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"We have to talk about creating a new science education, if you like - Institute of hominology, who'd been seeking, and at the same time, the study found samples" - said one of the leading Russian professional researchers of the so-called "Bigfoot" Igor Burtsev, noting that at present, Russian Academy of Sciences officially recognizes the existence of the "Bigfoot" and skeptical about the work of private researchers.
Last week the administration of the Kemerovo area has spread information that in Gornaya Shoriya, within the area Azasskuyu caves, local hunters saw some humanoid creatures, covered with hair, growth of 1.5-2 meters. The message was accompanied by a photograph of the caves, which depicted possibly trace an unknown being.
According to experts, all this is nothing but a PR campaign of the local authorities to attract tourists in Mountain Shoria.
Burtsev no doubt that these creatures dwell in Kuzbass. Burtsev said that this territory is part of the Altai mountain system and is considered a breeding ground "yetis".
"At the end of the 19th and early 20th century there were welcomed and females with children or adolescents" - said he, adding that in 1976 he led a search party in the Mongolian Altai in the composition of the Soviet-Mongolian historical-cultural expedition and there researchers also collected a lot of information about these creatures, met with witnesses who saw them.
"There is nothing special about that in the Kemerovo region saw "Bigfoot" - he said.
Answering the question about what can we say about "Kuzbass" "snowman", on the basis of available information, Burtsev said that published in the media pictures "too poor, in order to be able to say something".
According to him, it is advisable to go on location to "professionally everything to fix". But for the expedition to the Kuzbass he had no money.
According to Burtseva, earlier detection message "Bigfoot" came from different places of the Russian Federation - Western Siberia, Yakutia, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Leningrad oblasts.
According to Burtseva, "snow people" is Neanderthals survived till our days that have adapted to life in the wild, like all animals.
According to the interlocutor of Agency, in Russia it is necessary to create a new Institute for the study of the so-called "yetis".
"We have to talk about creating a new science education, if you like - Institute of hominology, who'd been seeking, and at the same time, the study found samples" - said Burtsev, noting that at present, Russian Academy of Sciences officially recognizes the existence of the "Bigfoot" and skeptical about the work of private researchers.
"The attitude of the academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences can be explained by the fact that the existence of "Bigfoot" contradicts the established views about the origin of man. The second reason: in 1958, was the great expedition to search for the creature in the Pamir mountains (South of Central Asia). It was spent considerable funds, but the expedition ended in nothing. After this, I decided that enough to spend money on this, has to be considered nonsense, and more of the Academy of Sciences had never done" - said Burtsev.
He also said that private researchers have hair, bones, excrement, traces "snow people", but today there is no opportunity to examine their laboratory. "We have copies of papillary patterns, but no one is studying. DNA research is very costly" - said Burtsev.
As have informed before RIA of news the head of the Department of anthropology at the Institute of Ethnology and anthropology, RAS (Moscow), doctor of historical Sciences Sergey Vasiliev, scientists-anthropologists have never met and examined the body "Bigfoot" (Bigfoot), while information on meetings with him constantly comes from different places.
However Yeti always see on one individual, which is the biological nonsense, said the scientist. After all, there must exist a large population of Bigfoot that she was preserved from generation to generation. But the Earth is not so unknown object, and if there was such population, it would know, he thinks.
According to Vasiliev, information about detection "yetis" - just the imagination of the people. "In reality they do not exist, as there is no scientific side of it", - said the scientist.
The representative of the press-service of administration of the Kemerovo area have informed before RIA of news, that in the region will be formed scientific expedition, which should confirm or refute the theory that an unknown creature, seen by hunters, a relict of hominids (mammals belonging to the Primate order, preserved to our days from the time of the human ancestors, called a snow man. To participate and assist in conducting ready enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and hunters.