of UFOs, but even basic validation of the obtained information .

Great influence on the change of attitude towards the UFO in the US has had a series of occurrences of these objects over Washington in July, August 1952, when the group UFO different composition appeared seven times over the American capital and was then performed over her the flights for several hours. These flights have then caused great concern not only the public, but in the senior government and military circles of the USA, predpologala that UFOs represent a threat to national security, and therefore adopted a series of urgent measures.

One of them was a secret task of Pentagon Institute of applied Sciences behalf Bettel to undertake a thorough analysis of all reports of UFOs from 1947 to 1952, the Results of these studies were presented in secret ' Report 14", to refer to which employees "Blue book," was forbidden . It is also characteristic that only two copies of this report were sent to the air force, and 15 ekzemplyarov - command of the air space defense and 9 - in the CIA that from 1952 to more actively became involved in the study of UFOs .

In 1952, the Director of the CIA Bedell Smith said that since 1947, the CIA got about 2000 official reports of UFO sightings, of which 20% was unexplained, and that, in his opinion, the UFO problem is related to national security .

In the same year the Department of scientific intelligence of the CIA prepared a secret Memorandum stating that "the problem of flying saucers" beyond the scope of individual ministries and is so important that it deserves the attention of the National Security Council. It was noted that in the USA the system is organized collection of data about UFOs from all over the world with the aim serious study of this phenomenon, and the air base of the air force was ordered to carry out the interception. The Memorandum also indicated that intelligence must find out the current level of knowledge in the USSR regarding the UFO phenomenon;

- to establish the possible intentions and real opportunities of the USSR to use this phenomenon to the detriment of the US, that is, in other words, to extract information, do not use if the Russians the results of their research UFO to improve their weapons;

- find out the reasons of silence topics flying saucers in the Soviet press.

In conclusion, it was proposed to the Director of the CIA to give recommendations to the National Security Council on security issues associated with the UFO problem, and the CIA in collaboration with the Bureau of the psychological strategy to explore vozmojnosti use of the UFO phenomenon in the psychological war in the interests of the United States, and against them .

The Memorandum also indicated the need to hide from the public the interest of the CIA in the UFO problem, to avoid this problem in the eyes of the public even more serious .

At the same time, in November 1952, the National Security Council - the Supreme body that coordinates and directs the work of all other government bodies in the sphere of military policy, - to the CIA task to determine, do UFO threat to U.S. security .

In January 1953, the CIA gathered in Washington, the so-called Commission Herbertson which structure except Robertson, who was a secret CIA officer, entered another four scientists associated with the military, industry, and including a member of the group "Majestic-12" Lloyd Berkner, and generals and officers of the air force and the number of employees of the Department of scientific intelligence of the CIA (27, 14).

In 1977 protocols of the meetings and the final report of this Commission were declassified, and it became known that attended the new CIA Director Allen DULLES. At these meetings they listened to the reports of a number of employees of the CIA and other intelligence services, and its final report, written at the direction of the CIA, were intended to form a government policy on the issue of UFOs at all levels, even to the President.

In the conclusions of this report indicated that UFO, apparently, does not pose a direct threat to U.S. security, and the only explanation for their existence can serve as an extraterrestrial origin (to 9.66). With this in mind, the recommendation to close access to civilians to important information on UFO available in the air force, trying to conceal from the public Rrealnosti the existence of UFOs and to say that all observations of these objects can be attributed to the usual causes in order to reduce the interest to this problem in the U.S. and other countries. And all this had to be handled under the ridiculous pretext of neobhodimosti to relieve the communication channels of the Ministry of defense and the CIA from sending messages about UFOs . Conclusions and recommendations of the Commission were presented to the leadership of the CIA and the Supreme courts of the Pentagon, then measures to keep secret all the important information about UFOs were strengthened .

To this end, the Loss of the air force ordered the head of the project "the Blue book" take away out of the total number of received messages about UFOs all the important information and submit it to a higher authority; maintain relations with the press and give all UFO sightings, the press caught, only "natural" explanation, claiming that it was a planet, planes, cylinders, the hallucinations etc.

The former head of the project "the Blue book" Ruppelt claimed that the CIA has forced the air force to discredit witnesses of UFOs, among which there were even the pilots of the air force .

The project "the Blue book" was officially considered non-confidential, but access to his material was always closed on the pretext that the materials on UFOs may contain information about the test and the location of new types of weapons the United States .

14 General reports Blue book" only one was open, and nine were marked as "strictly confidential" , the three - vulture secret" one "top secret" .

In addition, as this is then recognised as a former adviser to the "Blue book" Professor Hynek, the information on the most important cases about UFOs do not fall in the "Blue book" , and went straight to a higher instance .

In the Memorandum of research at the air force on the results of the project "the Blue book" , signed by General Blendera in October 1969, also confessed that the UFO reports that could threaten national security, has always been transferred in accordance with Directive "JANAP-146" and are not part of the project "the Blue book" .

