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Воистину ли Иисус воскрес из мертвых?The disappearance of the body of Jesus from the grave-the cave was accompanied by the phenomenon of people beings called angels...

The apostles - the first journalists

The apostles Matthew, mark, John and Luke do not see that occurred at the tomb. They only told somewhere heard. As journalists. Like today who write about any miracles from the words of eyewitnesses. For example, about aliens coming out of "flying saucers". It happens that several witnesses. And not one journalist. Then the miraculous story can appear in various publications and with different details.

Maybe it is a sin to compare with our brethren the apostles. However, the analogy is viewed. And then it was their favorite "reporting" included in the Bible. Yes, and about so, in fact, most theologians explain found it discrepancies. Supposedly, this is no reason for doubt. On the contrary, proof of the sincerity of "reporters": nothing has been invented, just wrote what was considered important. And as he realized. But who knew?

The devils was tricked

John mentions only eyewitness - Mary Magdalene. Which "came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone was rolled away from the sepulchre".

Matthew, mark and Luke together bring the number of women witnesses to four.
And only Matthew mentions the guards at the tomb, but only in passing: "the keepers did shake, and became as dead men".
Many centuries later - "report" John and lines, torn from Mark about the fact that Jesus had cast of Mary Magdalene seven devils, became the basis for the critical version, saying that the woman was suffering from some mental disorder, burdened by hallucinations. Wouldn't? Some ten years ago crazies are all believed those who had seen a UFO. Especially alone. Although if the observations were massive, and psychosis called mass. Here are just believe in such hard - less than in himself UFO.

Witnesses and eyewitnesses

St John the events developed as follows. Mary Magdalene, noticing rolled away the stone, immediately run after the apostles. Then Peter and someone else anonymous - back. They see the empty tomb and some linen cloths lying" (the shroud, which has preserved the shape of the human body). Astonished apostles go, but Mary does. And, weeping, head into the cave. Let me remind you that from the outside it was dark, and inside and even more so. However, the woman sees two Angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where lay the Body of Jesus." It seems that they radiated a kind of radiance.
Luke reports that in the grave, no one else previously not running, came three women. And there "...suddenly stood before them, two men in shining garments..."

Mark tells us that women were horrified, seeing the cave just one boy. And Matthew about the fact that "...there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it; his Appearance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow..."
Even if the whole story is a hoax, why did it have to type in her shining angels and young men? A bit of overkill. It was quite possible to do with the appearance of the resurrected Jesus, which, if you believe John, appeared to Mary Magdalene after the angels.

Suddenly eyewitnesses really watched some mysterious creatures?

German painter Matthias Grunewald (1475 - 1528) bad to read the Bible. He Jesus resurrected from the grave in the form of a box, which is at the top was covered with a lid. That is, not all the old paintings can be trusted.
Three came out of the tomb

The authors of the apocryphal Gospels Nicodemus and Petra information, it seems that came from a "military" - the guards, guarding then the coffin.

Nicodemus from the words of a soldier: "...shook the earth, and we saw that the angel of God rolled back the stone tomb and sat on it, and his appearance was like lightning, and his robe as snow, and from fear of him, we were dead..." Peter warriors "...saw the heavens opened, and the two men that come from there, radiating glow and approached the tomb. The rock that was prevalent to the door, otvetivshii itself, moved away, and the tomb was opened, and the two boys went in."
Then Peter said: from the tomb was already three. The guards saw "...two, supporting one, and a cross, following them. And the heads of the two reached to heaven, and someone was led by the hand, his head was above the sky".

It's aliens

Theologians believe that Peter was clearly pravachol about head to heaven. Another opinion ufologists. They know how to interpret these words. They say, observers saw energy rays, which stretches down to those who came out of the cave. Using these rays aliens move objects, pick up people, and each other on their space vehicles. Now about such miracles tell contactees, allegedly visited on "flying saucers".
- The first version of the fact that Jesus himself was a stranger, - says the famous Petersburg ufologist Herman Mikhailov, puts our philologist Vyacheslav Zaitsev back in 1967. Then they fell by the hundreds. And differed only in subjects in which Jesus was given the role of a messenger of the Supreme mind of the Universe to the ship's doctor. The essence is the same: all the miracles worked by aliens. And you never know what they're capable of? Probably able to resurrect. And some teleportation own.
- And how to explain that the resurrected Jesus I know, you didn't know, then he emerged, then disappeared through the wall passed? - I am interested in. And these strange words to Mary Magdalene when she wanted to touch it: "...don't touch Me, for I am not yet ascended to My father..."
- Some of my colleagues easily explain what was not Jesus himself, and his holographic image that was broadcast with alien spacecraft, " says Herman. Perhaps interference. But personally, I highly doubt in extraterrestrial origin of Jesus.

