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On our planet there are places where strong enough to stamp several times that of the earth reached "fiery monsters".
There are in Tajikistan on the river Vakhsh mysterious Kurgan made of rounded rocks. Mysterious, because scientists have not agreed about its origin. Some say that this eight-mound just a bunch-the wastebasket, where the stones are put together, was removed peasants from neighboring fields. Others claim that strange pile built by the warriors of Alexander the great, whose army was held once in those places. But some local people will be seriously to assure you that this mound is hidden entrance into the fiery underworld, where the evil spirits that they are still sometimes penetrate through the piled-up stones and appear at the top, surrounded by the black lights and brimstone smell, writes "UNION Israeli portal in Russian".
Of course, you can laugh at the stories of Tajiks as at a foolish superstition: who today believes underground demons? But civilized American farmers talk about the unknown being, from time to time arising out of the ground on the Bank of the Black river near the city of Lyons falls (200 miles from new York city). Since 1951 witnesses repeatedly noticed there is a giant animal is not known origin.
Working the local paper mill, saw the monster near, gave him the following description": Dark brown color, with a round, little cone-shaped body from which reeks of grey, eyes sparkle like silver dollars..." Local residents admitted as he tried to catch the creature using the network, but it passed through his body as through the air...
The latter circumstance has created especially a lot of ridicule among journalists: "Caught hallucination!..". But there are scientists who asked the question: "Why similar legends exist almost all Nations of the world? Only if human stupidity the cause of it?" After a series of research, they concluded that many tales describing the Ghost of devils, fire-breathing dragons, other vermin, could be based on real events, and, in fact, are the witnesses of a certain natural phenomena.
- In Russia, " says the researcher of this phenomenon S. Martyanov, - in such stories, as a rule, appears Kerber, or Cerberus (whichever you prefer) - Satan's dog, who according to legend guards the entrance to the Underworld. From time to time he leaves his post and leaves to walk on the surface of the earth. And Woe to the person who will meet on the way the fire-breathing monster. From a man remain only the charred remains.
- In English legends, continues S. Martyanov, mentioned "Burrasca Puma", or simply "the big black dog", in Ireland - "the Goblin Puka"... They came out of the ground and killed people by burning them to ashes. Studying old Chronicles, I came to the conclusion that the honorable sir Conan Doyle didn't have to strain the imagination, coming up with his hound of the Baskervilles. The fact that English folk legends flooded with stories about "Ghost dogs vomiting from the jaws of flame", for many centuries chastaya in the swamps Britain and terrorizing local residents.
From the book "folklore of the counties of England":
In the town of Banja (Suffolk) devil dog visited the local Church during the service. Members unanimously described her amazing as large as saucers glowing eyes. When the dog ran right through the two praying on my knees of people, those dropped dead. Another man from touching "hellish creatures" forever wrinkled like a baked Apple, although still alive...
In the city of Bitburg nowhere arisen "black dog incredible size with crimson eyes" unknown force scattered group of passers-by, killing two men and a teenager, burned up by fire many other...
In the County of Essex driver ran into "black dog", jumped right out of the ground in the middle of the road. In the result of both the person and the vehicle burned to the ground...
In Aylesbury, County Buckinghamshire, one farmer had the temerity to hit with a stick "black dog" burning in the twilight eyes. The glow extinguished, but the farmer was paralyzed...
In Dartmouth, one gentleman saw a strange black beast like a calf. He decided to pet him, but her hand felt only emptiness. Immediately there was a deafening explosion threw the mutilated animal lover to a dozen steps...
These stories about "black creatures with fiery eyes", as researchers believe, is very similar to the stories about the antics of ball lightning. The same ability to penetrate through material objects, the same "explosion hazards"... But there is light at the black ball lightning, and whether their appearance out of the ground? It turns out all it's real.
According to the modern teachings energy tectonic stresses in the earth bowels may be released not only by earthquakes, but also in the form of electric discharges - electromagnetic radiation, linear and fireballs. In annual environmental Bulletin, produced in Novosibirsk, says that many UFO balls of fire, silent flashes, a recent over the city of scientists - a consequence of the activation of local network faults of crystalline rocks.
Call the place where the plasmoids occur most often in the area of metro station "Krasny prospect" and in the Western part of the town in direction to the airport Tolmachevo. Fiery objects from a few centimeters in diameter and up to several meters appear at different heights, and sometimes break out of the ground.
Whether Kerber, Goblin Bunch of other similar mifologicheskie being brothers and sisters of the Novosibirsk plasmoids?
- The second summer in a row we try "to catch a" this phenomenon on videotape, " says S. Martyanov. - In the forest near Pskov is "Damn glade", where, according to local residents, Kerber appears particularly often. Last year, I personally saw how from the ground arose "black something", who scatters around him sparks. At desire it is indeed possible to take over a large dog with bright eyes. Cerberus, as we managed to ensure that it has the ability to freely penetrate through the trees and stones. Dark color can be explained by a number of small particles of earth and dust, which attracts plasma object.
Its high temperature obvious - he left the band faded and charred grass, and when faced with a video camera installed on a tripod, turned it into splavilsya a piece of plastic. This year we are less fortunate. Set in a clearing equipment showed "underground calm". Then, to provoke the emergence of a plasmoid, we used a powerful vibrator, which RAM gravel in road construction. Visually the phenomenon was not revealed, but the high-sensitivity film recorded the appearance of a luminescence on the ground level and the allocation of small balls, like soap bubbles. A similar effect, as we found out, watched specialists Denver University, squeezing under pressure granite cubic
And understandable those moments of local legend, which tells about the witch doctor, which could cause Cerberus, stamping her foot in the center of the clearing. When stress fracture (and the instruments showed that under the clearing takes place geological fault) enough light concussion, to provoke underground injection of energy.