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The recent opening of astrophysicists have shaken the traditional view of the earliest stages of evolution of the Universe. According to the latter, after the Big explosion formed a mixture of hydrogen, which has a fraction of helium and quite a bit of lithium. But now scientists have found a star of the first generation, the eyeballs full of that element. Where did he came from there?
The globular cluster is one of the most beautiful sights that can be seen with a telescope. Spherical cloud of sparkling diamonds stars on a black velvet depths of space is a long-liver of the Universe. Around the milky Way along their paths are moving more than 150 of these remarkable objects, and the stars in them are also the oldest, they were born long before our Sun!
Closest to the Solar system is the globular cluster Messier 4 - to 7 200 light-years. I believe that the stars in it twice older than the Sun. And one of the stars of a congestion of the system PSR B1620-26, in which the newly found exoplanet, can be considered a Patriarch, because of its age is estimated 13 billion years! What marked the stars are born at the dawn of the Universe? Their features are very important as they existed longer than any other of the stars...
Scientists at the European southern Observatory, United in a common project of 15 European countries, with powerful telescope with adaptive optics, which is called Very large telescope, has discovered an unusual composition of the most ancient stars on their spectral characteristics. These first light in the Universe of light appeared through 0,7-1,5 billion years from the beginning of time, which is called the Big Bang.
From this it follows that they must have a very low metallicity, since the lion's share initially form of matter - the lightest elements, mostly hydrogen. It's common sense, though there are other assumptions. New experimental studies should clarify the initial processes of formation of stars from the matriarchs after the Big Bang.
Spectral study of the stars in the globular cluster Messier 4 allow as to confirm the Orthodox point of view (the advantage of the light elements in the early life of the Universe), and to allow for the possibility of another formation of the element composition of parameterei Universe. Indeed, most of the stars in Monsieur 4 consist of light elements. But one star under number 37934, dwarf, has filed such quantity of lithium - 2,87%, which was struck by specialists.
On theoretical assumptions, Li had to disappear for so long-life light. This is demonstrated by the many neighbors dwarf №37934. Earlier anywhere in the Universe, nothing similar was observed.
According to the assumptions about the fate of lithium in the stars, globular clusters, he had to diffuse into the heavenly bodies, being relatively heavy element. But the only experimental observation of anomalous by the lithium content of the object-dwarf pushes to find another solution of the evolution of such a star.
So, in one of the most ordinary tel globular clusters lithium was very much. Obviously, it is either retained the original lithium (then necessary adjustments to the theory of stellar evolution), or enriched fresh lithium, which complements its stock on the star. Theoretically this is possible (if there was a companion, whose supply of this metal is very high), but this situation is extremely exotic, and to justify it difficult. On the background of the enormous number of similar stars such anomaly is almost incredible.
The Big Bang theory formulates the following views on the first seconds of the Universe: the emergence of the lightest of subatomic particles, a mixture of mainly hydrogen, a fraction of helium and small - lithium. However, the contradiction of today is that, according to the model calculations, lithium should be greater than is found in the surrounding space of the Universe. Spectral observations reasonably accurate, and to write off the difference in errors of measurements impossible. Where did lithium or what error in theory?
Perhaps Li "drowned" in the depths of the stars, and its just not visible in the observations. This is partly confirmed in the study of the atmospheres of old stars on the outskirts of the milky Way. These stars are so far away from the nucleus of the Galaxy, where Li can narabatyvatjsya in the processes of synthesis, and should remain the initial concentration of lithium. Found value equal to one third of the model size.
Christopher hawk from the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) and his co-authors have examined the presence of lithium according to the data of the Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy-the satellite of the milky Way. Experts have analyzed the components of the interstellar gas in the galaxy, as in a gas environment lithium clearly identified - him here just do not have anything to sink.
According to the observations of the Very large telescope of the European southern Observatory astronomers found that the amount of lithium, which is predicted by the Big Bang model, this was published in the journal Nature. It also does not close the difficult question of the presence of lithium in the Universe. This lightweight item constantly occurs in the Universe, and supernova explosions distribute it on metagalaktika, like all other elements, synthesized in fusion processes.
The new findings, according to Christopher Hawkeye, only aggravated lithium riddle: "to Speak about the solution of this problem is possible only in case, if from the time of the Big Bang is no change in the amount of lithium was not". And it is only applied to the Small Magellanic Cloud!
Surprisingly the fact that for 12-13 billion years fusion created heavy transuranic elements, all the diverse elements of the periodic table, which make possible life on Earth, and concentration of lithium unable to explain.
Moreover, in the new work of Miguel Pato from Munich technical University (Germany) and Fabio Jocko from Stockholm University (Sweden) have shown that not only supermassive black holes in the nuclei of galaxies, but the most common numerous black holes of stellar origin must generate lithium in their accretion disks intensively. Practically every microquasar (system of a black hole and the accretion disk) must make tons of this metal.
Another assumption Christopher Hawkeye postulates the presence of some exotic from the physical point of view reactions immediately after the Big Bang, which involve dark matter, which inhibited the formation of lithium. This could explain the higher number of lithium in the Small Magellanic Cloud, than in our Galaxy. To test this idea hoc intends to further study the Small Magellanic Cloud. Heavy mystery lightweight lithium still far from the final decision.