It is considered that shining bright light beings on old paintings - is some bearers of the Holy spirit. However, ufologists believe in that, so the artists depicted the aliens.

It is not aliens

- It is known that seismic processes sometimes creates the atmosphere of unusual glow - flashes, balls of fire, shining clouds, " says geophysicist Andrey Brazhnikov. - In a word, UFOs. And those, in turn, generate a very strong electromagnetic radiation. And influence of the temporal lobe of the brain. However, experiments show neurophysiologists, people feel someone's presence, hear voices, see ghosts. Such hallucinations are so intense that seem completely real. Like waking dreams. Such phenomena recently investigated Kenneth Ring, a psychology Professor from the USA. And explained to them why some "witnesses" with full confidence tell if seen or aliens visited the "flying saucers". They are not crazy - just got under radiation spolokhov UFO.

Luminous objects, scientist continues, - may appear before or after the tremors. And most of all - near faults, quarries and caves. Now let us remember the words from the gospel of Matthew: "there was a great earthquake". And say: "glow of youth" and the angels in the cave inside and imagined as a result of influence of electromagnetic radiation caused by seismic processes.

The secret burial cloths

Versions, of course, is complete. You can put any, relying only on words, once said and someone recorded. Actually exists and material evidence - the shroud, which was wrapped around the dead body of Jesus. And there is on Earth now more mysterious subject than she is. Even physicists are confident that this linen cloth still keeps the traces of some supernatural influence.


Saw Gormiti

In 1993, published in new York magazine "Russian Bulletin" published fragments of the so-called "report Beletsky". As he got in the USA, is unknown. But there is a legend, though in the late 50-ies of the last century in the Communist party of Ukraine caused academician Alexander Ivanovich Beletsky (1884 - 1961). And in order to strengthen anti-religious propaganda instructed him to prove that Jesus was not resurrected. Turned out quite the opposite.
Scientist have studied the manuscripts of the Dead sea" - manuscripts, discovered (since 1947) in the caves of Qumran. And among these documents related to the I - II centuries of our era, allegedly found the story of Gorizia, the official biographer of the rulers of the Jews, which early on Sunday morning on the personal initiative went to the tomb of Jesus.
And this is what it has observed: "...suddenly became very light. We could not understand, whence that light, but soon saw that he comes from a moving shining from above the clouds. It went to the sepulchre, and above the earth there seemed to man, as if the whole consisting of light.

And then there was like thunder, but not in heaven and on earth. This was at the tomb guards sprang up in terror, and then fell. At this time, to the tomb to the right of us the path went down woman, she suddenly cried out: "is Opened! Opened!" - and at the same moment it became obvious that really big stone lying in the coffin, as if to himself got up and opened the coffin. We are very scared. Then, after a while, the light over the coffin was gone, and everything was the same as usual. When we after all this came nigh unto the sepulchre, it turned out that there is no body of the deceased is a man".
Atheists believe that all this is fake, insolently of prepisaauthorized to Beletsky. But no arguments, in addition to the emotional, not lead. Church periodicals in full publish "evidence of Gorizia". What greatly pleased with ufologists. In moving from the top radiant cloud" they have finally learned a flying saucer, which lacked for alien versions.

By the WAY

Believe in aliens and hanged himself

To make Jesus the alien is not so harmless. Americans Marshall eploit and his girlfriend Bonnie Nettles organized sect "the Gate of Heaven." Preached that Jesus was an alien sent to Earth in UFOs to collect as many souls and give them new bodies. But to get them, one must die. Then three days later God will raise the dead to their shining cloud, and then will bring in a new guise. As a result, in March 1997 38 believers put plastic bags on their heads. All died from suffocation. Three days later their bodies were found by the police.
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