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Sometimes the stories that have no relation to politics, military conflicts, loud crimes or global warming, we seem to be weird. We offer to your attention the top 9 strange tales that seemed so Americans.
Perhaps our man some of these events will not seem so strange. And maybe someone will find a hidden meaning in the behavior of the characters of some of the stories - how to know! By the way, you may ask: why top 9 out of the top 10, which is more usual? Strange, isn't it?..
1. Refused a million bucksHere it is, truly a strange thing, according to the breadth of its decent depth of the Russian soul. But even more strange is the fact that this act was committed by the person with not quite Russian surname Perelman. Yes, this is the Grigory Perelman - the oddball who refused from one million dollars.
This was the sum offered Grigory Perelman Mathematical Institute of clay as a reward for proof of the Poincare conjecture. However, Grigory Yakovlevich was a man, not greedy for money, arguing its refusal by the fact that he allegedly opened the secrets of Universe administration. Indeed, such a person explicitly money on anything...
2. Man with the biggest... rectumWell, no such category in the Guinness Book of records, nope! And even if I was, how to prove that Neil Lansing, a homeless man from the U.S. state of Florida, which recently have sent behind bars for a crime, can really brag to boast of?) such an unusual size rectum? But who conducted the next routine inspection of personal belongings and the Lansing guard could confirm this! Because he drew attention to the tip of the condom sticking out of... hmm... anal prisoner.
However, experienced wertuhay was not in a hurry to make conclusions about the sexual orientation of Lansing! The condom was removed and the guard of the prison surprising picture has appeared it turns out that the prisoner was hidden in a condom whole... 30 items among which are 17 little blue pills (viagra, what?!); one cigarette (and as it did not break?); piece of silicon (not easier matches to start a fire?) ; an empty syringe with needle (!), which, thank God, was covered with a cap; hygienic lipstick; used condom (still, focusing not everything is in order!); six matches (but then why silicon?!) and a couple more items. As they say, no comment...
3. What would happen if Barbie became man?This strange, at first glance, the question posed some Galya Slain, which is not lazy and created the model Barbie in full human growth (by the way, for some reason in the growth of the adult high men). No, She did not want to organize a competition to the companies producing rubber dolls for sexual pleasures. The girl was trying to draw attention to the fact, what problems results in malnutrition. It is for this Galya has fully complied with the proportion of their dolls as they were provided by the manufacturers of the original products.
If you have not guessed, Slain tried to demonstrate to the whole world does not imperfect shapes of the doll, and then, what would the Barbie, be it real girl, and the thing sought exhausting themselves diet girls who call themselves "dolls", "Barbie" and so on. The girl confessed that when she was a high school cheerleader (that is, a member of dance group support sports teams), it has also reached anorexia, but was later able to cope with illness. It remains to note that some real "pupae" look much worse than this monument human stupidity...
4. Ghosts-exhibitionisteIn all times there were scum that and tries to strip in front of young women and young girls. The conversation in the USA with such perverts short - collars and into prison. However, as to punish perverts, if these scoundrels was... a couple of ghosts? According to some Daina Carlisle from Ohio, her four-year-old daughter took a picture on my phone... two ghosts who had sex right in the girl's room!
Unknown, has filed any Carlisle in court against dishonest ghosts, but police Ohio I would like to recommend to carry out a search in the house Diana searching for drugs... If not, then certainly you should call Ghostbusters! Ghosts-perverts, of course...
5. Not all yogurts are equally useful!No, this is not advertising. Rather the opposite. This is a story about a certain Anthony Garcia, a young man of Mexican origin of Albuquerque, new Mexico, USA. The guy worked until recently in one of the stores in the state. Unknown, rose Lee Anthony in the atmosphere of class hatred, or just abused grass - so, anyway, his act looks at least strange.
The fact that Garcia was treated to the visitors of supermarkets free yogurt seasoned... own cum! One of the women showed a lot of vigilance (or awareness?) and, spitting out suspicious to the taste of yoghurt, went to the police and the guy was closed. Right sang group Beetles: "...bounty-haunti..., ...yogurt Hegarty...". Best home cooking!
6. Police in Florida can't distinguish between a sage from marijuanaRecently in Florida there was a story, after which all addicts state joyfully throwing hats in the sky, and the police chief were wondering, who would of its employees him thrown out of the window of the highest in the state of a skyscraper. The fact that the police has detained on suspicion of drug possession 49-year-old woman with a male name Robin brown.
Detained and tried in vain to convince the police that this is a package with sage and not marijuana. Alert the police only after some time has sent "weed" for examination, which showed that the brown bag was really not marijuana, and sage. Robyn filed for the police to court and now she must pay compensation for moral damage. A strange country and a strange woman - let them say thank you to her a bag of heroin had not planted!
7. Facebook merciless to the namesakes of its founder!Recently one of the users of social network Facebook has complained that he has disappeared from the list all of his friends, and the account was blocked. These hapless user was a lawyer from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, a mark Steven Zuckerberg. Yes, almost as one of the founders of the world-known social network mark Elliot Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg said that this is not the first incident, in which the lawyer is suffering from famous combination "mark Zuckerberg".
In particular, in 2009-th year Mark already had to deal with similar misunderstanding when registering on one of the social sites he had to prove his identity by sending a copy of the driving license, certificate of birth and licenses to practice law.
Zuckerberg (lawyer) has not said whether he try to defend their right to remain in the network under his name in court (in America love it!), however, complained that he had to spend a lot of time explaining to my friends in the network. Moreover, his account has not been restored and it is unknown if any, will be restored! As said would mark Elliot Zuckerberg, if it was by Duncan Macleod of the series "Highlander", chopping off the head of his namesake: "there will be only one!"
8. "I love Tits!"A Federal judge Philadelphia officially declared, that the management of secondary schools do not have the right to punish the students for what they wear bracelets with the inscription"I love Tits!" Explain that the rule prohibiting the wearing bracelets with this inscription, entered into force after two students of a secondary school came to class with these bracelets.
And the bracelets with the caller of the inscription were made some organization or Foundation to promote the prevention of breast cancer and surely not meant to be worn by children. Glad that no one has released bracelets to promote prevention impotence with an appropriate inscription! That's really the kids enjoyed...
9. Police from Missouri "shot" concrete crocodilePolice from Missouri, the USA, that is, peredel, trying to shoot made of concrete crocodile, taking him for a living reptile. Reportedly, concrete stuffed the size of a natural animal is (or is?) in the yard of a Rick Sheridan, who, in fact, made of crocodile.
In fact, surprising and strange that the police officer made a mistake. Vision problems? When he hit the concrete alligator? And in General there is a feeling that the American police shoot first, and then think of. However, some believe that better perebdit than nedariit and be eaten by a crocodile.