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Репетиция апокалипсиса. Что делать, если вдруг наступит конец света?This year around the world held in anticipation of the end of the world. According to the Mayan calendar it can occur on December 21, 2012. So now actively discussed different scenarios for the future of the Apocalypse. How realistic is the end of the world and what to do if it happens?

The first scenario: the big Bang
The large hadron Collider, working in the Swiss CERN, almost five years does not give peace to the world. Installation, created in order to push particles, frighten many people: you never know what will sabanalarga pranksters after another hit head-on. Hence the hypothesis about the end of the world with participation of the Collider. "Is it possible?" we asked candidatelist-mathematical Sciences Evgeny Smirnov.

- A hypothetical end of the world with participation of the LHC (large hadron Collider) can be in two ways. First, if there is a microscopic black hole. Secondly, if kollajdera formed Strilka - drop of a particular substance. It is possible to cause chain reaction and to turn the matter into a new type - the so-called strange substance.

Nothing good this does not mean: the metamorphoses of the whole Earth can become one big drop-trapelli.

- But practically it is impossible, " explains the scientist. Microscopic black holes evaporate instantly. But stripelike could appear on the moon, whether now vozmozhnye them there had not been found.

So you can rest easy: the Collider us the end of the world is not exactly satisfied.

Scenario two: the aliens are coming!

Alien invasion humanity afraid than one century. Should we wait for this acquaintance?

As said Mikhail Makarov, head of the Altai researchers "Altai-Kosmopoisk", here are a few possible scenarios.

First, according to paleontologia, aliens already here. So we have nothing to worry about. Late.

- It is possible that life on earth was generated specifically involving aliens, " says Michael. - There are many things that we cannot explain it logically. You know, topstroy Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge? In those days there were no technologies to raise the stone block to 500 tons. Perhaps people were simply of working force. So part chelovechestvom to have extraterrestrial genes, and the aliens do now so that their representatives did not differ from the native population. And, most likely, they also guide our life.

After these words in a room where there was a conversation that went out all the lights. But the fan, strangely enough, she continued to work. Was creepy, but Michael even not led eyebrow: he is not surprising.

But the second option alien Apocalypse is seriously: we will try to capture to master the biological resources, and the person to do the work force.

- And in this case to protect themselves, we will not, - says Mikhail. - Science and technology now in such a state that a more advanced civilization will take over the planet at one point. So we need to develop science and not wait!

But perhaps we are lucky and green men will come with the world? Our ufologist this option also does not exclude.

Is the third and most favorable development of events. Maybe aliens will find on Earth his new home and will treat us as his children, with nederduitsche Michael.

So in this case the alien guests will be able to share with us their knowledge and technologies. Maybe the roads will be fixed...

Scenario three: the attack of the zombies

The streets rhythmically walks crowd gloomy dead, who dreams about how to turn the entire population into their own kind. This is another scenario of the end of the world - attack of the zombies. On this subject already satanista movies and there is even a special zombie ideology, a kind of "rules of life zombie". But as scientifically the existence of the living dead is not yet proven, research atonality do some enthusiasts. Sometimes they even conduct someboby - March made-up to zombie's youth. In Barnaul is already there, so "me" learned from organizatoriskie undead Roman Curdimova and Gleb Mednova how to act in case of a zombie Apocalypse.

Zombies are different, " says Gleb. - So there are two versions of this end of the world. First, the rebellion of the living dead, and secondly, turning people into zombies.

But to distinguish between those nasty types have on behavior. If at you with a great speed rushing zombies, then he already infected with the rabies virus.

- Run! - advises the novel. "Not to zombies, and from him! The virus is transmitted through the air, so it is not necessary to give a chance to this infection. But if you have a gun, you shoot. Also helps.

But if you are very slowly approaching unpleasant smelling subject to a living being does not like, it is very likely that he is a living corpse. Transmission of the virus is through the blood, so don't let the zombies to bite. To withdraw from the meeting point is correct and reasonable option. According to our experts on the zombies, it is best to store food and to go into the forest or the mountains to ride out the invasion there. Winter zombies will not survive, so in spring you can go back home.

Scenario four: rise of the robots

Alexey Ushakov in smart machines knows what's what. He is a specialist in information and communication technologies and not the first year develops in the region educational robotics. According to Alexey,each robot theoretically must follow the three rules of conduct proposed by the writer-fantast by Isaac Asimov. Namely: a robot may not harm humans, he must obey semplicita man, and about their safety may care only if it is not contrary to the previous two laws. But the program might fail, so it is useful to explore options represeneconomic with mad smart glandules.

- Revolt can be defeated by using the robots, " says Alexey Ushakov. - There will always be those who will comply with the three laws. But, despite this, the manufacturers of smart machines trying to play safe. According to Alexey, that is why all home robots that are on sale, small size, about three times less than the man. They specifically do weaker: even if rebel, not going to hurt you. Also, in case of unexpected Apocalypse variant physical destruction glandules. So robots for us the danger Nepredstavlenie. But there is also mini brethren that are likely to deliver the mankind a lot of problems.

- Nanorobots are microscopic mechanisms that are able to capture and combine molecules, - said Alexey Ushakov. For example, if you take a hike nebolshaja with a couple million nanorobots, they will be able, for example, of iron and wood to build quickly hammer. They can also be used in medicine to treat a person from the inside.

But, as noted by the robotic if nanorobots, capable of reproduction, gets out of control, you will be able to absorb the entire biomass of the Earth. And on the planet will only grey goo, included many of these robots. If there is such a thing solution would be to quickly create a new "right" nanorobots to fight the rebels.

But while we have nothing to worry - nanorobots as a full-fledged class does not yet exist and will be created only at least in 50 years. Now there are only separate elements:nanoelectromechanical, microscopic manipulators. But conventional robots we do not threaten.

- Artificial intelligence from them is not as strong. The best robots in the world in terms of its development meet cats, says the robot.

Indeed, such data capture planet is not satisfied.
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