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The flowering of the Black sea becomes a record, it lasts for a month and covers the entire deep-water part of the sea, is spoken in the message of engineering and technological center (ITC) "Center".
"Flowering coccolithophorids, and this specific kind of phytoplankton in the Black sea has been going on for a month and covers the entire deep-water part of the sea", says "Center".
"The intensity and duration of flowering in the Black sea have not previously observed. The maximum intensity of flowering registered in the Eastern part of the sea", - are resulted in the message of a word of the acting head. Department of remote sensing methods, senior researcher Marine hydrophysical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Sergey Stanitsa.
Specialists of ScanEx "Center" in may found region bloom in the Black sea, studying satellite images. The probable cause of intensive algal was a cold winter and related convection.
The blooming areas are allocated according to the high brightness of the rising radiation, visible in the images from Terra and Aqua satellites and confined mainly to the Eastern parts of the Black sea, is marked in the message.