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50 km to the northeast from the Mexican capital are the ruins of a mysterious ancient city. Scientists managed to establish, that unique city-state was founded approximately in 100 BC and successfully existed for about 850 years. In time of its blossom he had a population of 150 to 200 thousand people, and its cultural impact was extended to the territory of Guatemala and Belize.
He was the most outstanding city-state on the territory of modern Mexico in pre-Hispanic times. No one really can't say why the ancient town suddenly went into decline and was abandoned by the inhabitants about 750, There are only suggestions that the reason for that is devastating fire or invasion by hostile tribes...
To this day remains unknown, who founded a unique city, who have inhabited it and rule them. Despite surviving colossal buildings, talking about the highly developed civilization, scientists failed to find evidence of the presence here of writing, with the exception of some icons that deciphering not be. Not even know what was the real name of this city. The name by which he is known around the world, gave him the Aztecs, who founded his ancient capital of Tenochtitlan - nearby. Huge buildings and their amazing layout caused the Indians awe, therefore abandoned the city got the name of Teotihuacan - divine place. They believed that it was here that the gods have started the creation of the world. Teotihuacan today consists of more than two thousand different buildings, temples, pyramids and artificial channel. From height of the bird's flight it reminds me the motherboard modern computer with two "microprocessors" is a colossal pyramids of the Sun and moon. They are surrounded by six hundred pyramids smaller. The pyramid of the Sun was built about 150, For its construction took about three million tons of bricks, boulders and pebbles. In 1971 it was discovered that it was erected over the natural cave, which was formed in the cavities of volcanic rock and consists of four chambers. The cave is clearly had a sacred meaning - it found fragments ritual objects and offerings relating to an even earlier than the construction of a pyramid, period.
View of the temple complex at Teotihuacan
In 2002 in one of the underground caves, which, as it turned out, under the city quite a lot, scientists discovered the tomb of the ruler", as they called it. There were a few statues, carved from greenish rock, skeletons, pumas, eagles, wolves, and even people. Most likely, it is the remains of sacrifices. But the findings do not shed light on the mystery of the origin of the ancient city.
The main buildings of teotihuac?n are the pyramids of the Sun and moon. It is known that on the top of the pyramid of the Sun was the temple, where there was a religious ceremony. Scientists have noted the amazing similarity pyramid complex teotihuac?n with Egypt. The pyramid of the Sun is the basis, equal in size to the base of the great pyramid at Giza. And, although the height of the last almost two times more, this similarity does not end. They both have in their mathematical basis of the number PI. The perimeter of the pyramid of the Sun is equal to its height multiplied by 4 "PI"and pyramids in Giza on 2 PI. Reminds of Egypt and the presence of smaller pyramid of satellites around two main dedicated to the Sun and the moon. Another point of similarity with Egypt - the top of both teotiuakanskoy pyramids are on the same level, because a smaller pyramid of the moon is built on a high place. The same relative positions we observe between the two largest pyramids of Giza. And another surprising phenomenon. The so-called "citadel" at Teotihuacan is strongly reminiscent of the Foundation of the unfinished pyramid, which, if completed, would have the same size as the pyramid of the Sun, and all three, together with the pyramid of the moon, when viewed from above, would have produced a schematic image of the Orion, like the pyramids of Giza.
More than historians and archaeologists try to learn about the Teotihuacan, the more mysteries they receive from the divine." It became clear that we cannot do without the help of other scientific disciplines. And the greatest hope today are borne by physicists.
In 1936 as part of cosmic rays were discovered subatomic particles (muons. These particles have the ability to leave traces, or to stay in dense matter. In the 1960s, the Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez used muon technology during the scanning of the Khafre pyramid in Egypt. He managed using experiments to determine that the pyramid is not latent hollows. His experience was subsequently confirmed by practice and became a textbook. Now, using the muon analysis scientists hope to determine whether there is a hidden camera inside the pyramid of the Sun - because in the empty space of muons much less than in rocks or earth. The Board is chaired by the head of the research Institute at the State University of Mexico physicist Arturo Menchaca. In the laboratory of the University under his direction, the muon detector value of 500 000 USD. Scientists are planning to install it in the cave under motroway the pyramid of the Sun. Experts believe muon analysis cheaper, and most importantly, more reliable method than x-rays. Preliminary experiments with test the detector, already installed in the cave, revealed the first muons at the top of the pyramid.
Scientists plan to complete the experiment during the year and to provide the results of their research with colleagues. If the detector will be able to determine the emptiness inside the pyramid, the cause will be accepted archaeologists who hope in this way to discover traces of the founders and rulers of the city.
While experts scratching their heads over the mysteries of ancient times, hundreds of thousands of tourists and pilgrims annually visit the Holy city of Teotihuacan. Especially great stream of pilgrims at the spring equinox. There are going to such a crowd that authorities have to limit the visit to the city in these days and allow access only to the two main pyramids, because Teotihuacan declared by UNESCO as a monument of world culture.
It is the pyramid of the Sun and the moon become the vernal equinox main characters teotihuac?n. On the top of the pyramid of the Sun local shaman-Nahuatl, dressed in ritual clothes, hung with amulets, with a bright ribbon on his head, flapping of the rod, adorned with eagles ' feathers, calls upon the strength of the four sides of the world to come, and many believe that this moment is released divine solar energy contained in the pyramid of the Sun. To join it, thousands of pilgrims lined up on the steps of the pyramids teotihuac?n.
Many visitors say that they have experienced at this moment, an indescribable feeling of peace, tranquility and harmony with the surrounding world and with ourselves.