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Recently the American journal Live Science has compiled a list of the most popular myths related to science and medicine. As it turned out, most of our ideas about the world and the human body, which are considered indisputable dogma, not quite right or very wrong! At least this is the opinion of professional scientists.
The first myth. Nerve cells do not regenerate.
Not true. Of course, at the early age of the division of cells in our brain is much more intense, but even in adulthood they do not cease to share. Research shows that the growth of neurons continues until death. Otherwise we would not be able to acquire new information and raise their intelligence.
Perhaps, this statement is true only regarding patients with multiple sclerosis. This disease is in the death of nerve endings, and recovery they are not already subject. Although it is possible that medicine will soon come up with a means to reverse this process.
The second myth. Our brain uses only 10 percent of their resources.
Nonsense! As the results of MRI studies, in the process of thinking, we'll use a large part of the cerebral cortex, the brain works, even when we sleep. Because we see the dreams, and sometimes in a dream even come some important thoughts and decisions.
The third myth. Yawning is contagious.
Scientists are inclined to believe that it's true. Perhaps you noticed that if anyone present yawn, then the others followed his example. According to researchers, this is due to unconscious reflexes, which we inherited from monkeys.
The fourth myth. Chicken soup cures the common cold.
Too true, but only partly. In chicken broth really contains substances that have anti-inflammatory action. However, if instead of drugs to use one broth, it is unlikely to stop the disease.
The fifth myth. If caught in the rain, running, it will not viokase.
Mathematics even made the equation for this process and found that this statement is probably true. However, if you walk wet becomes primarily a head, then at run - body, and thus can be very wet clothes. Decide what is most important to you. But better to go with an umbrella.
The sixth myth. Eat a bun with poppy - it would be like taking a drug.
Partly true. Of course, narcotic effect like euphoria you do not feel, but the test for opiates may be positive. Especially if you were greedy and ate two loaves instead of one.
The seventh myth. Chicken can some time to live without a head.
Oddly enough, though. This bird is able to stay alive for another couple of minutes after she beheaded because it keeps stem the part of the brain responsible for numerous reflexes. There is a legend about the chicken, which was able to reach with its head cut off for 18 months. Apparently, hence the expression "brainless chicken": it turns out, chickens brain is not the...
Myth eighth. In space there is no gravity.
It is complete nonsense. Gravity is everywhere, just as the distance from the Earth, it decreases. And the astronauts in orbit are in zero gravity just because when on Board an automatic stations, they do fall to the Ground in a horizontal plane.
By the way, is incorrect and the statement that in space there is vacuum. Because of interstellar space is filled with particles, but can we simply do not notice, as the distance between them is too great.
The myth of the ninth. The only man-made object that can be seen from space is the Great wall of China.
Wrong. Low orbit, you can see many objects, even the pyramids and the runway of a major airport. But the Great wall to see just really hard for this we need to know its exact location.
Myth tenth. Change of seasons is because it changes the distance from the earth to the Sun.
Complete nonsense! Change of the distance to the Sun occurs when the movement of the planet in its orbit. But this is practically no effect on the temperature fluctuations. The changing of the seasons really depends on the angle of tilt of the earth axis.
So, before you can believe the widespread approval, it is better to go in the manuals or in the Network and to ensure that all this is really so!