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In Spain have found the most ancient battle bow, made in the Neolithic age. Now, archaeologists have not merely to correct the mistakes of their predecessors regarding the date of occurrence of one or another artifact. Under review covered a very important milestone in the history of humanity. It is possible that the ability of our ancestors were underestimated.
In Neolithic settlement La-Draga (La Draga), located in the Catalan lake Banyoles (Banyoles), found the most ancient bow found ever in Europe. Artifact lies in the most ancient layers Dating 5400-5200 years BC. This onion is added to the collection, consisting of fragments of the other two bows, was found in 2002 and 2005 respectively.
Length pretty well preserved (including PLANO-convex parts) Luke - 108 cm. It is made of very toxic, but at the same time very useful for people yew (Taxus baccata), which served as the basis for most bows European Neolithic. In particular, such bow was found near the Alps mummy of ETSI. Given that the region of La-Draga was never considered the hunting ground, archaeologists suggest that all three found here Luca served as a combat weapon.
For a long time, archaeologists believed that the bow and arrow appeared in the transition between the Paleolithic and Neolithic era - in the Mesolithic. The Mesolithic Europe - 10-7 thousand years ago (in the Northern regions it continued until 6-5 thousand years ago), Mesolithic Middle East - 12-9 thousand years ago. However, new findings revealed the falsity of this view. Hunting bow was invented in ancient times, probably in early period of the upper Palaeolithic. According to experts, prior to the beginning of the era of frequent tribal clashes onions were not a major weapons hunters.
"The practice of corral hunts were not given the opportunities for its use and development, " says archaeologist, doctor of historical Sciences Michael Anikovich. But when the hostilities exactly bow was to become the most threatening, the most long-range and efficient weapon of all who knew mankind. As such it has become".
Most likely, bow and arrows appeared in the hands of a man of about 64 thousand years ago in South Africa. This proves high level of development of prehistoric man. But, as noted by the participants of the project ROCEEH (The Role of Culture in Early Expansions of Humans, "the Role of culture in the early stage of development of mankind") Heidelberg Academy of Sciences Miriam Hidle (Miriam Haidle) from the University of Tubingen and Marlies Lombard (Marlize Lombard) of the Johannesburg University, few dared to study cognitive development of mankind.
On the basis of archaeological finds experts suggested that his picture of the reconstruction process of making bows and arrows. Its main feature is the understanding of the relationship between the individual elements of the production process and materials used. Bow and arrow is so difficult to make, which generally required to produce 24 separate operations. These stages are carried out with application of a dozen diverse instruments. In addition, a 22 types of source material, three so-called semi-finished products (materials for binding, multi-component glue). All the production cycle takes place in five stages.
On the website Archaeorama presents 24 operations on the production and use of bow and arrows. This includes, first, the need to purchase or production of basic tools. That is, at the first stage craftsmen needed:
1) purchase a stone-bumpers;
2) to acquire abrasive tools;
3) don't forget mixing tool;
4) should also be an instrument to split the stone;
5) and, of course, the craftsmen can not do without the heavy stone tools;
6) when it's already, then you need to make a tool for grinding;
7) as well as a tool for straightening;
8) all these efforts will require the extraction of water;
9) and the creation of capacities for this very water - to soak material somewhere because you need;
10) and, of course, igniting fire.
However, all this to the creation of Luca will not lead the Next stage is the production of various kinds of semi-finished products, such as:
11) a binding material (glue) sinew;
12) similar material from plant fibers;
13) and, finally, the establishment of adhesive components.
But now we can proceed to the process of making bows. It includes:
14) the production string of tendons;
15) the manufacture of the shaft;
16) the installation of a neck string;
17) the installation of the closed string;
18) and, of course, the lubrication of the shaft grease to prevent drying out and cracking.
However, one onion can not eat. From him something else to shoot it. The specific manufacturing process boom is:
19) you need to make stone handpiece;
20) in any case not to forget about the feathers;
21) and, of course, about the arrowhead;
22) followed by the manufacturing process of the shaft;
23) finally, you need to plant a tip on fresh pole.
Now, bow made and arrows, too. Remains paragraph 24, the most important is to train in archery.
As you can see, we have a whole technoprogress, which requires taking into account mutual influence of several components. According to experts, the invention of bow and arrows indicates the sapiens on this level address emerging tasks that its capabilities have since become almost limitless.