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Lost date. Tremendous disasters shake the Earth from the time of its inception and till our days. Many of them fall on the existence of Homo sapiens, many occurred by historical standards recently. Huge Gobi-Altai earthquake of December 4, 1957, floods in Bengal in 1737 and 1876, with thousands of victims, the eruption of Krakatau in 1883, the tragedy of Pompeii in 79 ad - all these events clearly dated. However, the farther into the depths of history date of such shocks quickly lose their clarity. Already a volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini, what happened fifteen hundred years before our era, dated back with an error of about 100 years, what to talk about more ancient cataclysms?
"Travel" Atlantis
The dispute about the time of the destruction of Atlantis for centuries. Often questioned and place of its geographical position. Unlucky island continent that move in the Aegean sea, then throw in the Arctic or Antarctica then go into "boundless expanses of lake Titicaca, it is identified with some island in the Pacific or Indian ocean. No, Atlantis was located in the Atlantic, For Gerkulesovy pillars, it hurts so it is great for lake Titicaca or the Aegean sea, and Plato in his time spoke about the place of its position clearly.
Exciting find in the ocean
As for the time of her death, many facts put the date given by Greek author (9000 years BC), in doubt. In particular, deep drilling of the bottom of the Atlantic ocean research vessel Glomar Challenger showed that near the mid-Atlantic ridge where there was Atlantis, developed exclusively carbonate deep-sea sediments, which thickness reaches several tens of meters. This suggests that not only 9000 BC, but 5 to 10 million years ago, any land in the Central part of the Atlantic was not. Turianska land - another probable location of Atlantis - too submerged more than 5 million years ago.
"Space year" Lawton
Supporters of the hypothesis linking Atlantis with Cretan-Mycenaean civilization and the eruption of Santorini, is suspected of Plato that he or evil intent, or even for some reason added to the date of death of the legendary island extra zero, and hitch back in a few centuries - the case of the Egyptian priests, to tell the Greek of the story.
Suppose that Plato and the truth was wrong, but not with zeros, and... over the years. It is known that the ancient Egyptian priests and their overseas colleagues from priestly castes Maya, enjoyed special, secret diarys, which was attended by various "cosmic years ' periods during many centuries and even thousands and millions of years. Ancient Egyptian calendar seems to have sunk into Oblivion, but the Mayan happily survived generation, conquest and shocks. It begins with the sacred year "Tun" duration of 360 days. 20 tuna are one Katun, or 20 years in modern chronology. 20-roller - one Baktun, or 400 years. 20 baklunov - one Picton, or 8,000 years. 20 Pikunov is already one kalabun, or 160 000 years. 20 kalabanov equals one cancelbtn, or 3.2 million years old. Finally, 20 cancelbtn develop into the largest Mayan cosmic year - Lawton 64 million years. Approximately as much, according to current data, our Sun spends one revolution around the center of the Galaxy.
The first giants appeared on the Earth 18 000 000 years ago
Now, if we multiply one Baktun on 9000, you will receive 3.6 million years, which is close enough to the age Taliansko sushi. Multiply that number by one Picton gives 72 million years, which is already a far cry from the age of carbonate sediments in the area of the mid-ocean ridge of the Atlantic. This is unlikely to accord with generally accepted ideas about the age of mankind, but nevertheless, it may still not at a date not his age scale. 've found the same American scientists at the turn of the nineties of the last century in the area of Easter island traces of civilization older than 12.5 million years. Such data were obtained using radiocarbon Dating. And the legends of the indigenous inhabitants of this lost in the ocean of the island say that mankind has appeared on our planet 18 million years ago. These were the giants growth of 18 meters. Something detailed says Tibetan occult tradition in the interpretation of E.P. Blavatskaya and its followers. Is it worth talking about a whole range of anomalous archaeological finds, allowing to calculate the age of the upright bipedal humanoid creatures on our planet hundreds of millions of years.
The "Code Of Vaticanus"
Legends of giant people have not only the inhabitants of Easter and civilized occultists, but many other tribes of Africa and America. According to the legends of the Aztecs, on the Earth before the emergence of modern consistently has had four human era. The "code of Vaticanus" - a true monument to the Aztec culture says that the first race on Earth were giants, and they perished from hunger. The second epoch with such humanity was the victim of a giant fire. Some of these creatures, according to legend, was able to survive by creating underground tunnels and strengthened camera. Interestingly, the traces of the extensive underground facilities, the age of which can hardly be estimated, are found in many parts of our planet. They are found in South America, African Sahara desert, and in India, and Western Europe. Not an exception and our country. Samarskaya Luka, there are legends about the underground inhabitants Lada, that some creatures in ancient times built under the Zhiguli mountains mysterious vault. There are people who claim to have been there, in the underground halls with frozen in ice crystals ancient animals and very tall people with six fingers on his hands.
The third "humanity" Aztec myths were reasonable monkeys, also became a victim of a disaster. Fourth race was similar to that of modern humans, and perished by the flood. Fifth, modern, lives and develops today.
The Aztecs messed up years?
Close view on the history of mankind is contained in "Code Rios" and "Code of Tellurian-Remenets", which is rewritten in Latin script in the language of the Aztecs from earlier pagan, source documents. They also mentioned the four former human era, although their alternation and causes of death are somewhat different from that expressed in the Code Vaticanus". They are: the giants (live 4008 years old, died from the flood), again giants (live 4010 years, were killed by hurricane), monkey (live 4801 year, the cause of death was a fire), the fourth age was quite similar to modern.
Why not to assume that the Aztecs in the correspondence documents more ancient and educated peoples something messed up with the years? Making this assumption, we can compose a work table for Dating mentioned disasters using space-years" of the Mayan calendar. For this somewhat approximately round the period of existence of the above-mentioned ages up to 4000 and will multiply it by all these "Baktun" and "calantoni". And then we'll see: not the same whether the received date with any real or hypothetical accidents. However, working table of the reader we tire will not, and shall go directly to the marked matches.
Incredible coincidence
80 000 years (4000-roller) ago. Some scientists do not exclude the possibility of the existence of any kind of reasonable Neanderthals. They could be exterminated by their foolish fellow, or some cataclysm. Why not then?
160 000 years (8000-roller) ago. At about this time in America went extinct fossil elephants and horses. This age (150 - 200 thousand years) Peruvian Professor Javier Cabrera evaluates acclaimed at the time the stones of ICA, which depict mysterious large-headed people and their activities, including, for example, a heart transplantation.
32 million (4000 baklunov) years ago. The beginning of the rapid formation of mountains on Earth and glaciation of Antarctica. There are medieval cards, were copied from ancient Egyptian sources, which depicted Antarctica without ice cover and offset the South pole, as well as depicted in great detail in other continents as they were about 25 million years ago.
64 million (8,000 baklunov) years ago. The extinction of the dinosaurs. To the people that event as if nothing cannot have, but in 1945 in Mexico were discovered clay figurines of dinosaurs. In the USA, in the state of Texas, in the Valley of the giants and the river of Palace in fossilized Sandstone near the traces of various dinosaurs almost everywhere there are human. Back in 1935, American geologist William Burr reported on the findings of prints of human feet in layers, whose age was... 250 million years.
1 billion 920 million (12 000 kalabanov) years ago. Oddly enough, some sort of meaning may have even this date. Aged 2 to 2.8 billion years dated discovered in South Africa metal beads with notches, having obviously artificial origin. There is one mysterious distinctive feature: lying on the shelf in the Museum, they are during the day make a revolution around its own axis. In and of themselves. What a mysterious creatures with no less mysterious technologies has created them?