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For the first time on this story I came across a couple of years ago. Then, having decided that the explanation is quite simple ( mutant) I passed by. But today , after a Japanese producer of Deputy Masao appointed prize of 200,000 dollars for "Alesenko" and the media are carrying articles on this subject it should come back. Moreover, the Kyshtym humanoid no navel , and , therefore, he clearly could not be a human embryo.
The prologue. According to inhabitants of the village guelder rose that had settled himself in a space near Kyshtym (Chelyabinsk region), it all started in a thunderstorm the night of 13 August 1996. That's when a local resident, a lonely pensioner Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina received "telepathic order": to stand up and immediately go to the cemetery. However, the existence of telepathy explained quite simply, Tamara Vasilievna was not quite mentally healthy and periodically collected at the cemetery flowers. Strange was different - she found someone who was her name. Because of the jut of her looked little creature with huge eyes.....
But let's give the floor to participants of the events. Eerie was a godsend - not that the human child is not unknown beast: the head is pointed pumpkin, instead of lip - clicking, the body is covered with fur, on his fingers sharp claws... Being it piteously papisilla, and compassionate woman decided to take it with you - wrapped, brought home, fed and called Alashankou.
Later in the story of this already strange stories begin and does phantasmagoric turns. Was fun grandmother to boast neighbors that she had found in his old age son. But as Prosvirina registered by a psychiatrist, the neighbours without further ADO told her about the strange behavior of physicians. Those too long to understand not come, do a sedative injection and was taken to hospital. And in vain, the old woman cried, begged to leave her at home. No it did not listen, and left without supervision "alien" died... But let's hear witnesses
Tamara Prosvirina and Galina Artemevna Alferov. Daughter Tamara Prosvirina, too, Tamara, saw "Alesenko" live:
- I was working on a rotational basis by the cook. Husband Sergei was in prison. And mother-in-law one lived, I biweekly visited. Her coming towards her, put the food in the kitchen. And she suddenly said: "I Should be, baby feed! " I thought she disease exacerbation, she previously. And she me to the bed was brought. Look: there's something dead. Rather, whistling. Mouth pulls tube, language wiggles. He scarlet, with a spatula. And two tooth visible. I looked: the child is not similar. The head is brown, grey body, the skin without streaks. In the eyes of age is not visible. And see meaningful! Genital not. And instead of navel smooth place. The head of the onion, ears no, only the holes. And eyes like a cat. The pupil expands, shrinks. Fingers on the arms and legs are long. The legs are folded trapezium. Asked the mother-in-law: "Where is the beast?" And she replied that found in the forest and was called"Alashankou". Put it in his mouth hard candy, he began to suck it. And drank water from the spoon. I thought this animal. It even my mother saw, Galina Artemevna Alferov.
74-year-old Galina Artemevna to the questions of the reporters about "Aleshenka" meets willingly.
- Tamara in the apartment was visited often. She's sick in the head was. So I visited her, as if something had happened. Her son, husband of my daughter, in the prison setting. And Tamara then cook shifts worked. So I visited. Products will bring, will help to clean up. It's crazy though, but easygoing he was. She was obiajulu. Well, I came, and in the next room like a kitten Peeps. The apartment is in a matchmaker was two, we sold it. Ask: "What are you, Tamara, kitten started?" And she says: "No, baby". I: "What baby?" And she said, "Alesenko. In the forest found". - "Well, show me!" Went into the next room. Look across her bed is on the ground, in colorful cloth wrapped. She unfolded it, shows me. This marvelous! First thought that this obsession what. Crossed himself - not disappear! Then I grew bolder, and came closer. And he, as I have seen, have whistled. Well, kind of like the gopher in the field, but quietly. I think that it is so to say something tried.
- May be, it is still premature baby?
- No. I have seen so many, and too premature. The baby "Alexis" quite similar. Head is not a pumpkin, and as a helmet of pointed and without hair. And springs on it. The fingers are long, thin and sharp as nails. Five on each arm and leg. The trunk at first was plump and swayed like jelly. He already after death has shrunk.
- And genitals he had?
