Viewings: 5770

At the moment here and now, an event occurred that quite interesting and significant not only for the inhabitants of the Earth, but for the whole Family of Light. Was held Spiritual Forum dedicated to the latest events on the Earth. This is the Forum of the beings of Light, which was held in the Golden City in the 13th dimension. It addressed the issues of the ascension of the Earth, of the ascension of Humanity.
This event was attended by a large number of participants, among which were:
Master Kryon (Magnetic Service Of The Earth),
Master Jesus Christ ( Master Of Unconditional Love),
Lady Gaia (The Earth Consciousness),
Archangel Melek Metatron,
Elan (Representative fleet Pleiades),
Adonai, the Ashtar Sheran (representative of the entire fleet Family of Light),
Representatives of the navies of Sirius,
Your friend Michael (represented the Collective Consciousness of Humanity),
A source.
Dear Friends, the description of events of the Forum is here presented in the form of a story (messages).
The beginning of a dialogue on the Forum was opened by the Master Kryon, saying the following.
Master Kryon:
I welcome all the participants of the spiritual Forum, taking place at the moment here and now!
This event is significant for all and it is the last one before the harmonic convergence in December 2012, which I hope will bring even more unexpected and favorable events.
Now I want to draw your attention to the further implementation of the plan, which was approved at the Forum (the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 during the performance of the Collective Consciousness of the Higher self of Humanity. As you know, was chosen the scenario of gradual ascension, consisting of three stages, each of which follows the previous one, and now it's time to sum up the results of its implementation. Dear Friends, by December 2012 still a lot of work left to do, but everything is going great! (Smile Kryon)
In this presentation Wizard Kryon has ended.
Dear people! Dear brothers and sisters!
I am glad to welcome you on the opened Spiritual Forum on the future development of the processes of the ascension on the Earth.
Much has been done, but much more needs to co-create. Very much, dear! To start with, what should be adjusted media of Land and the transfer of information about the Ascension everyone... everyone! It is necessary that this process was known to ALL the people. However, freedom of choice sacred... And then, will every man according to his free will, the choice to go through the Ascension or not, this right is sacred. But, again I say, this must be aware of each person. That is why I ask you to inform the process through mass media of the Earth is not at the end of December 2012, as before, in late November - early December. This is important!
Next. That's what he wanted to say on the agenda of the Forum, dear Friends:
"You must provide the opportunity to ascend to anyone who wishes to do so during all three waves, and especially the first wave because it is a mechanism for all future. For this purpose it is necessary to increase the quantity of information transmitted through the channels to the people of Earth, as well as to increase the number of transmitted practices directly related to the Rapture."
But that's not all. I appeal to you, dear Angels Savaya!
You need to activate Sevaya chakra (the ascension Chakra) Lady Gaia before December 21, 2012. Activation must be made on the 19th. The momentum will start to pass through the subtle planes within two days of earth time, but now it will happen instantly. Then on December 21 all necessary processes will run, and will give an official start to the ascension of our Lady Gaia and all Mankind.
On this I have all, dear Friends.
This was followed Master Jesus Christ:
Dear beloved Brothers and sisters of ours! The speech of Michael was alive and fiery, and what was said unto them, must co-create all of us. From myself I would like to say that the hearts of the people must be open to receive all information and providing them free choice Holy in the way that they choose in individual and group Ascension. But not all will choose to go up. For this purpose, starting from October 15, 2012, I will open the channels of Unconditional Love, which will come to the Earth directly through the hearts of the people, and there are important Pioneers of the spirit.
My message to them now:
"My dear beloved Brothers and Sisters! Your work is difficult, but you do it with a fiery your Hearts, and tears of joy prevail against me. And my Heart rejoices your successes! I ask you to be always open to the Holy Spirit -- the Spirit of Truth! And then the transformation of the Earth will occur sooner than planned. Much in your hands! And this is what he wanted to convey to you, beloved. Much in your hands!”
In this presentation Wizard of Jesus Christ over.
Made Archangel Melek Metatron:
I welcome all the participants! Friends, what I want to say, this is an important part of the ascension of the Earth and Humanity. The project "the Ascension to the East" and the project "the Ascension of the West" are systematically and harmoniously, but there is one project that I dedicate to you, Michael. This is the implementation of the ascension in Russia.
Yes it is, this is a difficult part of the picture and it is the revealing of the Hearts of all the people of this country. The opening is to be realized before the end of December. Many things will happen in the disclosure intuitive, but there will be disclosure conscious. However, they need to occur at each person, regardless of his views and level of awareness. As it happens, this is your journey, your task. And in this you will be we are the Family of Light. We will help. Ask and it shall be given help.
Go on to the next part of the message, my Friends.
Now can you say about the PC (Programming Crystals). As you know, is in the process of their activation and migration, with the subsequent activation in them the life-giving Fire. Until the end of the year, you must activate at least 3 of the crystal. This is the work that is carried out actively and one which I supervise. But just ask all the participants to assist in further co-configuring each PC (Programming Crystals) of Land for the completion of this initial project to project PC Recovery of DNOC spirals of Mankind. More about this will be discussed at the joint projects later.
