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The exploration of Mars began a long time ago. Long before our era the mystery of the red planet fascinated astronomers Egypt and Babylon. The Egyptians called the Red planet Choir and has devoted her famous statue of the Great Sphinx at Giza, having painted it red. Later Mars studied ancient Greek, Chinese, Indian, and then and Arab scientists. With the light hand of the Romans it was named in honor of the God of war.
Inhospitable planet
In the SIXTEENTH century, the first telescopes, scientists have discovered on Mars polar ice caps, the clouds in the atmosphere, channels, giant craters and volcanoes.
Mars is almost two times less Land, and the Martian day for about an hour longer than the earth. In ground a lot of iron oxide - that's why the planet's surface is red.
The atmosphere of the planet is 95% carbon dioxide. Atmospheric pressure is 160 times smaller than the earth. Water there is, but maybe that was. The planet mountainous, with the highest mountain and deepest canyon in the Solar system.
The average surface temperature of about -50 C, while at the equator is +20 degrees. In General, cold, unfriendly desert, which now and then sweeping sandy tornadoes. But the main thing not it, but the fact that the past of the red planet shrouded in mystery, and many scientists have linked the emergence of a terrestrial civilization, it is with the former power of its inhabitants.
The death of a Martian civilization
And it is possible that Mars was different - with the atmosphere, oxygen-rich, with the rivers and seas and residents who have achieved an incredible level of development. But everything changed overnight. It is believed that about 14,000 years ago from the depths of space in the Solar system broke one or more of the heavenly bodies, rammed planet Phaeton (Tiamat), near Mars, pull down her into pieces. The disaster was terrible in its scope. Three splinter Phaeton crashed into Mars, having passed through the mantle and violating the planet's magnetic field.
The rest of the completion of the solar wind, almost derailed the Martian atmosphere and killed all life that remained to her. Planet got terrible wounds three huge crater on one side of the planet and three giant crater of the volcano on the opposite.
Perhaps there were other pieces that almost broke the planet in two, leaving an ugly scar in the form of the Mariner valley, depth comparable to Marianske depression on the Earth. No one knows exactly have time whether the Martians to be saved. Ufologists say - Yes, and scientists are facts that fit perfectly into the improbable hypothesis of ufologists.
We see from space
But some traces of civilization Martians preserved. Photos taken by two American orbital spacecraft "Viking", went around the world. They show a pyramid and a cone-shaped objects, bigger than the Egyptian pyramids, and the famous "face of the Sphinx", turned to the Earth. May be it a stone, the face is simply a figment of our imagination, but there is a direct geometric relationship of a person with "structures" of Cydonia Mars (a region in the Northern hemisphere of Mars).
And that's a fact. And what about the famous Martian "glass worms"? Let's remind, in August 1999, the us space station MarsGlobal photographed a strange designs in the form of shiny corrugated pipes that lie on the surface of the red planet, sometimes overlapping and endangered in land subsidence.
In 1984 in Antarctica was found an ancient meteorite with Martian origin. On it billionaries traces of organic decomposition. This means that on Mars there was life, and long before the earth. In General, mysteries until enough, the most interesting is still ahead.
Atlanta - child Martians
What happened with the inhabitants of the red planet? Life on Mars has arisen earlier, than on the Earth, then the Martian civilization is much older than ours. So nothing stopped the Martians to fly to Earth even before the disaster, and to equip life of earthlings in accordance with its standards.
The number of evidences of their presence on Earth is amazing.
For example, many ufologists believe that long before the disaster Martian landing landed on Earth, in the part where there was the legendary Atlantis.
In exchange for minerals strangers who Atlanta believed the gods, has taught local residents space navigation and showed how to do aerial vehicles. Atlanta has mastered the latest technology and became the most highly developed civilization on Earth. The catastrophe that broke out on Mars, hurt and our planet. Killing Atlantis. But part of this country managed to escape - not for nothing that they had spaceships!
Kachin gave people the knowledge
The reality of Atlantis is still under question, but the existence of the ancient civilizations of South America no one doubts.
Scientists, leading excavations there, just behind the head go in, and finding surprises ancient temples of the Incas and Mayans.
