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Загадочный ЕгипетEvery year II of November, the Day of St. Martin, the residents of the Swiss village of Sursee (Canton of Lucerne), magnificently celebrate the feast called Gansabhauet. The crowds listening to the stories of the local patriarchs that this day marks the resurrection of nature, the return of fertility and the glorification of the life-giving Sun. The culmination of festivities is an ancient (by the assurance of the elders) and very curious ritual. On the main square in advance erected a scaffold, where on the rope hung by the neck carcass killed the goose. Executioner in a bright red dress, face is hidden behind the Golden mask in the form of a solar disk, under a storm of delight of the audience up on the platform and one stroke of the blade (in full conformity with the name of the holiday: Gans - goose, abhauen - cut, cut) separates the head from the body. It is believed that such a symbolic penalty is a vestige existed in these parts of the solar cult...

However, the goose and the Sun? And why Egypt? However, there is a sophisticated version that tie everything together. First of all, II November - very strange date, because the winter solstice occurs on 25 December: Ancient Rome celebrated the feast Solus invictus (the"invincible Sun"), which the Christians took over as Christmas. Now remember that the Sun-God was highly revered in Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh was identified with a solar deity, and a symbol of Pharaoh often performed... goose.

Geese are depicted on the walls of the tombs of the kings; the papyri and on stands next to a palm-shoot - a symbol of power of the Pharaoh - seated goose; hieroglyph "goose" determinants "man" refers to the direct descendant of the male sex, etc. But for the banks of the Nile II November't really random date: unfavorable season there is the summer, and before the winter - the height of the planting season.

And here is one of Japanese magazines stunned readers a hypothesis that some Egyptian tribe once migrated to Europe and settled on the territory of modern Switzerland. Why not? Because the population of Europe during the time of the Neanderthals and CRO-magnons was from Africa! Believe it or not believe it - it's just a saying... a Couple of years ago, the German magazine Hobby pleased with the reading public the next sensation: 59 - year-old archaeologist Siegfried Waxman announced that in his hands - "Ariadne's thread", leading to the greatest mysteries of Ancient Egypt!

For almost two centuries, scientists, adventurers and simply thieves looking for so-called "source of knowledge", which - according to legend - was somewhere (perhaps within his own pyramid) to leave the great and the terrible Pharaoh Cheops.

Treasury allegedly crowded one manuscripts on scrolls and plates, and possibly precious objects of art; write (which is compared to 5 thousand years) the essence invaluable source of diverse information, forgotten or always kept in secrecy,from Chronicles of the Nile and passing planets to the esoteric wisdom of the priests.

Pantry described in the reports of the Egyptian priest of the Greek philosopher Solon, and then repeatedly praised in literature (scientific and popular). Have long been the most famous of the ancient pyramids literally enchanted Waxman, gradually displacing his life other archaeological Hobbies.

Of course, after many hundreds of years grandiose construction has lost its original size (not least due to tourists, rastalkivaya stones for Souvenirs!), however, it remains "carefully calibrated and strictly proportionate". As evidence scientist provides the following data:

1) the pyramid is focused strictly on the North;

2) is located in the centre of the contemporary World;

3) the Meridian passing through it, divides the seas and continents of the Earth "into two equal parts" and has besides the biggest "land" length;

4) the ratio between the height of the pyramid and its perimeter corresponds to the relationship between the radius and length of circumference;

5) the distance from the pyramids to the center of the Earth and to the North pole equal... and so on. The idea, osenovska Waxman, is based on the principle of the Golden section (it is also called the "Golden ratio" or "harmonious division";

mathematically this means the division of the line segment speakers so that the major part of AB applies to the smaller aircraft, as all speakers AB).

The Golden section is used in fine arts, architecture (approximately this ratio is 5/3). It was there, harmonically dividing the volume of the pyramid, it is necessary to search for the treasure of knowledge - claims enthusiast.

And along the Cheops! When the soldiers of Napoleon entered through the Grand gallery, the Royal camera (in the Western tradition called the burial chambers of the Pharaoh), they found only an empty sarcophagus.

But in the ancient scrolls there is mention of the fact that the body of Khufu was in this chamber 270 days for specific (not traditional!) mummification exposed - would be called today's psychics - powerful energetic influence generated by the so-called "effect of the pyramid"exactly oriented to the North.