- He doesn't have any sex organs.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm on all sides examined him. Even between the legs touched. Flat area, like a doll. And umbilical cord is also a no-no.
- "Alexis" moved himself?
- If I don't. He only legs raised up. Straightened, such as gymnastics did.
- You have seen how was the food?
- The wedding guests he curd cheese gave. He sucked and swallowed. His lower jaw was not, and instead of some skin. And was drinking from a bottle on the bed there was a bowl full of water, Tamara his fed with a spoon. He also has a language long and that was bright red, with a spatula.
- How many lived creature?
- Let's count. I five times to the wedding guests were coming, my grandson Sasha - he is now in the army - a couple of times ran. Neighbor Nina Glazyrina it looked and even spent the night. And all saw him alive. Three weeks the monster at Swati lived. And maybe more.
- To inform the authorities about the discovery did not try?
"Then were not thinking that's important. If it's the little baby in the forest is found, then surely he would have called the police. And it is hard to tell what. Animal incomprehensible. It's now all say that the alien. And then we with my daughter and grandson decided: let lives instead of a cat...
- What impressed you most in it?
- Stool anything from him was not. The sweat on his body, kind of like perspiration. His wedding guests all cloth haunted.
- And this rag not left?
- Oh, no. It seems that all he gave.
- Whom?
- The investigator.
"Maybe something else is left? Sheets, for example?
- May be.
- Can search?
- Can. All the linen was in the room, that ' Alashankou" reeked. The spirit it was a sweet, kind of like from Cologne...
- Died as "Alexis"?
"It must be from hunger. Tamara in a psychiatric hospital was taken, and he in an empty apartment left. Daughters at that time was not in the city, and I go ride a lack of time. After all, who knew that this Prodigy for science is so valuable? The Japanese now for her promise a lot of money.
"Where "Alexis" now?
- We don't know.
- Where is your matchmaker?
- A car had hit. Just after the Japanese called and said that I wanted to meet her, be captured on camera. Died Prosvirina under very strange circumstances. Late at night on August 5, 1999. Tamara walked out of the house Nobuta, in socks - according to eyewitnesses, there was such impression, that someone called. And the neighbors could see what had two machines and they met in the place where there was a woman, like scissors
Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna .
Fortunately, the testimony of Tamara Prosvirina preserved in the video the investigator Vladimir Bendlin.
On the screen of an old woman. It crumpled green hospital gown. She bobbed hair, the look in her wandering. Its output in a court yard. Woman stumbles, almost falls - picks up her by the elbow nurse.
Is Prosvirina in a psychiatric hospital, " explains the investigator. And he adds: - Conversation with her was conducted informally and legal force has no... the Woman in the frame albeit with difficulty, but calls himself. Speech she slurred: prevents the nervous tick. She licks his lips.
She asked the question of who "Alexis". Pause seems like eternity. The old woman finally answers:
- Sonny boy.
- Where did you come from? The woman raises his head, stares at the sky. Finally says:
- Under the tree found. He lay his head down. I quickly shook his, put.
- What was this place?
- In the forest... the hail and the thunders was... Alexis I'm under your name will write.
- He died.
- Died?
- Yes, he died.
- What are you?! She cries, smearing his fists rapidly flowing tears. Then asks:
- Why?
- No food was.
The patient looks directly at the camera. Her face is so great sorrow, what not to play even the most brilliant actress. Through sobs heard: "you Poor thing! I told the doctors baby I'm there... let go..." cried then lead her.
Evgeny Mokichev, captain of justice, the investigator Kyshtym ATS.
- In August - September of 1996, I produced the investigation of the criminal case on charges Nurdinova Vladimir to the theft of cable in the village Novogorny. For investigative experiment was suggested to go to the scene. We went with Nurdinova on his motorcycle. On the way Vladimir onasked me if I had seen the aliens? I, of course, answered that there are no aliens have not seen and do not believe in their existence. He promised me to return home show alien.
Arriving in the village, inhabited by Nurdinov, we produced the required investigative actions, after which Vladimir asked to see the alien who he was. Of course, I was a bit skeptical, but he pulled out of the closet cloth folds. In red cloth was something wrapped. He unfolded it was presented to me on display.
