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![]() Astronomers saw an incredible event that never were recorded. From the Central part of the galaxy CID-42, located 4 billion light years away, is thrown out of a supermassive black hole at the speed of 1500 kilometers per second - half a percent of the speed of light. According to specialists, this could happen only as a result of collision of two black holes and push one of them forces and irregular forces of gravity. For example, one side of a black hole was releasing a stronger gravitational waves than the other, writes And this just comes during a collision data supermassive object. Apparently, such a phenomenon sometimes occurs in the universe, though rarely. So, in intergalactic space can be quite a lot of supermassive black holes. According to scientists, black holes crashed into each other in the result of collision of protogalactic that happened some time before. In the centres of both galaxies were black holes. The mass of the galaxies, which clashed amounted to approximately 450 and $ 230 billion Solar masses, and the black holes at their centers weighed 5.4 and 4.3 million solar masses. Or maybe the departure of the black hole from CID-42, could life is connected with the interaction of not two but three black holes, on the principle - odd? By the way, the gods play bowling is not only black holes, and planets. In 2009, American scientists using space telescope, the Spitzer" found evidence of a collision of two planets that revolve around a young star. Two rocky celestial bodies, one size of the moon, and the other with mercury, crashed into each other at an incredibly high speed: 10 km per second! This was a terrible event thousands of years ago. In the cosmic sense, yesterday. But found traces of a catastrophe just for today the space telescope "Spitzer". The analysis of the received data at the jet propulsion laboratory Pasadena showed that the planets revolved around the star HD 172555. She is very young: she's only 12 million years, while the Solar system 4.5 billion. Shine it at a distance of about 100 light-years from Earth. That is, the "accident" happened "on the street". Svetlana Kuzina ![]()
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