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The American team of astrophysicists led by Bruce Fegli built a computer model, which demonstrates the process of complete evaporation of the planet of the earth type. However, the researchers were not going to destroy the Earth - they were motivated purely scientific interest: to determine some characteristics of the so-called supersell.
We are talking about planets, which weighs more than the Earth, but significantly less than the gas giants (their weight is one-ten of the earth). Typically, these include the terrestrial planets, consisting of a rock. In our Solar system planets such category no. Since the mass of supersell relatively small, difficult to detect using conventional Doppler spectroscopy. Therefore, the first such objects discovered only recently, in other star systems through gravitational microlensing.
Since the vast majority of currently known supersell are very close to their bodies, their surface due to the temperature will be either podplavlenie or completely melted, scientists say. For example, the surface of the exoplanet CoRoT-7b, which is located by the side of his luminary, is an ocean of liquid lava.
And if such conditions will have on our planet? Building a model "evaporation" Land, its spectral lines can be identified and the proposed composition of supersell, the experts say.
The modelling performed by a group of Bruce Fegli, showed that in the case of melting of the earth's atmosphere will consist of water vapor and carbon dioxide with small amounts of other gases. It is for these impurities can be distinguished chemical and mineral composition from one planet to another. You should not deceive ourselves: why composition of supersell can be absolutely not similar on our Earth, nor on each other.
Scientists managed detailed model of the atmosphere of two hypothetical "pseudonimul": one was similar to the continental crust of the modern Earth, the other - with silicate primary mantle of our planet, it was more than 4 billion years ago (at the time of its crust and mantle were not separated). The temperature in both planetary models were raised to 270-1700 degrees Celsius. In the process of melting and evaporation researchers observed changes in the atmosphere.
It turned out that continental crust began to evaporate already at 940 degrees, and the primary mantle - only at 1730-X. In this atmosphere of hypothetical planets were formed mostly from the water evaporating from minerals and carbon dioxide. But the atmosphere "planet primary mantle" contained more gases that showed rejuvenating properties, such as methane and ammonia. By the way, classical experiments Miller - Urey showed that if you act on a mixture of methane and ammonia electric discharge, say, lightning, it will lead to the formation of amino acids - the "bricks"that make up life on Earth!
Besides, at temperatures from 730 degrees Celsius and up into the atmosphere begins to get sulphur dioxide. "This atmosphere is very similar to the Venusian, " commented Professor Fegli. - Only with water vapour". And at temperatures from 1430 degrees in the atmosphere is silicon dioxide. This picture was observed in both models.
Scientists have tried to raise the temperature and to those indicators, which starts to evaporate not only the surface but other layers of the planets. I wonder what, then, can turn the Earth? "Will only huge ball of hot gas-filled drops of liquid iron", says Fegli. "But really to see yet only partially fusion of supersell".
All this gives some hope that supersell not lifeless. After all, if they are at high temperatures can keep the atmosphere, in which there are organic compounds that theoretically there can live creatures - even microorganisms. Of course, the chance to discover life is much higher on the planets, whose characteristics are similar to the earth.