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Before the conquest of South America by the Spanish city of Chichen Itza was one of the major cultural centers of the Maya state. Its majestic temples built in the form of huge truncated pyramids, still amaze people with their magnificent architecture. In the heart of numerous cult buildings stands thirty-metre high pyramid of Kukulkan. It rests on a huge square Foundation whose side is equal to 55 PM According to a recent research scientists, thanks to this "stone pillow", consisting of nine superimposed on each other squares, this is a religious building has phenomenal seismic resistant. On each side of the temple is a huge ladder comprising 91 level. At the very top, on the platform, is a kind of sanctuary. The number of steps all four staircases, including the top, is 365, which, in turn, is the number of days in a year.
Chichen Itza is also famous for "Golf ball". Is it a rectangular courtyard with a length of 40 and 15 m wide, surrounded on all sides by high walls. Maya, as well as the Aztecs were lovers ball game called "shock-and-talk". The ball was a hard rubber ball. Unlike the known football when players are allowed to touch the ball mainly feet in the "football" Maya everything was just the opposite. Players are strictly forbidden to touch the ball with his feet and hands. Moved the ball on the field with quick movements of the body, pushed shoulders, knees, head, elbows, hips. On each of the four flat walls on a four-meter height was whether wall stone ring. Players were required to "pass" the ball through each ring, not letting to do the same to the enemy team.
The pyramid of Kukulkan Chichen Itza
Spanish conquerors, who conquered the state of the Maya and Aztecs, brought their favourite game in Spain. The entire courtyard of king Charles V, with bated breath, silently watched the game Indians. Spanish grandees were amazed. Nothing like in the Old World no one has yet seen. The game was extremely hard. Participants received on the field serious injuries: bruises, fractures, lacerations. It happened that the players even died during a match. Moreover, the cruelty of the game is not limited only to the injury among its participants. After the end of the "battle" all members of the losing team immediately sacrificed to the gods.
Around the place for ball games are numerous bas-reliefs depicting various scenes from the religious life of the Maya people, and sacrifice rituals. Stone structures decorated with numerous images of main God Maya Kukulkan, or Quetzalcoatl. According to ancient legend, the God Quetzalcoatl came to the land of the people "from across the sea, with a far away land" or, according to another version, "descended from heaven." Depicted he is always in the form of feathered snake with wings. Next to the main pyramid of Kukulkan are several other, smaller in size, decorated with frescoes depicting strange creatures. They dressed in costumes reminiscent of the space suits and helmets modern astronauts. These unusual creatures called archeologists "bee gods", as their hats are strange "antenna", which the researchers considered similar to "antennae insects". The bas-reliefs with images of "bee of the gods" and decorate the pillars of the so-called Temple of the virgins, however, they are depicted there in the most ridiculous pose: with elevated legs and arms, having bent half-and-half or standing on one leg.
Among the buildings of Chichen Itza is the largest and the magnificent the Observatory building, which is being renovated, operates to this day along with the most modern astronomical facilities. Three huge stone terraces rests round building, proudly towering above the surrounding forests. Inside is a spiral staircase that goes up to those at the very top viewing deck. Various holes in the walls of the Observatory is strictly oriented towards the individual stars and star clusters, which played the greatest role in the Mayan mythology. The exterior walls of the magnificent building was once decorated with countless images of the gods, which, unfortunately, is almost not remained to the present day.
Maya had a stunning knowledge in astronomy. In one of the few survivors in the flames of the Inquisition books - "the Dresden Codex contains great information about the planets of our Solar system and the distant stars. Page handwritten labour literally dotted with various numbers and dates that indicate various astronomical parameters and phenomena. Making simple calculations, the scientists found that the Mayans knew the exact time that Venus goes around the Sun. He was also known for the duration of the Martian year, much they knew about Jupiter, Saturn, the North star. On the map of the starry sky accurately identify the location of the Orion and the constellation of Gemini and the Pleiades. Maya also had a stunning table, with which it was possible to calculate the lunar and solar Eclipse of the past and the present, and for any point of the globe. The duration of the earth, was calculated with extraordinary accuracy. According to the calculations of the Maya, the Earth goes around the Sun 365,2421 day, which is confirmed by the latest scientific data. This figure is more accurate than our Gregorian calendar, the duration of the year in which equal 365,2424 day. According to legends and stories Mayan culture they have not appeared by itself. In ancient times came to their land God Quetzalcoatl "together with seven other gods"who taught the people the many intricacies and gave him a huge knowledge. Only the intervention of the more advanced civilization and can explain the existence in the past of cities such as Chichen Itza. After all, according to researchers, it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, even in our days to erect buildings that were built by the Indians more than 2.5 thousand years ago. We have the testimony of one of the Spanish Conquistador who participated in the conquest of America, led by Hernan Cortes, who with great admiration described what he saw them towns and villages of the Maya. About Chichen Itza he wrote the following: "I saw a beautiful city, surrounded by virgin forest. Going into it, we have experienced a growing admiration for - high towers, majestic temples, palaces, standing right on the water. I thought I got a dream or see a wonderful dream... Such beauty and greatness cannot be created by human hands..."
But if people are not raised such splendid city, who are unknown architects and builders, the names of which was lost in the stream of time? To answer this question until nobody can.