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Specialists NASA, supported by a number of U.S. companies are already planning over the next few years to go to the moon first batch robots are extraction of water ice. It is believed that ice is concentrated at the poles natural satellite of the Earth.
Send to the moon first reconnaissance robot, which is to determine the exact location of water ice, tentatively scheduled for 2015. If successful, sending people to the moon robots-getters will not take much time.
Ironically, water on the moon is planned to produce not to deliver it to the Ground. Specialists are planning to organize on the natural satellite of a planet a number of Converter stations, which can not only filter the water and make it safe to drink astronauts, but break it down into oxygen and hydrogen. The first will be useful for breathing, the second - to create a rocket fuel. All this will turn the moon into a sort of "staging post" for long-distance space travel.