Viewings: 3056
In the summer of 2012, a group of 22 leading biologists, ecologists and geologists published in the journal Nature" sensational research -- in less than 50 years on Earth happens irreversible environmental collapse. But, maybe, not so obvious, it seems to some scholars? Ironically, the answers to these questions can be found in the recent past, when it was first expedition to Antarctica, where was born the new science of ice or snow -- glaciology. One of those who studied Antarctica, opened it to the world, conducted extensive research was academician, honorary President of the Russian Geographical society Vladimir M. Kotlyakov.
Viewings: 2970
Recipe for immortality was looking for and prehistoric shamans, and the medieval alchemists, and modern scientific institutes... they Say, will soon be the first immortal...
Viewings: 3673
Some scientists believe: everything on Earth is influenced by the parallel worlds. There are ways of development of mankind. But while physics only suggest the existence of parallel worlds, the heroes of the program see their own eyes. Who could they do it? And what did you think about the official science?
Viewings: 3807
Many modern inventions have been predicted long before they appear. A science fiction writer Isaac Asimov anticipated mass production of robots, Jules Verne - submarines. The most unique seer was Leonardo da Vinci. Such foresight is an attempt to warn the descendants or the desire to put the development of civilization on long-planned someone scenario?
Viewings: 5519
Juices, sweet drinks, non-alcoholic beer, fruit drinks, energy. These beverages we drink in winter and in summer.We learned: how to choose a shop safe energetic, why tomato juice you can save, and on orange better not, can I drink driving non-alcoholic beer, and than juice drink differ from drink with juice content.
Viewings: 5504
Atlantis is a mystical continent-the Ghost, lost in the depths of the sea after one of the greatest disasters in the history of mankind...
Viewings: 5503
Vodacom habitual substance on Zemliane accompanies every moment of our isnie do we know what a big mystery keeps this element?Where she come?Who and what gave it our planet?to Be can the answers to these questions, knows all about the water?
Viewings: 5529
The garden of Eden. For those who take the Bible literally, this is the place where God made man. For atheists and scientists Eden - the metaphor of an origin of mankind. Be that as it may, the first chapters of the great books played a huge role in formation of our civilization. So what is hidden in the word of Eden? The crusaders were looking for him in the countries of the East. Travelers-pioneers - in a New Light. But today humanity is probably the closest they have come to this puzzle.
Viewings: 5018
The prophecies of Israel predict the fate of the nation and people in the past and present. Is there in these prophecies describe events that have not happened? And if so, it is possible to consider the ongoing implementation of the prophecies
Viewings: 5113
A case can turn all upside down. Of the poor to make the rich man and Vice versa. Lucky, lucky, chronic losers and those who trust in case...
Viewings: 4998
In the Universe, nothing is forever. Planets and stars disappear, giving place to the new one. Disaster cosmic scale occur regularly. There are several scenarios of the end of the world on planet Earth...
Viewings: 3860
Millions of Christians annually repeat the path of Christ to the place of crucifixion, but now one archaeologist claims that they worship in the wrong place. |