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17-year-old student, watching movies about the Apocalypse, ran away from home in Kharkiv, to underground subway to find shelter.
In a month, according to the prophecies of the Maya and the monks of Shambhala, should extinguish the light and the Gulf sound, simply put, to come to an end. This is the second Apocalypse, which is planned for 2012 (the first was expected on September 22), but this time, the population seems to be seriously thinking about near the end times. Pessimistic moods are not spared and residents of Crimea.
Serious precedent in this regard happened in Sevastopol. The parents of 17-year-old schoolboy was pretty scared: their son, watching movies about the approach of a universal catastrophe, started to prepare a further six months ago, I ran away from home and went to Kharkov to underground subway (as taught in the films) to find shelter. Fortunately, the police managed to track down the guy. The rest of the inhabitants of the Peninsula does not go to such extreme measures, but also getting ready for the judgement day.
In the center of Simferopol for several days, the group of people giving out leaflets, which contained an appeal to come to the free lectures, where will teach you how to survive 21 December. "The classes are already underway. Come from 10 to 15 people. I want to explain to people that one must take it quietly and not to panic, " says the author of leaflets of Alexander. - Residents should take the children, documents, and go on nature, to have in the house supplies of matches, water and candles, because electricity will not, but should not be afraid - all pass away." However, in one of the paragraphs of his creation, just in case "guru" reminds that stands in full in advance to ask forgiveness and to pay debts.
Obviously some of the residents of Simferopol already listened to the advice of leaflets, because the employee of one of the Bank branches told that yesterday it broke the man with a slightly insane look and said he wants to repay the loan before the hour is coming Apocalypse: "they Say that conscience is not afflicted on that light. Spoke quite seriously! Explained: "Look, how much there is left of debt, I want to give, because soon we will all perish!".
The Internet space is also actively discussed the upcoming end, but refers to it rather sarcastically than seriously. So, Crimeans create a social networking group with the theme: "the world will not End! I even married failed!", or "Can't wash, still going on". And enterprising tour operators lure people in trips to the Crimea intriguing titles: "Celebrate the end of the world cave in the Crimea and in the Valley of Ghosts", or "We have nothing to lose - bathing in the ice-hole!".
A wave of light madness caught also restaurateurs and owners of night clubs, already razvesovka Billboard advertising parties and discos in the style of "We all end", or "All of us, we cancel the end of the world!" (entrance fee - 40-50 UAH).
Funny story, and told the owner of a hardware store in Kerch Vyacheslav: "Come along like a man and asks, 100 boxes of matches. I wondered why. The answer was killed: "the Wife is afraid of the end of the world - sent for matches". He left, and I thought: can afford to wait?".
Psychologists believe that obsessive fear of Apocalypse inherent in people with unstable mentality. "They give in to fear, stress, psychological protection is depleted. The source of the panic - it's not the media or the ancient prophecies of some of the tribe, and we ourselves, " says psychologist Elena Markova. - There is no need to think about when will be the end of the world, to understand themselves better and to decide how to improve your life now."
Author: Sereda Ekaterina