What I saw amazed me. I could not figure out what it is, came a sort of confusion. Before me lay about 25 cm long mummified corpse of a small humanoid beings. Definitely appreciate what is in front of me was very difficult, because his head was unusual shape - the helmet, four petals, which up was connected to a plate and formed a comb. His eye sockets were of a large size. On the front of the jaw it was possible to distinguish two small, barely visible tooth. The front legs were crossed on his chest, and, according to them, they were the same length as the bottom.
The corpse was in dried, morwenna condition, there was a lot of folds of the skin. From the remains of the day did not strong, but unpleasant smell; what it smelled like, hard to say.
I began to interview, how and why is this being here. He told me the following story. In the same year, 1996, resident of the village guelder rose, Prosvirina Tamara (grandmother not quite mentally healthy), walking in the woods, found this creature and brought him home, and it was hers to live. She fed him, lulling, called him Alashankou and was telling everyone that she's living at home with their young Alexis. Subsequently, the grandmother before the exacerbation of mental illness was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, and this being left her in a private apartment.
Nurdinov when first went to the grandmother and also talked with this being said it squeaked, filed somehow sound signals. He remembered that the creature was in the house, and when he found him, it was already dead. It was crawling with worms. He got rid of worms, washed the body by alcohol and left to dry in the sun. After drying, the corpse had acquired that type, in which he presented it to me.
The incident I asked Nurdinova anyone not to tell. And ordered him to the corpse will not Devala, not hid and did not pass.
Back at the office, I told everything to his companion - investigator Bendlin Vladimir, who engaged in informal investigation of this case.. the official investigation was not carried out, we operated informally. What we are told, there existed in fact. Many experts examined the corpse and pathologists, and gynecologists, and all, they claim it is not the body of a man or of a baby human. He looked very different. The structure of the skeleton and skull looked not human. Even if a creature can be very mutate, to such an extent - it is impossible!
This is all that I know. Refer to Vladimir Bendlin. He was investigating and knows more...
Vladimir Bendlin, major of justice, the investigator Kyshtym ATS.
Arriving of the investigative experiment, Eugene told me about what he saw in the house Nurdinova. I was really excited about it, and I decided to see all by myself, because our colleagues literally lifted human laughter. I got a camcorder, a camera, took the recorder and the next day went to the village Bielak. There I met with the parents of Nurdinova, he was not. And I brought this mummy. Simply allowed her to explore.
Having seen the mummy, I have a feeling that is hard to describe. Unpleasant sight. The smell of this creature was a kind of - not like the smell of decayed body. It was evident that the mummy had dried out without any salt solutions, just in the sun. Skeleton creatures was severely deformed, and that it was difficult to determine. At least that was out of the great similarity with premature human fetus. On the other hand, this creature was quite different from the human. By the nature of service I have seen criminal miscarriages and stuff, but it is quite another: miscarriage very large head and small body, and here was proportional structure, that is, the head match in size already relatively developed body. I decided to gather more information and some way to document the incident. To register for this event we have the duty of the: "Why is that? Yes no to anything.
I found out that Nurdinov lived in the apartment of a woman whose mother-in-law insane. She walks around cemeteries, collects all sorts of flowers to the graves and even brings home pictures of dead people on the metal. Due to my job, I knew it was Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna. It was registered by a psychiatrist. Several times she was taken to a psychiatric hospital because she had a relapse and breakdowns. Her son at that time was serving a sentence in a corrective labour institution.
She lived in the village of Kalinova. This woman led a secluded life. Her daughter-in-law, too Prosvirina Tamara, told me that when the mother-in-law found this creature, it was viable and was living with her for about a month at the apartment. It ate, was published by some sounds. Opinion and the expression of his face were meaningful. Discharge virtually no no, only on the body were some substance similar to sweat, without a smell. She kept him wrapped in a wrapping cloth, like a baby, and called him her baby. Said it "Alexis, I had it on his name recorded, and I'm going to have to live". Almost anyone Prosvirina it was not shown.
