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 БилокацияThere is an interesting phenomenon, when one and the same person witnesses observed simultaneously in different places. Parapsychologists call it bilocale, but I will often try not to use this term in order not to create confusion with biolocation.

Experiments have shown astral double is possible to fix on a film or on a special screen

From ancient sources it is known that bilocale "sinned" legendary Apollonius of Tyana, appearing simultaneously in different places. Among our contemporaries their split was widely known Catholic priest Padre PIO (1887-1968 years.).

But the greatest popularity in the manifestation of this phenomenon was purchased by an American Ingo Swann, which military experts conducted experiments for several decades (this fact alone shows that they were quite successful). However, the split of Swann was a little differently-he claimed that he could send his mind at any given point of the globe" and watch the events taking place there in real time. Than not find for the same CIA!

To check the phenomenon bilokacii Professor, California Institute of technology Puthoff and Targ held a special experiments, sending the controller in the place where you send your "consciousness" Swann. For example, in the pyramid of the Louvre.

But, judging by the results of the experiments, the subject there appeared in the invisible phantom, at least, the Comptroller he saw, and that it is not. I.e. according to modern notions, the Louvre went his soul, the astral body, or, if you like, "information and administrative matrix" (Fomin).

However, this situation is not so simple. Some people, which used to be called mediums, and now psychics, claim to be able to see the astral counterparts, both living and dead, that normal life to them is extremely difficult.

And the presence of the medium is not necessary: as the experiments showed the astral double is possible to fix on a film or on a special screen covered with salts of barium or calcium previously exposed to sunlight.

Moreover, it turned out that some mediums (such, for the past century was less than the fingers) is able somehow to materialize these phantoms, and then they can not only see and touch, but take, for example, blood, saliva, hair, and exhaled air for analysis.

It tells known biophysicist and writer Ivinorum, a number of experiments that persisted phantom persuaded to step on the scales. And then weighed the underlying medium. And if, for example, phantom weighed 10 kg, as much as, decreased weight of medium.

However, this phenomenon was well known in the middle ages, when the interrogation of the Inquisition was weighing of witches and wizards, and the verdict is: "Thou art weighed and found lightweight" sounded like an invitation to the fire. By the way, like the same glowing inscription appeared, according to legend, during the feast of Belshazzar.


Summarizing, we see that with the help of a medium, or under some conditions the "owner" of the astral double, he can stand before the astonished spectators in three types: totally invisible, in the form of phantom(ghosts), and even in tangible form. There is a unique cases when a person consciously creates his twin and manages (about this practice in Tibet, told in his book renowned scholar of Tibet Alexandra David-Neel).

Famous Polish medium the Franek McCluskey regularly created such counterparts, strolled to Warsaw, while he was at home that managed to install using the phone. It was much more difficult to justify the English poet Byron, the phone did not have when he lay sick in bed, and acquaintances, especially women, met him walking on the streets of the city and not uznavaem.

Queen Elizabeth, is not present and, First, in 1603 got sick with pneumonia and was in bed, and at the same time, her maid of honor, lady Guildford, who had just left the sick, met in the corridor double Elizabeth helpful.

In 1936 some miss Marion Dan-zi lay in Middlesexcc the hospital. One morning she was gone familiar nurse. She said Hello to her and asked why she again on duty? Nurse realized that was not in my shift, and in front of the astonished patient... disappeared. In the afternoon at the other sisters, she found out that her friend was sick and lies at home.

As you have noticed, these twins appeared in people sick, it is true, then safely recovered (except Elizabeth). So often the appearance of a double bind with the impending death of its owner. The cases concerned with Anna Ioannovna and Catherine II I'm only here to remind you, as they are frequently mentioned in the media.


This type of doubles when two images of the same person are seen next, and most often when you do this perform the same action.

And here we should mention a classic case with Emily Soot - teacher closed a private school for girls in Latvia in the middle of the XVIII century. Her pupils regularly with amazement watched as the figure of the teacher at the Board forks, and two Emily write on the Board the same. Patience Director came to an end, when half of the students have seen her in a chair at the blackboard, and the second was crowded at the window, watching as the double teacher working in the garden, however, the double just sat in a chair, and when passed a pupil touched his hand, then there was a cry of terror - sat in a chair by a Ghost. Emily was fired, and as she sadly said in the 19-th time.

1958 Chicago. U.S.. Someone Harold during lunch felt a migraine attack and immediately discovered that contrary, setting its exact copy, and repeats all his movements. After lunch double disappeared. Moreover, a similar story was repeated many times.

Our contemporary, 15-year-old Natasha Zotova from Yekaterinburg came to the hospital to visit his mother. With surprise, she found that her neighbor has a bifurcated state. A day later the woman died during the operation. This is the case with Natasha was not the only one.


This, not so harmonious word refers to a special kind of doubles, the appearance of which precedes the appearance of a real person. This happened with the renowned ophthalmologist, academician Filatov. (1875 - 1956). Once in the late 30-ies, at the request of his relatives he visited in the village of her mother, who after hysterical paralysis were unable to arrive in the hospital. But his arrival caused General amazement, it turned out that he already was here two days ago, visited the sick and appointed treatment. But the curious case of observation of vardoger side. 1850. London. Student Spencer Nerve with a friend were walking down the alley. Met the Director of the school, with whom they shook hands and went on. After 2 or 3 minutes to meet them on the same alley, again, was the Director, and the scene was repeated.

In 1955, one Erickson Gorik from new York, arrived in America, however, the clerk at the hotel met him as an old friend. Moreover, one colleague, who arrived in Norway earlier claimed that they have already met two months ago.

I'm here resulted in only a negligible number of cases of occurrence of different types of twins living people, sometimes at great distances from each other. They all indicate one thing: despite the views of modern science, any person consists of what we call the physical body, and some energy (field) structure, capable almost instantly be transported over any distance. And this energy structure cannot be built while none of the known physical fields. Let me remind you that modern science has only a few centuries, and it is still a lot of unknown to discover.
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