Where is the Royal mummy is still unknown; Waxman also suggests that the body is hated by the people of Pharaoh moved in secret "source of knowledge"in order to avoid death defilement. To determine the exact location of the "Golden heart" of the great pyramid, the archaeologist had to recreate the original plan of the building. Lowering the tedious details, say that he was able to clarify the magnitude of the king's elbow", which was used by the ancient Egyptian architects and builders (0,5242 m - instead 0,524 m in computing French Egyptologist Lauer), and to justify the principle of "inscribed square" (at the base of inscribed circle, it fits the square, which determine the corresponding section of the pyramid; the square again fits the circle... and "stepping stones" to the top). Search the camera must be in the Eastern part at the height of 70-100m ("theoretical" the original height of the pyramid - 280 "Royal cubits", or 146, 776 m).

Berlin Geophysics, a little experimenting around the giant tombs of electromagnetic fields, came to a cautious conclusion: "There is something there..." Waxman himself twice went to the top (before lost a leg because of an illness), and found that it is a kind of stone tube, formed by overlapping 5 - 6-meter thick and tightly seal the Central mine (if the latter, of course, comes up to the top).

Thus, to penetrate to the alleged Treasury from above, alas, impossible! However, on the North side of the pyramid was made a small, but a sensational discovery. The fact that the climbing here is prohibited due to the threat of shedding; the author of the hypothesis made more than 1,000 colour photographs available of the wall, and one of them found a hole about the size of 40 x 30 cm (clearance ventilation progress on the other side of the pyramid half). An archaeologist has determined the find as "considered missing air move to the camera mummification, incorrectly called " Royal".

Does the size of the hole (he judged), and set it at the level of the Golden section, that it should provide air additional branches off the system? Inspired by indirect evidence, archaeologist started to look for sponsors for "non-contact" survey of ancient buildings using electromagnetic measurements, seismic surveys, radar tomography etc. disturbing crumbling wonder of the world the Egyptian authorities banned. As there happened with sponsors hard to say, but in the beginning of this year Western press reported (no details), that the pyramid really work scientists. And in April almost broke sensation: the expedition, it appears, has launched a robot discovered the secret door, and he ran into a metal door! However, immediately followed disclaimer: not the door and stone plate... Or does the door?.. And again calm. If it will last until the release of this non - well, then, the sensation was not held. Where the pyramid there, Cain and sphinxes.

The great Sphinx of Giza at least 4500 years: it was ordered to be carved out of the rock Pharaoh IV dynasty Khefren (as a very original monument itself) about 2550 BC Giant sculpture waited difficult destiny! About 1200 years she was buried under a thick layer of sand, while Thutmosis IV (XVIII dynasty) not ordered to clean up and restore it, drawing in Siem vil Egyptian Kingdom. Wind, sand and sun more than 30 centuries acted smart majestic face and body of the Sphinx, and more recently the Napoleonic soldiers, for fun plushie it cannons almost did it. The result is the true face of monumental double Chephren, alas, no one knows.

And here Egyptologist M Lehner (Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, USA) aims to define, how can you still look Great Sphinx - at least in 1400 BC, immediately after the restoration of Tuthmosis. To do this, he used the method of mathematical simulation. In the computer memory (25 MB) was founded information about the configuration of the front and side of the parties sculptures, provided by the American research center in Egypt, as well as archival data of numerous excavations. Several images of the Great Sphinx was found on a nearby stone steles. Not forgotten and description of surviving statues Chephren, and even information about the lumps of blue paint that once covered all the building!

Creating computer portrait monumental giant scientist imposed on its modern image snapshots small Sphynx and sculptural portraits of the pharaohs - the method of photogrammetry, usually used for construction of maps of the terrain with the help of aerial photography (isolines "mapped" statues defended from each other not more than 25 cm). The completed model made significant changes in the habitual image of the sculpture. It turns out that the proportions of the Great Sphinx was different from other small: the body and legs of its much larger relative own heads.