So some time it she lived. Itself daughter-in-law watched as her mother-in-law is feeding this creature. According daughter-in-law, it was able to eat the caramel candy. If the question is premature human embryo, it is simply impossible. Daughter-in-law explained that the skin of the creature were in color as down the tube, the body was gelatinous, build - average fatness. Tamara said that "Alexis" was published by some articulate sounds. Form of communication was the following - he cried in response to light and moving objects. His glance was like a very sick person. This creature, apparently, very suffering. Some time later, the daughter-in-law found out that mother-in-law again put in a psychiatric hospital, and when she was hospitalized, that creature has left one in the house. Naturally, it could not take food. And because the daughter-in-law was a very busy man, she was not able to visit the apartment often. And once she resident Nurdinova arrived and discovered that her mother-in-law is in the hospital and being already dead.
Expanding the diaper, which was wrapped "Alexis", she saw that he had already started to decompose, it appeared pupae some insects, and the smell in the apartment was appropriate. However, he reminded, rather, the smell of synthetic resins than dead creatures. After this Nurdinov said that this is absolutely the corpse of a stranger, it's not even a mutant and not a miscarriage, and it is necessary to embalm and profitable to sell. Nurdinov him and took in some garages has dried out in the sun. The corpse of the creature badly mangled. Seeing this mummy, daughter-in-law was surprised - so dramatically change the appearance of being at the loss of weight. It strongly bent in the spine and pulled where, apparently, were the muscles. In the places where some of the bodies, formed shriveled pieces of tissue. In the future, I recorded an interview those who saw the creature in life. This daughter-in-law Prosvirina Tamara, her boyfriend Nagowski Vyacheslav, a relative of the daughter-in-law and her friend is a woman drinks, gave contradictory information. They all claimed that this creature seemed reasonable enough, and in the eyes he had pus, as when conjunctivitis. The sight was very meaningful.
After it was assembled the first matter, there is a need to hold any consultations with specialists. This question did not belong to my competence, but I was curious, what is it? I believe that such information should seriously be checked, because a lot of rumors. Here it is possible and human ugliness to a great extent, and mutation any, related to the environment, or it really is phenomenal case viability of a human embryo or a criminal miscarriage. Clearly, this story required the study. Our guide said that I apparently have nothing better to do, and I was obliged to conduct the matter behind the scenes, in their free time. Asked the pathologist to examine this creature, which took him to our city morgue. A pathologist he was examined in the presence of medical assistant and said that at least 90% is not a person. The structure of the skeleton humanoid much different from the human, especially the bones of the pelvis, which is designed for vertical walk, and on all fours. Forequarters also differ along its length from the human. Hands are arranged as if it's a foot. Apparently, this creature could move in any circumstances and in any way, to overcome any obstacles.
The doctor said that, in order to draw conclusions about the nature of the creature, the necessary expertise in DNA. Because it is expensive, it can be done only formally, in criminal cases, also in laboratory conditions with the participation of prepared specialists. All variants of its realization at once disappeared.
We changed tactics. I Eugene, and joined we spouses Glutaminova, workers of the fire brigade, began to investigate further. Rais Gluttinous told me that in 200 km from us, in Kamensk-Uralskiy, Sverdlovsk region, there is a UFO society, which is called "Star Academy UFO-contact method Zolotov". Rais told me that this is a respected figure, showed in the encyclopedia: Zolotov, scientist, academician. The members of this organization allegedly included the son of Zolotova.
We called these people, and they responded to our invitation. Then came the call from Kamensk-Uralsky. These people were called experts in the field of UFOlogy, said that their operator for extraterrestrial relations will check this information and, if confirmed, they will come, and if not, sorry, they are not engaged in nonsense. After a couple of hours two cars were already below the apartment Gimaldinova where we are going. After watching the video, who came said that the find very serious and requires urgent research. They reprimanded us for the fact that the case was not displayed on the state level, and descended to the Amateur level. The head of this organization Galina Semenkova, a woman intelligent, polite, intellectually advanced, said that two of her girls explore this creature and say, where did it come from. We went to where the mummy. They examined her, and sang and danced over her hands and said that this being is a biological component, but this is an artificial being. It was programmed to study the environment, living space and, of course, did any side functions. It sent a space fleet under captain "FE" for the production of further contacts with some highly developed civilization.
