Viewings: 4772
Why people are so attracted to the mountains? What is happening there?
Viewings: 4848
Experiments on implantation of people gills been carried on since 30-ies of the last century. What have they been? And why it became possible - do we have a lot in common with marine mammal?
Viewings: 4834
On Earth coexist two of the world. One - on the surface, the other - in the bowels of the planet. Where worlds touch, called "zones". It is believed that there are some artifacts from other worlds.
Viewings: 4957
For the first time on the screen is our Vanhaan takes people only nocommentrock Feodosiya - the fate of Vanga and Siloam concealed it from suffering?
Viewings: 4798
Lasers capable to cut monolith. Acoustic camera, enabling interplanetary communication. And architectural constructions that could tame the cosmic energy. It is the product of innovative technologies or examples stunning achievements of antiquity?
Viewings: 4751
The mystery of the Tunguska: the aliens have saved mankind from the ApocalypseFilm crew of the programme "Mysterious Russia tried to solve the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite, which could plunge the Earth into darkness, and to destroy all life.
Viewings: 4987
Strange white winding object took over the American Tennessee on October 11, 2012. According to the author, such serpentine UFO before this time were noted only in Mexico and known under the name EBANIES. What is it was never clarified.
Viewings: 5256
Is life on Mars, there is no life on Mars, the science is unknown. However, many scientists tend to argue that life in the Solar system arose not on Earth. Like it or not - this question will try to answer the authors of the programme with the aid of certain facts, assumptions, and of course the witnesses and experts in the field explain the unknown and interpretation of unexplained phenomena.
Viewings: 5274
Modern British author David Icke - the founder of the famous Conspiracy Theories of the New Century. What is its essence? What and who, according to Hayk, actually controls the world?
Viewings: 5028
Abnormally cold storm, came to South Australia, brought to the country the first in the last hundred years of the October snowfall. Such events do not remember even older Australians. White veil hid the earth on the mount lofty ranges and in the southern part of the chain Flinders, on the East and North of Adelaide, South Australia. More lowland areas of the snow did not wait, there was only a drop in the temperature up to +4.4 degrees Celsius and rain.
Viewings: 5139
The film crew of the program NTV "Mysterious Russia" went to Sakhalin to find the key to solving the mystery of the lost civilization mysterious floating Islands.
Viewings: 4125
The authors are trying to find analogies between the disasters of the present and the predictions of the ancients, who predicted the end of the world centuries ago. Research scientists, heritage of the recent past as they explain natural disasters that occur in our day? Maybe humanity really is moving towards its end? Or it can be postponed?
Viewings: 3976
Comment by Uploader: We are trying to convince that this aircraft.... let's Say that this is the case... Then explain what it is? The aircraft can fly to the ground with such speed. These phenomena are observed every day, but nobody pays attention... |