In Colombia, three hundred miles from Bogota, is the ancient Shrine with statues of strange creatures terrible, by our standards, kind. It fanged monsters, some of them held her legs babies, as if he were going to eat them. On the heads of monsters glasses, headphones and helmets. Stele depicting similar creatures were found in Peru, in the temple of Chavin de Huantar. Again, hats, headphones, glasses. And bas-reliefs of tracked vehicles and even a boiler plant. And in Mexico, in the temple Tula near Mexico city, being with headphones holding something that looked like a Taser. In General, these monsters, as they say, will not sabaleuski.
The ancient Mayans called these creatures Kachin, which means "master". They bowed before them, considering the gods.
According to legend, these gods had taught the ancient construction of temples, crafts and astronomy.
By the way, Arizona (USA) is an American Indian tribe of the hopi. People hopi believe that they were the Mayans lived in Mexico. And even earlier - on an island in the Pacific ocean, where flew to South America on the aircraft, which was given them... the teachers from the red planet - Kachin.
The Martians conducted experiments on people?
Incredibly, however, it seems that the Martians were put experiments on people. Ufologists say that Neanderthals and CRO-magnon - fruit genetic engineering aliens from the red planet. Too abruptly gave way to the ancient people, as if they brought someone special. Moreover, they allegedly hybrid alien with monkeys.
And insensitive aliens taken not only of people. Once our planet was inhabited by human-prosvery.
In many museums of the world have artifacts with images of people with the heads of birds and animals. The historian of the Christian Church Isaiah in his books quoted from the writings of the Egyptian priest Coin, who lived in Ancient Egypt. The priest wrote down from heaven gods, krasivejshih people with animals. About gods who came down from heaven, was described by ancient Greek historian Diodorus Sicilian.
In Egypt, near the Valley of the kings, there is an underground temple of the God-bull APIs - Serapeum (see "Mystery of the twentieth century", №35).
Under the Sands of the Sahara are huge granite sarcophagi, in which lie the bones are not the pharaohs, and thousands of different animals. Imagine: blocks for multi-ton sarcophagus hauled from a quarry in Aswan, that is hundreds of kilometers from the temple. And all this for dead animals? Why, then their bones mixed and filled bitumen? The Egyptians had to destroy the body monsters-hybrids that the monster could not reborn, combining body "ka" soul "BA".
Atlanta taught the Sumerians be considered
Now let us remember the ancient Sumerians. The impression is that this is the world's oldest civilization occurred 6000 years ago out of nothing. No one knows who they are and where we come from. The Sumerians knew how to read, using the ternary system knew the Golden section and numeric Fibonacci sequence.
They are well versed in the structure of the Solar system, and on their map of the starry sky was attended by a mysterious planet that was located between Mars and Jupiter. According to Sumerian manuscripts, a wandering planet called Nibiru and highly eccentric orbit once in 3600 years crossed the Solar system. Were the Sumerians students Martians?
Or the descendants of the Atlanteans? It is no accident that on the bas-reliefs of their temples often the image of a disk with wings. Perhaps it's flying Nibiru and the famous roller seals carved aerial vehicles, the gods in helmets and planetary systems.
Phobos was a spaceship
Recently experts of the European space Agency (ESA), examined data received from the spacecraft "Mars-Express", came to the conclusion that one of the two satellites of Mars - Phobos is hollow, and rectangular constructions on its surface - handmade.
So this is really a spaceship from Mars?
There is another hypothesis that the Martians somehow "saddled" Nibiru and rounded on her Sun, staying at a distance, providing a comfortable life, directly on the Earth's orbit, only on the other side of the star. And that humans did not know ahead of time about their existence, the Martians were brought to the Earth the moon, making it a satellite, and thus balance the masses of the two planets. Now the planets are moving at the same speed. Gloria (this was the name of Nibiru) is not visible from Earth. Although it was very well seen even in the SEVENTEENTH and EIGHTEENTH centuries.
No planet in the Solar seathe system is not fraught with so many mysteries. Let's hope that by "Curiosity" the mystery of Mars will soon be opened.