All this, of course, sounded doubtful, but there was at least some interpretation of events. I am no expert in such areas. I thought that if they really believed in this case, there are those romantics who can be trusted with anything, then these people will conduct the necessary examinations and, eventually, will clarify everything. Over the fact that they took the mummy. Said take her for research and for the foreseeable future, will establish its origin, and shall present us with documentary evidence.
After some time I called them and asked, how is it going research. I was told that I should not worry, they are studying the mummy. Said, "Come join us for a seminar, but it will cost you money". Then said it for me is important, they will reveal to me additional channels of communication, and I'm almost a demigod. I replied that such fish is not peck, and asked him to tell me the result of the study, mum. After some time they got through to Gimaldinova and told him that this ordinary miscarriage Soon... this story took a new turn, almost detective. Information about the strange creature reached the media, and a reaction, like ripples on water. Mass media started to publish different articles, was even libel in the paper "Chelyabinsk worker", where one Kuklev put abusive an article entitled "Kyshtym lunatics". This article came out just on the "all saints Day" - "Halloween". The author we just made fun of.
There were serious publication. In the end, came here from "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Nikolai Varsegov, Deputy chief-editor of this newspaper. He collected material, and then after a while we came to a film crew from Japanese TV - MTV Tokyo. They are interested in, what still in Kamensk-Uralsky happened. On the channels they came to the people who also have that information, collected and found that the mummy group "UFO-contact" transferred in Yekaterinburg, and there, in one of the research institutes, not associated with biology and anatomy, tacitly still held her research in the laboratory, with the involvement of specialists. That's how it ended. Until the silence.
Some time later I got a call the interpreter group of Japanese television and said that they intend to come here, and shoot another interview with this mentally sick woman, because with them will be very serious specialists in psychiatry. All of them was well funded, carefully studied this phenomenon in Japan, and they found that should deeply and seriously examine those who are directly communicated with this creature, that is Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna. They told me the exact date of your arrival, as once a week. Yet they are interested in a place of landing of UFOs in the town of Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region, that is, they wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Asked me to make Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna at this time did not leave. But the most striking thing is that after some half an hour after the telephone conversation with the interpreter I on the radio (on that day I was in the daily assignment) heard what happened traffic accident in the village of guelder rose, and that under the wheels of the machine died naked woman Prosvirina Tamara Vasilievna. Is it a coincidence?! Japanese TV crew came here not only trip in Bereza.
But our history did not end there. One woman living next door to Prosvirina, " she requested that their data is not to inform, as is a public institution and does not want gossip around her name - told me that before they took Tamara Vasilievna in a psychiatric hospital, she walked around the village and explained that she has a baby Alexis that she wants to write in his living space on your name. Everybody of course knew that Prosvirina insane woman, and did not believe her. But the neighbor at that time found in his apartment, a small man. Not exceeding one and a half meters. Her apartment was locked from the inside, she was at home, went in the other room and saw him. This man stood silently in the middle of the room, the view was quite unpleasant. He was a short, heavily grown beard, kind - forty years. But the subject was clearly not human. Neighbor Prosvirina fully vmenyaemy and sensible. The reliability of her story is beyond doubt. At least I have the confidence in it. Now, as she looked at the stranger, knocked on the door. Opening it, this woman saw my neighbor is not Prosvirina, another. That said, "What is your view of such a strange, no man hiding?". Roommate knew that this woman alone, but without invitation went into the room and looked around, but there was nobody there. Doors and Windows are closed completely...
What is it? Fiction, fantasy, and maybe a dream or something else? My interlocutor told me that it happened in reality. She doesn't drink and fully, as I said, vmenyaemy. For us with Evgeny known researchers of similar phenomena, and people began to tell us all kinds of weird things. I wanted to document in writing, any evidence of this kind, to collect sketches of what they have built up a map of the city to make her mark, set the date, etc. But I am not allowed to do it, because I have almost no free time. We have two-thirds of the day is spent on the service, the rest on food and sleep. But some materials I certainly were. There have been several serious incidents at work. My guide did not approve of my research, and even at the operative meetings of me sometimes sneered.