Ancient restorers, as it turned out, did not violate the portrait likeness - which helped to restore the lost nose sculptures on the basis of other images Chephren. The head of the Sphinx was crowned with characteristic headwear of the Pharaoh with crinkly Cobra on the forehead (the fragments of the body of the snake preserved). The length and location of the "divine" barb restored hypothetically (since most of sphinxes it is not). Human statue between the front lion feet in height was 6.8 mi-according to Lehner - most likely represented the father of Tuthmosis IV, Pharaoh Amenhotep II. But in the depth behind her was once carved in stone array chapel, covering the statue of the God Osiris.

This scientific sensation (published in journals of the U.S. and England) practically remained purely scientific, and not too well-known to the General public. That said - neither thrilling mysteries, no treasure... But Egyptian mummies much more (long ago!) care about humanity.

Even Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the mid-fifth century BC, and was quite interested in secrets of mummification and left descendants description of the three methods of embalming, including the most perfect practiced for senior dead: "...First of all with iron druckausgleich from the head through the nostrils brain... another part of the brain (popped) via pour drug; acute Ethiopian stone make groin incision and immediately take out all vnutrennei; modify the cavity of the abdomen and voloskami palm wine, again dig her frayed incense; and finally, the abdomen is filled clean pounded myrrh, kasoa and other spices, not only frankincense, and stitched.

After that the corpse is put into native alkaline salt (on-throne - Approx. auth.) for seventy days... after their corpse washed, the whole body is wrapped in a thin canvas, cut in a band and bottom of greased gum used... instead of glue.

Then relatives receive the corpse back, prepare wooden humanoid figure, put the corpse, close it and store in a sepulchral vault..." In the XIX century mummy began to export from Egypt to Europe and even in America. They were removed from the sarcophagi and razbitaya and scientific purposes, and with a more prosaic (between layers of bandages, which could be more than 20, invested amulets, pearls, precious stones, ring, jewelry and small items of gold).

In the past private collectors have even held the evening, the highlight of which was public removing bandages from another mummy. In our days, when one thought of such a scientist may be enough punch! Although it is believed that the art of mummification reached in Ancient Egypt unprecedented heights, yet the body is not in the last turn was preserved because of the dry, hot climate of Africa; the humidity and coolness of an average strip for them fatal. And not all the mummies were found in good - standing; the remains of Tutankhamun, for example, was charred and stuck to the gold (internal) anthropoid coffin: when buried in the sarcophagus poured several buckets of hot aromatic resins...

In short, most of the "exposed" mummy could not withstand such treatment (in some museums are demonstrated their separate parts). Fortunately, the latest medical equipment gives an opportunity to conduct a detailed study, not disturbing the body. A few years ago in Boston (USA) using a computer tomograph the experts examined the mummy dancer She-Devil (stored in the Boston Museum of fine arts in a wooden coffin), finding that the 30-year-old woman had a brain tumor... And more recently a similar procedure was conducted in the London clinic of St. Thomas.

The study focused on the mummy priestesses of Trentalange (in the academic life - Janie) from the collection of the British Museum: she died 3 thousand years ago (during the XXI dynasty), when the art of embalming reached its heyday. The body of the priestess, concluded in elegant decorated coffin (from construction alabaster, sandwiched linen tapes), without special work has vdvinuli in ska ner computer tomograph. The results of the five-time scan were recorded on a magnetic tape and with the help of special computer programs, developed in the clinic, converted into three-dimensional image. The first sensational discovery was excellent state of teeth of the deceased.

The thing is (the wide audience it is almost not known)that the teeth ancient Egyptians were very short-lived and often literally erased before gums: wheat flour for bread - their daily food consisted of a fair share of the sanding dust from millstones... also, the wisdom teeth have Janie just cut - which allowed to determine its age 19 to 23 years (formerly the Museum staff believed that her from 25 to 40 years). Brain mummy really deleted, and the skull cavity filled with thin linen canvas, skilfully introduced through the nostrils.

Removed and eyeballs, and instead inserted artificial eyes, presumably from obsidian. The incision in the lower left abdomen through which removed the liver, stomach, lungs and intestines is covered with a metal plate. According to Stephen HUD-ill, the head of research group, computer visualization has proven that the body Janie stays in a stunning safety"; most of the significant details at all it would be impossible to install without modern technology.

