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For the first time the term telepathy (from Greek et al. "????" - "far away" and "?????" - "feeling") formed Frederick Myers, one of the founders of the British Society for Psychical Research. It was a non-profit organization, created in 1882 to study the unusual phenomena and human abilities, which are called "paranormal". It should be noted that the creators opis in no way was the charlatans and ignorant. These were the wisest people of his time - linguists, poets, philosophers, physicists, chemists. Sir William Crookes, for example, discovered thallium and first got helium in the laboratory.
Members of the society of applied scientific approach to research of any paranormal, trying to associate them with the natural capacity of the human body. Telepathy stood first in the list, and after a number of experiments British scientists have found that "the transmission of thought at a distance is an irrefutable fact." Unfortunately, the essence of the experiment has remained hidden in the records and protocols OPI, so it is unknown what methods was found to be the truth.
The society for Psychical Research still exists today, although during the last hundred years it has experienced many scandals and leadership changes. Some scientists accused other in "excessive use of the spiritualism", and the second contended, first, that those are "studying only the bones and muscles, without delving into the device souls and hearts". The British did not come to a common opinion, standing on the verge between science and the occult. Perhaps if they really mastered telepathy, the situation would have been different...
Disputes in length century
Even with the very definition of telepathy is not so simple as it seems. In parapsychology separated conscious telepathy from the unconscious, treating as two different phenomena. That is, if a person sends thoughts willpower is one thing, and if it takes someone else's thoughts and messages from the other world is another. Net "telepaths" why are people are the"receivers", and the first - so, just slightly trained brain. The division supports both modern parapsychologists and researchers of the old school. There is a logical question - what's in this case true "psychic" differ from mediums? About this for decades argued spiritualists and supporters of the theory of telepathy. First defended the existence of the other world and its relation to the world of the living, and the latter believed that the mediums just "caught" messages from the information field created audience. One of the leaders of the OPI, Frank Podmore, even tried consolidate all visions mediums, shamans and preachers status "telepathic hallucinations", writing a book "Visions and transmission of thought". However, much success he had not made. Supporters of both theories are still standing each on its own.
Psychic necessarily
One of the first manifestations of "spontaneous telepathy" was recorded long before the term - in 1759, during the famous Stockholm fire. Scientist Emanuel von Swedenborg was at a distance of fifty miles from the burning of the capital of Sweden, in the company of friends. Now, friends say that Swedenborg suddenly turned pale and said quietly: "In Stockholm raging fire". It is believed that Emanuel had perceived the thoughts of his neighbor, who was at that time in the burning house.
Another example is described in the protocols opis happened with some major-General P., who died on the battlefield, but before his death asked to convey his wife's wedding ring. The woman claimed that while over one hundred and fifty miles from the battlefield, she seemed to be half asleep heard the voice of her husband: "Remove the ring from my finger and send it to his wife". Chapter opis said that the reliability of the happening was convincingly confirmed.
Even the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud led involuntary case of telepathy from his practice. His "successor" was one Czech woman, who emigrated to the United States. In 1939, she suddenly felt a strong sense of fear and despair, as "learned"that her mother died at home. After two days of Czechoslovakia came a telegram to have confirmed the death. Freud himself could not give an unequivocal assessment of the occasion, but vouched that his patient was not a crook.
Modern study
Interestingly, since, as was stated, the term "telepathy", despite an endless series of experiments and arguments, and not really, it was found - a myth or reality. On the one hand, there is an opinion of scientists from OPI - certainly respected people, famous "cross-correspondence" spiritualists the beginning of the XX century and the huge number of cases where witnesses was fixed transmission of thought at a distance. On the other hand, is pure science, biology and physics of the middle and the end of the XX century, which did not find clear evidence of such a widespread phenomenon.
In the US, Europe and the USSR experiments put in an incredible amount, they stood out by public and private funds, some studies lasted for decades. Here they was held with the participation of famous scientists - in particular, Vladimir Bekhterev, and psychics, such as Ninel Kulagina and wolf messing. The results of these experiments were different from the huge success to a complete failure. It was not only one certainty, consistency. And because it stands between theory and proven fact.
For example, wolf messing himself admitted that most of his abilities in reading thoughts is, rather, "a reading of the muscles". Holding his companion by the arm, he could feel the pulses of the body and to understand what a person thinks. Ninel Kulagina read information from other people's minds are already at a distance, the famous animal trainer Vladimir Durov inspired commands to the dog, but when you experiment, the results turned out to be zero. The phenomenon of telepathy remains a mystery to this day.
The session read thoughts without revealing
Unconfirmed experiments did not prevent the world culture to mention telepathy in many artistic works. Heroes of comic books and movies use it without any difficulty, strengthening in the minds of readers and viewers faith in the special abilities of the mind. Scientists of our time add fuel to the fire, developing special chips, which will be villatina in the brain and allow natural to share thoughts at a distance. Of course, now this method is suitable only for desperate brave men.
It is also worth noting that with the development of communication, such as telephone, mobile, e-mail and the Internet, the problem of telepathy is not so acute as a hundred years ago. Studies are collapsed, scientists do other things, and for parapsychologists transfer of thoughts has long been considered outdated and not very interesting phenomenon.
If you are certain that you have telepathic abilities, and want to share it with the world, there is one fun way to be realized. James Randi, a magician from the United States, established the special Education Fund and promises a million dollars to anyone who can prove in strict laboratory conditions their paranormal abilities. The Fund was established in 1996, and so far million remains intact. But who knows, maybe you will be lucky to get it?