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Озерные базы НЛОIt is considered that the UFOs can be on the moon and on the bottom of the seas and oceans, where extraterrestrial objects securely hidden from human eyes. But, as more and more convinced ufologists, the aliens make their hangars and in some lakes - even though this aircraft aliens people are easier to detect.

UFO over Texas lake Granger (2009), Skeptics claim that photo just a toy "Frisbee", have wandered into the frame. But the woman photographer sure that there is no "Frisbee" at the moment photo no one was launched.

Now there is no doubt that the base of the aliens were (and perhaps is still on the bottom of the lake Cree in Canada. In the early 1970-ies of the local population have noticed spans over lake strange objects, many of which are rapidly submerged into its waters. But at this speed any earthly aircraft sure would be broken, unable to bear the strain.

According to the American ufologist (our former compatriot) Paul Stonehill, a survey of the lake was made in 1971, after more than 50 witnesses reported: from the very large discoved-tion UFO hovering over the lake, separated a large rectangular object and fell into the water. The depth of the lake in this place was about 45 meters, but the divers could not reach the bottom of a sudden headache, which was the stronger, the lower they fell. It was decided to put the automatic device is equipped with a TV camera. During his dive to the bottom of the lake appeared greenish glow that quickly increased. And then the rope jerked, as if from below someone grabbed their giant hand, and broke. The device has gone deep.

In 1978 survey of the bottom echo sounder has recorded two oval tabs correct form. Their origin is not clear. He was then made another attempt to see the bottom with the help of video camera, but it failed: in the beginning of the descent all the mechanisms stopped working, as usually happens in the presence of the UFO.

Weightlessness over Salatnoy

With a high degree of certainty it is possible to speak about existence of the UFO base at the bottom of lake Gampo in the mountains of the Cordillera-Azur (Argentina). The number of UFO sightings over the lake and the surrounding area is huge. The Quechua Indians living on the banks of Haipo, are flying objects with caution and at their approach hide. Aborigines believe that it sorcerers and witches took the form of discs and spheres, the better to hunt people. Despite these anomalies, the study of Haipo, even the most superficial, till now was not carried out.

In Argentina there is another lake at the bottom of which are believed for many years, is something mysterious. This "something" rumor hard links with UFOs, though mysterious flying objects appear here not far' more often than in other places of the world.

"My father told me that once in the lake plunged huge disco prominent UFO, " says Ramon Casona, the owner of a local restaurant. - And no one saw that it came back, although people from that day constantly watched by the lake".

Lake called Slatina. Travelers and locals say that it can be like in zero gravity and fly over the water meter and above. This happens not always. Tourists who only for the sake of it and visit the lake, waiting on its banks for weeks until the "include" the curious anomaly. Fly few, and only the patient.

More often than UPS, Slatina fixed unexplained short-term weight men.
"Gravity "off" only on very small plots and for a short time, " explains physicist Carlos Penas studying anomaly for more than 10 years. "We can't tell where and when there is a phenomenon. Sometimes not for weeks. And 6 April last year at noon gravity "off" fully three times for five minutes, resulting in the air rose four people. Unusually, as if weightless, behaved and water in these areas". According to one version, UFOs at the bottom Saletiny from time to time sends signals to someone into space. In such moments, and there are shortages of gravity.

Aliens at the bottom of Baikal

In Russia, special attention ufologists attracts Baikal. UFO see above him constantly, and those who notice in the vicinity of the lake, almost always fly it to him. In 1977 on lake Baikal was carried out deep researches with application of the device "Pisis". It sank two employees of the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences - V.M. Aleksandrov and BORN in Seliverstov. The machine slowly moved along the slope of the underwater ridge. While driving, at a depth of about 1200 meters, the researchers turned off the lights to explore the depth of penetration into the water to sunlight. However, after that the scientists continued to watch quite strong and very unusual glow. "It was so, " said afterwards C. M. Alexandrov, " that the device illuminates the top and side two strong spotlight. A minute for unknown lights went down, and we ended up in complete darkness."

Even more shocking event took place in 1982 with a group of military divers who examined the coastal waters of the lake. Under water at a depth of about 40 meters military was faced with a strange unknown swimmers. Outwardly they were like people, but of all the diving equipment on the swimmers were only spherical hats and tight wet suits - this was surprising, because the water in lake Baikal ice, and such a suit is not able to protect the person from rapid freezing. But the most important thing is the growth of swimmers. He was about three meters. Unknown creatures did not pay divers attention employed some of his strange work.

Immediately after returning the divers reported to the commander about their strange encounter. Immediately to catch unknown creatures formed a special group of seven experienced divers. Several boats went out on patrol lake. Their crews were to detain giants as only those will emerge. Divers captured with a network - if they resisted.

Like the first time, three-meter swimmers practically not reacted to the appearance of people. The reaction came only when the military tried to throw a network on one of the giants. Giant with such force rasshiril all the men that they are with acceleration flew up and hit the surface of the lake. Rapid ascent caused people decompress-pension disease ("boiling blood" because of the rapid reduction of pressure). For their salvation was required special chamber. But in the military unit was only one such camera, designed for two people. As a result, despite urgent measures, three diver died and the rest were disabled for life.

Circles on the ice and other wonders

Can't explain the scientists and the appearance of a mysterious circles on the Baikal ice. They diameter reach seven kilometers and visible even from space. For the first time, the circles were discovered in 1999. They arise not every year and always in different places. There is a version that it marks a huge bubbles of gas rising from the bottom of cracks in the earth's crust. Another version relates circles with global warming. But ufologists believe,
it is the result of underwater activities of aliens, which, perhaps, are interested in the clean water of the lake.

There is almost no doubt that in the 1960's-early 1970-ies base UFO was at the bottom of lake Sarez (Tajikistan). Flying objects seen here so often that on the nearby mountain was arranged click monitoring. The Sarez lake, depth of a mile, was formed in the beginning of XX century by a series of powerful earthquakes. As consider, at its bottom there are holes that lead deep into the bowels of the planet. In the autumn of 1972 in the lake almost every day immersed UFO different forms. Perhaps because of this, in this period of its water was warmer than in the neighboring lakes.

Currently assumes the existence of UFO base at the bottom of the lake Situated (Leningrad region)to which from the end of 1990th years without end come and hang over him mysterious objects. Like UFOs are showing increased interest and lake Erie on the border of the USA and Canada.
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