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Clovis, who came to America from Siberia, Trypillians themselves with burning their cities, ancient Anasazi Indians and other forgotten peoples, the legacy of which today may show every
"Man is always in the center of their own experience. Everything that happens to you happens around you is ahead of, behind or from the side, on your TV, your monitor. The thoughts and feelings of other people must be brought to you, while your own is urgent, authentic - appear instantly," wrote David foster Wallace. Indeed, the edge of consciousness we more or less remember that we are not the first on this long-suffering land, but still we think that it is happening all the most important and meaningful. To overcome this confusion, you can regularly read historic literature and can personally observe the remains of extinct civilizations, each of which in its time was prosperous and successful. Forbes selected seven sites where this desire can be realized.
About seven and a half thousand years ago between the Dnieper and the Danube river on the territory of Ukraine, Moldavia, Romania and slightly Hungary, dwelt amazing people - Trypillians: peaceful pastoralists and farmers, esteeming the Great Goddess and dogs. They built huge even by later standards of a city that every 60-80 years completely burned, and then restored. Some scientists believe that the Trypillians belonged to housing as a living creature, and thus maintained its life cycle. In our time with the artifacts of Trypillya culture, first of all with painted ceramics, can be found in the Romanian village of Cucuteni and in the village of Tripoli, Kyiv region. You can also stroll to the city riseva the same Kyiv region, who himself called the "capital of Tripoli culture" and indicated their status Trypillya "binoculars" (on photo) on the arms, a theme Park in the city centre and annual ethnic festival "trypilske".
In 1908 year a former slave George Mandiangin found the remains of a giant bison in a dry riverbed in new Mexico. Subsequent surveys found plenty of evidence of the ancient hunting culture is so ancient that for a long time it was considered the first in America. The name of the nearest town, it was called Clovis culture. It is believed that the first its members came from Siberia across the Bering Strait to Alaska, about 14,000 years ago, at the end of the last ice age. Clovis people hunted mammoths, mastodons and giant sloths, until a sudden tragedy have not stopped their existence. What happened, is still unknown: scientists tend to the version of the gradual extinction of fauna, although there are opinions that its role here played some comet. Look at the achievements of Clovis people in the Museum of Blackwater near the Clovis: there are numerous artefacts, helping to recreate the picture of the life of this ancient people.
A fascinating journey, you can take the habitats of the Nabataeans - drevnekitaiskogo people, trading and dealing with land before the beginning of the II century ad, when it was absorbed and assimilated the Roman Empire. The territory of the Nabataean Kingdom included the lands of modern Syria, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, so a rough itinerary might look as follows. First Bosra (Syria) - here, in addition to Nabatean monuments you can admire the Roman, Byzantine and Islamic monuments. Then Avdat (Israel), the Central city between Petra, the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom, and Gaza is extremely important port of the time. In Avdat, by the way, has preserved many Nabatean buildings, from wineries to the baths. The next destination is actually Peter is one of the new "seven wonders of the world", the city, the famous carved into the rocks buildings, the most famous of which El Jasne, "Treasury of the pharaohs" - starred second "Transformers" and the third "Indiana Jones". To complete the trek is logical in Madain the Saleh (Saudi Arabia) - archaeological complex on the site of Hagri, the ancient Nabatean city. Here first of all interesting rock disposal of facades, is not inferior in the beauty facilities in Petra.
Simultaneously with the extinction of the Nabatean culture on the opposite shore of the red sea was home to one of the superpowers of the ancient world - Axumite Kingdom. Located at the intersection of major trade routes, Axum was the main mediator between India and China on the one hand and Mediterranean States on the other. This provided aksumite rapid growth and prosperity, as evidenced not only record in the Chronicles and archaeological finds, but preserved architectural structures. The capital of the Kingdom of Aksum was the city of Axum (now Ethiopia) - this ancient metropolis. The main monuments of this period are the Stella - high obelisks on the graves of the kings and the nobility. In addition, preserved palaces, monasteries and other buildings, among which it is important to note Church of St. Mary of Zion: the Ethiopian Orthodox Church asserts that it is stored here the ark of the Covenant, important religious Shrine. According to legend, in the Ark are the tables of the Covenant, the pot of manna and Aaron's rod. But check will not succeed on display put up a copy and the original is kept in the Treasury, which has only the guardian of the Ark.
Prehistoric Indian Anasazi lived in the area of the Four corners is on the border of the States of Arizona, Utah, Colorado and new Mexico. The main feature of their settlements was inaccessibility: Anasazi lived in the rock dwellings and cob buildings along canyons in which you can be reached only with the help of a rope - but to protect themselves from enemies in such a house is much easier. One of the most popular villages Anasazi can be observed in the national Park, Mesa Verde in Colorado. Among the constructions is the huge Rock Palace - multi-storey building, built at the foot of table mountain. Equally interesting will be a hike in the national Park, Chaco in new Mexico: it preserved 15 architectural complexes, is so great that until the nineteenth century they remained the largest buildings in North America. And, of course, is not to avoid exploring the distinctive pottery Anasazi. Only do not use the name of the culture in the Indian Pueblo - the descendants of the Anasazi: on the Navajo language "Anasazi" means "ancient enemy", and Pueblo offended. It is better to use historically incorrect, but politically neutral term "ancient Pueblo".
Culture of Mochica existed on the territory of the Northern part of what is now Peru before the Incas, I to VII century A.D. It was a Union of relatively independent of the settlements, which were United by a strong cultural bonds. Sly irrigation system Mochica enriched the poor of the earth, having solved all problems with food. This allowed the focus on pottery, jewelry and weaving Handicrafts, as well as on cruel sacrifices. But rituals did not save them from cold 535-536 years, caused the first thirty years of floods, and then thirty years of drought, which has caused the disappearance of culture of Mochica. In our days the main places acquaintance with it are the Peruvian city of Trujillo and Lambayeque. In the Trujillo can be seen many monuments and artifacts of Mochica, and in the vicinity of the city, in the capital of Mochica are two majestic temple, the largest ancient structure of South America - the Pyramid of the Sun and the pyramid of the moon. In Lambayeque is the Museum of "the Royal tombs of Sipan", which stores unique (and relatively recent) findings from open-close to the tombs of the so-called Governor Sipan - Hierarch of Mochica buried together with his wife, a child, a security guard, other people (probably servants) and a dog. Under this grave found two more: there rested the high priest and the Old ruler of Sipan.
The Minoans
During the bronze age in Crete there was a great and mysterious Minoan civilization. Great she is at least
the number of remaining artifacts, and its mystery show legends and traditions. We do not know even the name of this nation: the Minoans called archaeologist Arthur Evans - in honor of the mythical ruler of the island of Minos, the owner of the labyrinth with the Minotaur. The Minoans were building complex of the Palace complexes of the city, were engaged in trade, piracy and pottery, experienced a volcanic explosion on the neighboring island, followed by the earthquake and tsunami, and with the arrival of the Greek Achaeans mingled with them in mekarev. The complete works of the Minoan culture found in the archaeological Museum of Heraklion: the original frescoes, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry. Among other exhibits outstanding Phaistos disk (on photo) - flat earthenware plate round shape, which is applied to 262 drawing on both sides: it is still not known, neither the purpose nor what is written on it, not even when he was done.