That's all.
This was followed Lady Gaia:
Dear people! Glad to greet you and pleased that joint work is performed. Dear, I am ready for the Rapture! My frequency increased to 999 and ready to rise even more, but expect their children (Mankind). Waiting for the time that was given until December 21, 2012. This is the time, which can still wait and hope many will Wake up to that moment... Many of my children will Wake up! And the joy of waiting and meetings is great! (Tears) I Ask you to provide whatever is planned in these terms, and eversion soon will happen. And now we are moving in the corridor of reality towards a New World and a New Life! (Happy) Thank you for your help! Thanks to all children! I Love you, my children, with all your Heart and expect that our journey will be common to everyone.
In this speech the Lady Gaia is over.
Made Elan (Representative fleet Pleiades)
I thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Forum, dear Friends!
Of the total fleet of the Pleiades, and from all our people, want to address Adonai Ashtar Serano. I ask you to provide an opportunity of the beginning of expanding our direct presence on the Ground until December 2012. It would be helpful for General distribution as information about us and the preparation for the act of the ascension of the Earth. Our presence would not be extended to meetings, but it would be in the form of our direct visible in the sky of the Earth (meaning Ships). For a short period, we would appear in view of Humanity for moral and psychological training of people to Contact.
This presentation by Alan ended.
Made Adonai, The Ashtar Sheran:
Many of the processes that Disclosure would have affected and many events would entail. However, much remains to be done to start direct Disclosure. First, you need the disclosure in the conscious or in an intuitive manner, the Hearts of the people. This will be the sign that would be an indicator of their readiness. For this purpose a number of processes that will be launched. This was said in the speech of the Master Jesus Christ, Michael and Melek Metatron.
Well, if the Hearts of Humanity will be revealed, the Disclosure will be made within a specified period, which are not completely accurate. However, you are given permission to it.
In this speech Adonai of Ashtar of Serena ended.
Representatives of Sirius:
We ask you, Adonai, the Ashtar Sheran, we also allow the beginning of the process of activation of the visible presence in the skies of Earth, if successful disclosure of Hearts.
It Adonai, the Ashtar Sheran gave his consent, in case of successful opening of Hearts.
After receiving permission representatives of Sirius concluded.
Made Emmanuel:
Dear friends! This Congress (event) is familiar to many. It says many things and many decisions were taken. It should be added that information about the process of ascension no media of Land as such. This is the process that must be considered and which need to be implemented.
On this I have everything.
After that, in the centre of the hall erupted strongest flow of energy, which immediately with their gentle and loving energies filled not only the whole room, but all the hearts of the audience. And a voice sounded in the mind of every visitor.
My beloved children! Much has been solved by you, but I say:
"You even more for you to decide... to You in co-work with children my - Humanity. Much will be given to them and much they befall in its development and realization. But this power of the spirit of truth and the Truth they need. It is something that falls on your shoulders, my dear children. My voice began to sound in the Hearts, Minds and in the Light of the Soul (energy and information obtained during the reading of the messages) children of my Humanity. Many things will be revealed to them through the message my Messages of creative father and my children. It's time to Wake up sleeping until now and be aware of yourself before choosing them... which stood before them. The choice is sacred, and that selects they know but will reveal these things at the moment unexpected for all.
Eversion second Lady Gaia will do soon. It will not be from solar lights to go, but from human Hearts. When it occurs, the hour has not yet been revealed to you, my children (address to the participants of the Forum). But wait for it wait for your... Wait for it at every moment, for soon it will happen. Bless all those present your children, and you, my beloved children, reading and listening to my message! Indeed your Hearts are revealed quickly and fervently!"
Then a voice in the consciousness faded, and a bright flash of energy in the center of the hall disappeared.
Again spoke Adonai, the Ashtar Sheran:
I thank all participants for feedback and participation, as well as all those present on it! The course is selected, the work very much, but she fruitful and beautiful. The manifestation of the source of Life on the Forum truly an event for every participant and every listener of this message.
I ask you, Michael, about events that happened on the Forum have to know people. This is important! Let them know that their support comprehensively and in all their ways. This support of the spirit and give them strength.
On this Forum ends. Thanks again all for your presence and your participation in it. Until next time, dear Friends, brothers and sisters!
This, dear Friends, Spiritual Forum, which took place in the Golden City in the 13th dimension, in the moment here and now was completed.
I sincerely hope that this information is useful to you. As promised the participants of the Forum, their performance and decisions that were adopted, opened for the public attention of every person who wants to know things that are happening not only in the manifest world, but beyond the veil in the subtle world.
Perhaps this publication will cause many disputes and discussions, hmm....
If those who are going to lead, will be open Heart, truly, this is the perfect moment! But, I feel that these will be a little (Sigh) Sorry...
However, dear Friends, my brothers and sisters, happy to provide this information not only to think but also to action... Impulse of the spirit!.. Impulse of Creativity of your Hearts!