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The Chairman of the Committee on public health Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Tatyana Bakhteeva called the bill of the Ministry of health on the introduction of presumed consent for posthumous donation criminal.
"This is a very criminal. I can talk about it at all levels, to argue with any doctors", - said it journalists in the Verkhovna Rada on Tuesday, commenting on the initiative of the Ministry of health. Bakhteyeva said that this initiative, which may be issued in the form of the bill, "it is not like the bill.
It is generally incomprehensible action, protivodiareynoe". She emphasized that the proposed repeal article 15 and article 16 of the current law on transplantation of organs, which regulate the harvesting of organs only if brain death. "And even missed it. That is, perhaps, that man shall live, and he will have to take the body... this is absolutely unacceptable" - said Bakhteyeva. Let's remind, the Ministry of health of Ukraine developed a draft law, suggesting that if a man to death has not signed the refusal to be a donor, its organs can be used to save the lives of other people.
At the moment the draft law is on the study of the appropriate parliamentary Committee.