Viewings: 5075
The film is about the present color of Mars, which is not the official red, and almost earthly, natural to us, the people of the Earth, the colors - up to a nice blue sky...
Viewings: 5452
Viewings: 5782
Lost cities, treasures, hidden in the depths of the ocean, and secret rooms below the statue of the Great Sphinx. Since the beginning of time man has been obsessed with legends about the secret vaults of gold. But thirst for this precious metal has got us "inherited". Some scientists believe that it was looking for ancient aliens, for the first time visited the Earth...
Viewings: 4422
"The mysteries of history" will reveal the mysteries associated with the tsarina Nefertiti. It was the mysterious woman of Ancient Egypt. But at some point all mention of it stopped. Who was Nefertiti? And where did it go? Will we be able to find a mummy?
Viewings: 4396
The meat. In a year the average Russian eats about 70 kg of this product. Actually meat in our diet is almost twice less.
Viewings: 5659
Did you read the old Testament? No? Then know that this article is not for the faint of heart. Gomonov Yu Century poet, writer, the head of the Russian Vedic Community, yoga teacher and karmic healer's lecture at the annual summer seminar. Held in the month of July 2010 on the shore of Tsimlyansk sea.
Viewings: 4342
I urge You to blindly believe all the earlier information (UFO, secret societies), but call for personal study and testing of these materials, to deliberate opinions and actions.
Viewings: 3863
More recently, the American scientists made a sensational statement. They called time possible Apocalypse for the Earth to the nearest minute: Friday 13 April 2029 4 a.m. 36 minutes
Viewings: 4921
The white marble UFO flies from the crater of the active volcano Popo (Popo Volcano in the Mexican state of Puebla in the record of 22 October. On the video object appears on the right side on 18 seconds, as soon as on the background of the volcano flies dark bird.
Viewings: 3765
One of the clearest cases of UFO encounters, which was watched by many people, including the police. The fall of the UFO in the Bay SEG.
Viewings: 3712
The program asked the man concerned bad dreams. Every night he dreamed, as it is buried in a coffin. And these dreams started to chase the hero only after moving into the apartment relatives where he temporarily resides. The investigation shows that there cemetery land, which bears in itself the cause of frightful dreams.
Viewings: 3342
Women face a poltergeist manifestations in the apartment where she lives with her husband. Observation shows that unexplainable phenomena is real. Invited clairvoyant explains that thus manifests itself house, and spends the rite "placation" brownie.
Viewings: 5969
Almost all well-known history of ancient Greece. From an earlier period rather well studied Mycenaean and Cretan-the Minoan civilization. But what was in Greece before, historians virtually unknown. Meanwhile, even a cursory glance at the archaeological monuments can be found here traces of highly developed technical civilization, representatives of which our ancestors were called gods. The remains of buildings of this civilization gods thousands of years later, the ancient Mycenaean Greeks used for their own purposes, preserving the memory of times of ancient gods, not only in myths and legends. |