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Moving his wheels, the Rover Curiosity gave to understand that he is ready for its first test-drive which is to be held today, August 22. But instead fanfare NASA plays a mourning by the first loss.
It turned out that damaged the wind sensor, located on the mast of the Rover.
This tool is not that other as ordinary printed circuit Board mounted on the "neck" of "Curiosity". It is part of the weather station of the Rover Rover Environment Monitoring Station, REMS), which measures the speed and direction of wind, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and ultraviolet radiation.
One of the two metrodatecom sent meaningless data. Inspection conducted in camera "Curiosity", showed that some of the wires is broken. To fix them there is no possibility.
Operators believe that the device was damaged by hail of small stones that were raised during the landing of the Rover reactive jets system Sky Crane. Indeed, as noted at the special press conference, the project employee Ashwin Vasavada, it is very fragile equipment.
But it could be worse. The damaged sensor was back and was intended for the extra dimensions, when the wind was blowing directly to the rear of the Rover. Another sensor, facing forward, works great. The main REMS Javier Gomez-Elvira emphasizes that, in fact, the Rover did not lose functionality.
Because nuclear power source Curiosity keeps it warm day and night, summer and winter, REMS must first provide data about the weather on Mars during the whole year. In addition, a set of sensors will pick up the baton of the apparatus of the Viking-1", which is passed on persistent data until stopped in 1982.
Modern weather will cast a reflection on the past and the planet. Gale crater, where fell the Rover, billions of years were processed by the wind, like his five-kilometer Central peak. Recently the wind, hanging forward and backward through the hollow of the crater formed by the same dark sand dunes, which will bypass the Rover on the way to the foot of the mountain.
Other instruments Rover look healthy. Curiosity has expanded its optical drive and made sure that the entire set (camera, Bur, x-ray spectrometer) moves smoothly. The Rover also a little shot laser and tested onboard chemical laboratory.
Left to command the Rover to move forward for several meters, turn ninety degrees and return. To perform the maneuver will take about half an hour.
Prepared according to NewScientist.
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