Proof that the air force had hidden most of the messages about UFOs, can serve as a wave observations 1954, which lasted about six weeks, each of which are in the Scientific and technical center of the air force received about 700 messages about UFOs. And according to the "Blue book" , for the entire 1954 was only 487 .

In addition, the Pentagon and the CIA has taken a number of measures disinformation of the population of the United States and other countries in respect of the UFO problem. The first was the publication in 1953 book of the famous astronomer Donzella "flying saucer" , which offered a version that "flying saucers" does not exist and UFOs is an optical illusion, illusion or ordinary natural phenomena. Although it continued to exist, classified operation to study the UFO, which bore the name "Majestic-12"which is supported found in the national archives of the United States declassified Memorandum sent

special assistant to the President Cutler chief of staff of the air force Lieutenant-General and Twining, which stated that Training will receive new notes on project specific studies "Majestic-12" from President Eisenhower in the White House on July 16, 1954, characteristically, that the veil of extreme secrecy around UFO extended to American statesmen of high rank.

So, in 1952, the command of the air force refused to give explanations to the Minister of the US Navy Kimball about them personally observed when flying to Hawaii two disc-shaped UFO, and when Kimball tried himself to launch an investigation reconnaissance Navy, the CIA has made his dismissal .

In 1964, the commander of the strategic aviation General Lemay said presidential candidate Senator! that he can't help him to find archives air force on UFOs, for him to not admit (II, 72).

However, in 1966, the Minister U.S. air force Harold brown wrote to the Chairman of the Armed services Committee of the US Congress Mrivera: "I Assure You that... for the evaluation of the observers UFO in the air force used a carefully chosen selection of highly qualified scientists, engineers, technicians and consultants, at the disposal which are provided by the best laboratories of the air force, test centers, scientific instruments and technical equipment" .

Under the pressure of the press in 1966 the U.S. Congress heard at the session, the report of the Minister USAF brown about the progress of research UFO , then dissatisfied members of Congress came to the conclusion about the necessity of UFO research scientists without participation of air force.

Then the Pentagon and the CIA decided to create a specially selected scientists Commission, headed by Professor Condon, which would have revealed to the public the findings, dictated by the CIA.

That it was so, it became clear after the publication in the journal "Look" in 1968 carefully concealed a special Memorandum prepared at the direction of the CIA, Robert Lowe, who was the employee of the University of Colorado and at the same time a secret CIA agent.

This Memorandum was directly said there that the work of the Commission Condon should be held only scientists that deny the existence of UFOs, so that she is not looking at the facts, concluded that the UFO sightings is not hiding any reality. And had to be taken all measures to ensure that the research itself, and its conclusions looked in the eyes of the public as an objective opinion of experts . And the fact that

the Commission Condon reviewed 117 of 11,000 messages about UFOs, which were recorded in the "Blue book", also indicates objectivity of the conclusions.

In 1968 he published the report of the Commission Condon, in which it was argued that in most cases for UFO was taken reflected the light of searchlights, aircraft, meteorology, satellites, ball lightning, Venus and stars of the constellation Orion, and it was concluded that more research into the UFO is not meaningful, as it is, probably, "will not bring any new scientific knowledge" .

According to some information, before his death in 1976, the Condon admitted that the CIA have forced to make this conclusion, contrary to the facts. Thus the work of the Commission Condon in 1966-1968, yet another operation CIA disinformation. But in December 1969, the Ministry of the U.S. air force used the conclusions of the report Condon order to officially declare the cessation of further work on the project "the Blue book" , and stated that the materials "Blue book" will soon be published. In fact, these materials were published only seven years later, in 1976, after a thorough removal of all of them important information and names of the witnesses.

In published materials the "Blue book" stated that from 13134 collected facts of UFO sightings only 587 cases, or 5%, the objects were found unknown, although there were still 2409 cases, have not received explanations for lack of information. Thus, even in the "Blue book" 23% of the observations was somehow unexplained .

The Hynek in 1977, wrote that in fact the air force has published by far not a full report on the project "the Blue book" , but mostly the cases that were explained . He has also led numerous instances where reports Blue book" completely obvious fact of UFO sightings was given a very clumsy and far-fetched explanation .

One of the leaders of the project "the Blue book" Ruppelt claimed that the number of truly unexplained objects actually was 10 times higher than official documents of the air force .

Thus, the U.S. government has always tried to create the impression among the population of the country, which, according to the air force and research scientists, no UFOs actually exist, although they are very carefully monitored research UFO in other countries, and first of all in the Soviet Union.

Not casually that since the creation in the USSR the Department for the study of UFOs in the composition of the army, led by General Stolyarova military air attache of the USA Embassy in Moscow in 1968 sent to the loss of the Ministry of defense special reports about it. A copy of it is given in the book of good "top secret" .

However, the Pentagon and air force in these years was issued a number of closed guidance documents, kept in very serious tones and containing elaborate instructions for the personal right of the Armed forces during observations of these objects.
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