Computer-picture also showed clear image of numerous amulets, which provided. young priestess for the afterlife, including figures hawk, that rests on the breast of the deceased, and the sacred scarab at her feet. Interestingly, the survey Janie confirmed solid reputation Herodotus in his notes he really was scrupulous!

The British Museum and the scientific staff of the clinic of St. Thomas plan a whole series of such studies (Museum famous for its collection of Egyptian mummies), wanting to find out how changing the technique of embalming over time. So the main sensation, I think, is still ahead. Computer technology has also apparently imagine the image of the world famous king tut.

This Pharaoh, generally speaking, was a minor figure, and until 1922 (when Howard Carter was lucky to find almost not plundered Royal tomb) his name was known only to a handful of Egyptologists. He passed away at the age of 18-19 years, Tutun-Hamon had is that the collapse of the religious reforms of his famous father-in-law Akhenaten... But life-giving for frozen ceremonial art of Egypt consequences of Akhenaten's reign has long been felt in the works of the so-called amenskoi school which Pharaoh-reformer has encouraged for "the pursuit of truth."

A kind of realism contemporary artists and sculptors were inclined even to naturalism: extant image of Akhenaten and his family can hardly be called idealization! Pharaoh, his main wife Nefertiti and six daughters depicted with all their physical disabilities - stretched, pulled back a skull, big jaw, loose belly, disproportionate thin arms and legs.

The mummy of Tutankhamun (the origin of which is still not determined for sure) during the first survey found peculiarities inherent to the parents of his wife (the third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti)and Golden death mask of Pharaoh has a clear similarity with the image of the Queen of the Party (the mother of Akhenaten). Launched various assumptions on which Tutankhamen and his older brother Smenkhare (the husband of the eldest daughter of Akhenaten) considered half-brothers, nephews, or even distant uncles father-in-law; however these versions remained unproven.

Because the picture is still the only portrait; authentic appearance can only be achieved by restoring the face to the skull. Yes, but you need skull! At least for the well-known and widely used in the us and abroad technique Gerasimov need an exact replica of the skull, and spoil mummy, of course, no one will. But then came the era of computer visualization...

A few years ago an American Betty Gatliff, got interested in the problem on their own initiative started restoring the appearance of Tutankhamun. There was very little information - x-rays of the skull Yes published in the scientific press information on the size and proportions of the face, and from one computer. Talented researcher worked alone, we can say, polyubilisj, but eventually received a very satisfactory reconstruction (though data was still not enough!). Revived the face of Pharaoh very similar to his funeral mask and at the same time looks like - oddly enough - to-face, typical of the modern Egyptian...

If sculptural portrait of the Queen of the Party as verifiable hypothesis about their blood relations will receive a convincing confirmation. As soon as it became known about the success of Gatliff. her method was interested far from Egyptology English forensic Suite Richard Neave from Manchester, a doctor by education. He took advantage of the developments Gatlif to identify the victim by skull, found in the garden. Portrait-reconstruction published in Newspapers, after which several people identified the killed, and eventually solve the crime.
<br />However, the most interesting followed afterwards. Convinced of the validity of the methodology. NIV - what did not expect his colleagues began mummies from the Manchester Museum (see, tasted the mysteries of Egypt and indeed doomed to spend their lives!). He restored the three ancient Egyptians (two men and girls) and translated computer data in sculptural portraits. The latter were identical persons wooden figurines found in the graves.

So it was proved that largely conditional fine art of Ancient Egypt reached amazing realism portrait. That, however, had its own reasons: according to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, who died in order to avail ourselves of the Paradise of bliss, you must first save the body, the seat Ka (life force) and BA (soul), where they might return.

If the body for some reason died, it was a duplicate of the stone or wooden sculptures: the resemblance was to help Ka and BA to identify "their" statue! Having at its disposal technical means, of which 20 years ago it was hard to imagine, foreign experts without doubt yet time will please the scientific world sensational discoveries about ancient civilizations.

And our researchers again in the rear?

How to say... Here, for example, a resourceful psychic held in Moscow for a round sum) cycle of sessions FEMALE MAGIC, is based, according to his assurances, at SECRET KNOWLEDGE of EGYPTIAN PHARAOHS USED FOR the PREPARATION of SUPERTENSION!

Source of valuable information, apparently, will forever remain a mystery...
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