In a fit of emotion part of the collected materials I destroyed, some still preserved. I have personal observation. In 1992, the levitating object was seen twice in the city of Ozersk. There is a company that once was the secret, and now it working even American experts. I have personally witnessed in the night, in the area North-East of Kyshtym, at a very high altitude object flat shapes, only it was located not horizontally, but vertically. From it came the clear, bright white beam...
Stanislav samoshkin, medical pathologist.
In 1996 I, at the request of the police officer had been examining the unknown being. According to found his man, gynecologist (Irina Ermolaeva and urologist Igor Uskov) recognized in this creature the embryo. The examination was held in the session hall, in the presence of precinct. The body was mummified internal organs were missing, were presented only the skeleton and the remains of the skin. The creature had a length of about 25 cm, I was struck by the fact that the skull towering, consists of four bones - occipital, frontal and two parietotemporal. Moreover, there is no clear separation between the temporal and parietal bones. The specific structure of the skull is the fact that the brain Department prevailed over the front.
All anthropological indicators this creature should be attributed to a reasonable, that is not classified as animals, because we know that the monkey brain cavity of the skull is smaller than the face. The bones of the pelvis is formed by type of upright. Arms and legs twisted fingers to see was not possible, because the body was mummified. The internal organs were missing. I was asked just look and say, fruit whether it is human or animal? As far as I remember, Zoology we are skeletons are not studied. It was suggested that, at first glance, this creature on the Earth is not found. Proposed to make an examination in the Chelyabinsk Bureau of forensic expertise, which is genetic research, but the owner of this corpse from just refused and said that he would decide what to do with it. Then the corpse was taken, and his further destiny are unknown to me.
- Anything you can say about the legs? About the length of these and other options?
- Proportionality of skeletal structure did not correspond to normal standards of the average person. Hands, presumably, had he managed to straighten, because the body was mummified, - got somewhere to the knees. I repeat, presumably. I don't stretched my limbs, because the question was not to touch a dead body in General. Just look and say, man is the fruit or something else, because addressed me in a district: whether it is being miscarriage, to start a criminal case or not to have. We limited survey, other, additional research was not done. His teeth were missing. To judge whether what was the floor, almost impossible. Anyway, I first encountered the specifics of such a skeleton. Well, when you don't know better not go....
Romanova Lyubov Stepanovna, the assistant city hospital.
In 1996, - she said, - in the beginning of August, we brought the mummified corpse of the little man. We cannot say that it was a child or a miscarriage. One word - the little corpse. His skin politlely in the abdomen and extremities. The bones were intact. Conventional arms and legs. The tissue is preserved on the back and shoulders. Head in the shape of a helmet, the skull consisted of four bones, which was joined at the top. The ears were not. Very large almond-shaped orbit. The surviving parts of the skin on the back and shoulders were grayish-brown - I think that is all from the sun, the tissue begins to dry up and gives this color.
This man, as it was called - "Alexis"does not yet crawled and walked upright, like a common man. I think so. It is a pity that he disappeared. Very interesting, unique case it was. To know him closer scientists!
- Do you think that this creature could be of extraterrestrial origin, or it's some kind of miscarriage, genetically changed a living creature?
- No. I work as a laboratory assistant in the hospital for a very long time. On miscarriage he certainly does not look like this "Alexis". I didn't think it extraterrestrial creature, is unusual, and all. And the miscarriage of course, it's not like, because the structure of bones, head very strange. The human miscarriage that can't be right.
- And internal organs something different from a human?
- Internal organs was not there. It was mummified corpse. He was dried up, sometimes barely surviving skin, bare bones.
- Do you think it was the adult creature or child?
"I think it's still a creature like a child, not only ours, not a human child. Little such a being. Probably, he was cute because he was such a great eye and a helmet-shaped head. It is interesting, of course.
- How do you think this was a reasonable being, or not?
- I don't even know how to respond. I can't be the judge.
- And skull structure?
- The structure of the skull - head matches the development of his hands, feet and trunk.
- Could there be a brain as a person?
