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My head boils every time I hear about delightful wonders of the Indigo Children. They are not special. We are all special. Indigo Children, who arrived on the planet since the late 80s reflect higher and the net level of awareness achieved through our growing consciousness.
So what is so special about these children?
Our new ajewska public exaggerates their borders. What they suspect expect, mainly based on minimal evidence and exaggerated expectations. I write a lot of good things about them, but always chose the more psychologically grounded point of view. These kids really normal. They are one step ahead of the evolution of society. It is the parents and teachers are experiencing some problems with accepting and adjusting to emerging issues. Exactly how my 93 year old mother who has still problems with turning on the computer. She thinks "he is talking".
Recently, around the world there are many groups, praising the Indigo Children. Yes, there are obvious differences with the previous generations. Yes, they are more loving and creative. Yes, they have, as a rule, more energy, than, which most parents and teachers are able to cope. But every generation is new and refreshing to society.
Actually, we all live in Indigo Era. Indigo Children live evolution Indigo Awakening. In this light, the Spirit distinctly manifest on the material plane. Each of the previous civilization of the material world has evolved through different era, awakening new tributo and abilities. Initially, mankind has evolved from the "ground" chakra under your feet. Now mankind in its evolution passed sixth Indigo chakra, and moving towards the chakra of Pure Light that will bring a greater awareness of your divine Nature in your human body.
We have always been Spirit. This should be recognized and awakened in consciousness of the human body. At the cellular level, the history of human development was, in fact, the evolution of the human DNA.
Each generation uses more of their DNA and genes that increases the perception and brings more awareness of the human-social body. The world has evolved from ancient man, through the first chakra, and the red caveman era. Migrated then in the orange era of the second chakra, Atlantis, then yellow era Ahtan RA, the ancient Egyptians. Green era was expressed through the old Testament Jewish and Christian era associations and Love. Then blue fifth chakra, which reflected the gushing desire of mankind to communication that leads us now to 6th chakra, Period Indigo. Each era is significantly shorter than the preceding each because their evolution is speeding up exponentially.
Our children are not born with a special talent. We all have special talents. Our children, however, reflect "evolved talents", showing how quickly develop the human species. There is a certain spark and simplified approach to life. It seems that they have an innate understanding of the meaning of life, which is not related to a potential career, but rather, to the creative search. Indigo Children have this "shining" and remind us of our special "ascending" nature. Highlighting them as "different" is inconsistent with the structure of Consciousness of Unity. No one is superior to the other.
I'm beginning to see the label of "Indigo Children" as redundant confirmation. Labeling unhealthy. It also begins to serve a disservice to our children and us as parents, grandparents, teachers. Each of us plays a role in this evolution. Pay attention Indigo Children are not paying attention to our own evolutionary needs ridiculous.
If we have not learnt a lot on older computers, we would not have been able to create more perfect. As we are evolving, so it is with computers. Evolution is a process in which we need to work together.
Our DNA evolves naturally in conjunction with our spiritual mission. Unexplained "junk" DNA now reveals his miracles as scientists can continue DNA research on quantum levels of light and consciousness. Possible this point of view is that our DNA begins to use his sleeping function, enclosed in its "sleeping" areas.
In fact, every new computer has the perfect user space; it is only necessary that he got a new "software DNA software". Scientists become less suspicious to the lack of amino acid chains in this Department DNA and more focused on biopsychological aspects of these unexplained areas. In the end, our DNA is wonderful and brilliantly developed the "drawing" of life that is very likely to contain the wisdom that is beyond our knowledge.
Remember The Old Testament? Because this is God, our Infinite Being, created a body of Law and Order for the rising of the new generation? Then why did the New Testament? What prompted God to enter a new code of laws for the Peace and Love? God evolves through us - "as Above, so Below." Throughout history, the transfer of new information was a "mile-stone in the way of our changing civilization. The invention of fire, the wheel, medicine, prophets; and, of course, electricity and Internet.
Known part of our DNA is already marked on the map and its genetic codes of management become more understandable. However, there is a part of our DNA, which is open for entries to be made new consciousness. Its evolution is in the process of development. Remember when computers became popular in the late 80s? Personal computer (PC), which cost about $4500, had 250 kilobytes of RAM and about 5 megabytes of disk space. Today you can buy a laptop with 1 GB RAM and a 250 GB disk space is less than $1200. This is what is the Era of Indigo in relation to their previous periods.
If you can look inside of the evolution of Consciousness DNA, you will see unfolding miracle. As the person grows in its environment and gains experience, DNA also has to write, develop, and to reflect this experience. The spirit and the Mind are migrated using energy in the form of light. As information about the new experience recorded in DNA, they merge with essential "spiritual" complementary part, forming a new nucleotide information in our DNA. This allows the consciousness of the spirit to manifest within the cell structure of the body. Similarly, our children resemble mRNA (Ambassador DNA), which passed a new cellular life.
Humanity is constantly moving in the direction of Unity Consciousness with the help of his wisdom. We are the Foundation for the growth of the Indigo Children. Each of this process is different. We know that some people still live like a caveman, and a person needs to realize their new experiments in order to integrate them. As Indigo Children acquire their new experience? Today's child is much easier to use a computer than the same cave man. Today's children their consciousness and DNA developed in order to process information faster and easier. That's why it's so noticeable their differences from their parents and teachers. In order to understand and help them, we need to improve understanding of their needs and the needs of a changing planet. Needless to say that most of us can't leave their "comfort zone". Many people are afraid of change and growth, just like a caveman.
In some sense, unconscious trick our collective fears is the shift in the burden of "change" and "evolution" to someone else, that is, on our Children Indigo. Also it is easier to think that someone else will do our work for us, or is the "chosen" to change the world. On the contrary, we need to embrace change and to raise our consciousness to evolve together.
Remember that everything around is our mirror. Indigo children are part of us that we are loved and admired. They are part of us that is developed and are more aware for the universe, higher consciousness and evolution. They can be partially when we failed to recognize in ourselves. If we are all one body and one soul, then why did God create someone who does not belong to this unity?
Let's begin to perceive the Indigo Children as a part of ourselves that awakens our consciousness, as the new software within our DNA that updates our being and what we really are. Thus, this Generation Indigo will help the whole Era Indigo to develop faster, bringing to the world a new, important information about the growing capabilities of the energy of love and light.
With blessings,
Dr. Robert Gerard, Jelka Roksandic