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"...So I left his physical body forever. Although I was leaving him every day for a few hours, but always came back - it was called the dream. And this time, I threw it at all - so like worn-out old clothes, no longer to wear..."
"Going out of the world dense"
The soul leaves the body after fulfilled the main tasks
So in his philosophical and mystical work "Seven stories about planetary humanity" Nicholas Roerich has described the moment of death. Philosopher outlined his phrase, mysterious for the layman, but understandable devoted to: "Going out of the world heavy.
According to the esoteric doctrine, dense world - us visible. Tight bodies applies to the physical body of man, which is a set of chemical elements and is designed to fit the body of the life, body desires and body thoughts - these three bodies shall constitute the human soul.
From the point of view of medicine the death of a person is in cardiac arrest, cessation of breathing and brain, followed by the collapse of biological tissues, called decomposition. According to the esoteric, the release of the soul from the dense shell and leads to the destruction of unnecessary material of the human body.
According to most researchers of paranormal phenomena and scientists, mystics, the main reason that the soul, or, according to the Buddhist teachings, Atma, leaves the physical shell - fulfilment of the main tasks Logo before the soul before its incarnation. In rare cases, this happens because magic influence witches "entice" the soul from the body of the victim, and as a result of inept use of secret practices astral travel, when insufficiently prepared adept initiates the release of the soul from the body, not having the strength and experience to bring it back then in material envelope to be.
The path of the soul
Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich - a scientist, traveler, artist, public figure, writer, thinker
So, the mechanism of release of the soul from the human body started. Externally, on the material plane, this can result in death agony.
At this time, invisible essential substance - Atma, previously a person in the solar plexus leaves his earthly home. In some cases, this occurs instantly. Then it is considered that the deceased was clean and light soul, and about this death say "God forbid everyone".
Often, however, the process takes longer: broadcasting and the formless substance of the soul rises up inside convulsing body to break out through the so-called Hole Brahma, the invisible energy hole in the back of a man.
Once out of the body, the soul is still some time associated energy thread, or, as they say, "silver spiral". This is the situation describe people who experienced clinical death.
After some time the thread is broken, and since then the body starts to undergo irreversible changes.
Dangerous misconceptions
After astral connection is torn between Atmos and body, soul of man, turned into a tight energy clot, sees all life in reverse order: from the last day before birth.
This event plays a crucial role in the "training" of the soul, helps dispassionately to analyze all perfect in life and rise to a new stage of its karmic evolution. The cry rang out over the lifeless body, distracts atmo from the contemplation instructive paintings that could adversely affect its next incarnation.
Other dangerous to the soul of the deceased actions that have spread throughout many thousands of years in different Nations and cultures, " the cremation and the embalming of the body during the first days after the death. When performing these procedures, along with the destruction of the physical body is destroyed and the energy-information panorama, so necessary to the soul, peering into his earthly path.
Great harm has already been released from the physical body, the soul also bring attempts physicians and relatives of the deceased to bring it back to life.
Until broken link
However, not always the CPR is contraindicated soul, leaving the dense world. Without any harm to the immortal Atma this can be done only until such time until exploded "silver spiral".
Such cases are repeatedly described in the literature and confirm the postulate physicians about the hard time-limited intensive care processes. In particular, Andrei Makarov from Izhevsk recalls case occurred in 2007, when he was involved in a serious traffic accident.
After going to the oncoming lane jeep was in front of his car, Andrei had felt at first a strong push, and then a sharp, but short-term pain. When I come to, then, to his surprise, he saw his body surrounded by a group of doctors who tried to reanimate it. Soon Andrei felt his begins to carry upwards, he felt unusually easy and peaceful. Soon after A. Makarov guessed that he was attracted to the milky-white light, flickering ahead of him. He flew quite a distance, until he realized that some power tries to get it back.
This is the opening for a moment upset Andrew, as he knew that waiting for him in future freedom from worries and experiences. And a moment later Makarov found that his motionless body rapidly approaches him. That's it like a Vice, something grieved him from all sides, severe pain pierced every cell, and the next second, Andrew opened his eyes.
Death is never random
Viktor Vasnetsov. "After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians". 1880 Sudden death on the battlefield deprive the soul opportunity to contemplate the panorama of the previous life
To the concept of "premature death" is usually attributed the deaths on the battlefield, accident, crime or a rapidly progressing disease. However, esoteric and followers karmic teachings believe that death is never accidental or premature. The famous phrase from the Holy Scriptures that not one hair falls from the head of a person without the permission of the fact of God, defines precisely this postulate. But in each case, such a death has its own particular features.
For example, the soul of man who died from the hands of a criminal or an accident, avoid Purgatory, rapidly - in the first minutes after leaving the biological body - falling (this also applies to the souls of the dead children) on the so-called First heaven (there is still the Second and the Third), where there is love and bliss.
Sudden death on the battlefield, going against the natural laws of the universe, deprive the soul opportunity to contemplate the panorama of his earthly life and therefore postpone for a long time the next stage of reincarnation. Moreover, rapidly emerged from the dense body soul for a long time experiencing the horrors of unnatural death of his biological containers.
According to the American psychologist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, who for two decades for the dying, only 10 percent of the people on the verge of death or experienced clinical death could clearly remember what happened to them in the afterlife. Other researchers greater numbers - from 15% to 35%. According to the survey, half made the transition from life to death psychologically ready to participate in this sacrament. A quarter of them expressed great regret at the fact that they had to be back in our mortal world.
The mystery of the twentieth century № 34