Viewings: 38148
There is on earth a single person who would indifferent to death. Most often thought about the possible cause of death in people fear. Why? After all, we are not afraid of such unpleasant things, like a disease. Not glad to her, of course, but got used to the idea that ill - natural thing, especially with age. Maybe the secret is that about the disease, even the most difficult, we know a lot: it's already someone was sick before we left to live. Or still lives, still hurt if the disease is chronic. People are quite willing to tell you about their diseases, if they ask. Death we know nothing. And to ask nobody. The most terrible thing that thanks to materialism, in which we were brought up, we for the most part are convinced that with the death of our existence is terminated categorically and forever. We no longer are able to meet the dawn and watch the sunset, not the kiss of the beloved, do not take at the hands of her baby. We stop to see and hear, feel and think - what can be worse?
Viewings: 24331
«…Если бы человек мог овладеть знаниями, которыми крохотные муравьи владеют миллионы лет, мы бы уже через несколько лет достигли бы самых дальних звёзд!…»
Viewings: 7949
Остров Хортица - загадочное местоАномальные места получили свое название потому, что когда люди попадали в их владения, у них полностью менялось восприятие времени, пространства, у них были звуковые и зрительные галлюцинации, эмоциональный фон также менялся: люди, как правило, испытывали ужас, тревогу, страх. Это и понятно: ведь выбраться из пут таинственных мест порой бывает очень нелегко. Крымские приведения: правда или миф?Unknown , Mysticism and Magic , Parallel world , Украинские аномалии
Viewings: 7761
Есть в Крыму такое интересное место – гора Демерджи. Называют ее еще Долиной привидений. Это место привлекает множество туристов и любителей душераздирающих историй про заблудшие души и призраков, ведь здесь, как считается, их можно встретить! Кроме того, славится гора как Место Силы, поэтому частые гости здесь не обычные туристы, а экстрасенсы и те, кто хочет восстановить энергетический баланс и душевное равновесие. Души заблудших воинов в тумане
Viewings: 7364
Археологи находят весьма много доказательств тому, что пришельцы навещали Землю очень давно, еще в древности. Конечно, доказательства эти косвенные, их нельзя считать абсолютно правильными, но и опровергать тоже нельзя. Уфологи верят, что еще в древности инопланетяне передавали целым народам свои знания и опыт, а изображения, которые находят археологи, и есть свидетельством этих контактов.
Viewings: 14859
Everyone talks about unidentified flying objects, forgetting that there are still objects floating or underwater. Surprisingly, but in history have been fixed and such! As a rule, NGOs showed itself through defects in the work of the steering and other systems of ships or hang or show themselves in full sense of this word.
Viewings: 10101
This story began in the night from 12 to 13 January 1996, when one of the American radar tracking system of air defense (PVO) spotted several unknown purposes, which appeared in the Earth's atmosphere over Alaska. At high speed, they flew to the South-East, towards the USA. The announcement was immediately transferred to the Center of the United command of the air-defense system of the North American continent, located in Colorado. Performed there computer analysis has shown that the discovered objects are neither aircraft nor Intercontinental ballistic missile or space debris, nor terrestrial spaceships.
Viewings: 8802
Killed and brutally mutilated animals - domestic and wild - on the American continent are already more than a dozen years. All these years, farmers, veterinarians and scientists are trying to find out who and why. Many of them are convinced that to mutilate their victims unable either predators or by the people. Then who can? No answer yet. And of barbarity continue.
Viewings: 8819
In the textbook of Zoology, in which pupils of the Soviet Union studied in 40 - 50s of the XX century, it was reported that at a certain stage of the evolution of fauna of the Earth, namely during the Paleozoic era, approximately at the border of the Carboniferous and Permian periods, in reservoirs, the first lobe-finned fish - Alacanti. It happened at about 300 million years ago, tens of millions of years before the Earth began to walk first dinosaurs. Alacanti lasted for almost 250 million years virtually unchanged, as evidenced by numerous findings of their fossilized skeletons in the layers of the earth's crust of different age. The reproduction of the skeleton were included in the above tutorial. And about 50 million years ago all Alacanti died out and disappeared from the face of the Earth.