- Well, probably, I could. If we opened it, it would look.
- And you were not allowed to open it?
- No. When it came to us, there were no resolutions, no direction to the opening, and without them we have no right to do that. Therefore, we refused to open it. And yet - it was not an expert. And could it open even for the sake of curiosity... Well, everything. Then they took him away and I don't even know where.
Galina Semenkova.
We found her in Kamensk-Uralsky with great difficulty. Phone in the apartment was disabled, and she came home only to midnight. Galina Ivanovna, learning about the topic of the conversation immediately cut off:
- About "Alesenko" can not say anything. His research.
- Who?
- The competent authorities.
- FSB? Semenkova nodded.
- So you are not lost?
- No...
- As a result of the research?
"I was told that he would be released, when the time comes.
- At least in two words - what is it?
- "Alexis" has changed the view of the world...
Epilogue. The relative from Puerto Rico.
Source : "Gazeta don", 21.08.2002, Rostov-on-don, n34, p.30 " Humanoid want to sell.
Quite by accident, flipping through a magazine "Flying Saucer Review" last year, I came across an incredible picture! On it was a picture of the corpse of the little creature with the head, divided into four lobes, and a huge lifeless eyes. Even a thin handle with four fingers were folded across, as the mummies "Kyshtym humanoid". However, in the picture depicted not alyoshenka... Second being found his death almost twenty pet ago near the town Sabinas, on the Southeast coast of Puerto Rico.
One day a guy named Chinese roamed the hills at the foot of the mountains, looking for all sorts of native American antiquity. Suddenly he saw a few small creatures height thirty centimeters. One of them tried to grab Chinese by the Trouser leg, and obviously not with evil intentions. Contact did not work: the Earthman took a stick and struck him a crushing blow! Others hid in the bushes. Involuntary killer realized that in his hands - something very rare and even expensive. Having found a glass container with a tight lid, he put in there body, expiring colorless blood, and stuck with alcohol. However, the decomposition is not stopped, and he had to go to a friend - Professor Calixto Peres, who put the corpse in formalin.
Chinese rejoiced too early, counting possible profit. Since that day, life became for him a nightmare. At night he and his sister and the depot was awakened by strange sounds, Spojene someone sneaks, peeking in the window and tries to get inside. Finally they turned to the police. The alarm signal has arrived police officer Osvaldo Santiago, who seized a container with a strange creature, and brought show unusual find his wife. With her light hand, to be exact language, about the discovery knew soon all over the County. A local businessman Rafael Baerga, intrigued by the story, asked her to bring a container with a small creature, exiled in the presence of witnesses few shots and called on TV, but journalists did not manage to come: a policeman and took the container with the body (in the interests of the investigation). Assistant Osvaldo Santiago, Sergeant Benjamin Morales, also saw the creature. He said that the chief has informed about the contents of the container military, but what it did not know. The Sergeant then gave his companion tip: to get rid of that creature until depot does not come from the military, but to the police station was Professor Perez - the one that helped the guy to keep the corpse in formalin, stated that bought it from Chinese, and demanded the immediate return of their property. Santiago was only too glad to get rid of the container.
The whole story dug out several years later ufologist Jorge Martin. The police officer by that time was no longer alive, he died at the hands of criminals, but he found the Professor Perez.
"Yes, for some time I held a container with a small man at home, " he told ufologist. His skin was rough, almost the same color as ours, but with the weak light greenish tint. I think this is being alien. His skull, his head was too big in relation to the body, the small and skinny, and her eyes were very large. As for the nose... it was not". Professor Perez was going to write a book about it, but the destiny has disposed differently. Neighbors began to threaten him, having learned that he keeps to himself corpse "alien". Subsequently, the Professor found that the container with the body and all the pictures have disappeared from the cache. "Either went in there some of friends, or the cache was able to find representatives of the authorities", - finished his story Professor.
They say that, having understood what was happening, in the depot entered the American special services. Traces of their work travel by researchers today. The story, as is customary in such cases, overgrown mass various mutually exclusive details. Truth in them can be considered only what little creature is not a figment of someone's imagination, and that the U.S. government is no accident has taken so much interest in him.