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This year, Mars One (the Netherlands) plans to start selection of candidates to the settlers of the red planet. The first crew of astronauts will have to start construction of a colony on Mars.
Teams of four will be sent to Mars every two years. It should be noted that the settlers will receive a one way ticket to return home opportunities they will not. This should reduce the cost of the project. Scientists believe that solar power and local resources will be sufficient for securing the livelihoods of people. The water they offer to obtain the peretaplivanie ice, and oxygen is in the process of electrolysis.
A mandatory condition for participation in the expedition to Mars is to be an adult. In addition, the colonists must have stable psyche, good health, to be focused and ready to build relations with people. Also among the desirable qualities of candidates for the upcoming comic missions to Mars scientists call inventiveness, curiosity, cheerfulness, the ability to quickly adapt to difficult conditions and find a way out of unforeseen situations. In principle, applicants are not required to have special skills and knowledge, although their presence will only be positive for the selection.
The application form for participation can be sent by anyone, regardless of nationality and country of residence, however, according to the organizers, the official language of the project will be English. The final selection of future Martian colonists will be held on live television. Then winners will get an eight-year preparation for the flight. The first four astronauts will be sent to the Red planet in 2023.