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In the business world it is considered good practice to shake hands when they meet. In more ancient times outstretched another man's hand meant that first came with the world and not hiding weapons. And because our brain is still sees the gesture like this. Moreover, according to the scientists, the pleasure handshakes comparable with the pleasure of a kiss!
There is a known explanation of where did the custom of shaking hands: in ancient times this gesture meant that the person is not hides behind the weapon. Since most people are right - handed, it was decided to extend the open right hand. We can say that in General terms the meaning of this gesture has remained unchanged to this day: holding out his hand for a handshake, we declare about their openness and readiness to contact.
By the way, it is curious that the same historical tradition is the custom to clink glasses with alcohol. In ancient times, sitting at the same table sharply moved "drinking bowls"that the liquid was poured from one container to another: it is proved that none no poison.
Researchers from Bochmanovskaja Institute of the University of Illinois (USA) decided to find out the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in the ritual handshake. In the experiment, 18 men and women looked mute the video, which was held a business meeting of two people. In some cases, a meeting of business partners was accompanied by a handshake, in other partners in one way or another shied away from him.
At the same time, scientists conducted the volunteers, watching video, fMRI brain scans, measured the electrical conductivity of the skin and evaluate behavioural response to what he saw. It turned out that on the handshake (even captured on video) react amygdala, superior temporal sulcus crust and the pleasure center - the number of structures of the brain responsible for getting a good feeling. Amygdala, or amygdala, is also responsible for emotions. That is, shaking hands, symbolizing a good social contact, gives us feel good.
If the experiment participants watched the interlocutors avoid handshakes, all the above-mentioned areas of the brain remained inactive. The difference of this work from the foregoing, it says, that when evaluating the work of the brain were used scene "real-time". Until now, most experiments on this subject was based on static incentives (for example, show photos). And because everyday social life mostly consists of "dynamic situations", the current results closer to reality.
Given that a handshake is activated centre pleasure, you can compare it with a weak similar... sex! However, most friendly touch cause the mentally healthy person positive emotions. But the autistic zone of pleasure and social contact suppressed, so they avoid touching and have no motivation to communicate.
The arms of another evolutionary gesture that helps us feel better. The man hug, subconsciously feels safe. Due to this mood, hugs relatives give us confidence. According to the European physicians, hugging extremely useful: the more you embrace, the stronger your immune system, better working of the nervous and endocrine systems. Hugs contribute even normalization of hemoglobin level in the blood.
The same with kisses that are found not only in people, but also animals. A kiss is for manifestations of tenderness and brings people together physically. When you kiss the stimulation of the nervous system partners, and in their blood are hormones of happiness - endorphins. Under the action of these substances a person feels safe, feel loved and happy. Kisses enhance regenerative function of the body, reduce the risk of heart attack and are an excellent analgesic and sedative effect.