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In the history of science German scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz came primarily as a brilliant mathematician. But he would not have considered their achievements in this science to something significant, perceiving mathematics only as entertainment. Leibniz believed that his most important discoveries he made in the field of history, linguistics, law and philosophy.
Interestingly, sometimes scientist considers its main achievements something special, and that's what he does in spare time, calls the main business of his life. For example, the great Russian chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev considered more valuable their work on meteorology that are little known, but the achievements in the field of chemistry were a trifle. Exactly, and Isaac Newton much more importance was attached to his works in the field of mathematics rather than physics.
By the way, the eternal opponent Newton's Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, with whom English scientist have long argued the priority for the discovery of differential calculus, is also not considered math main business of his life. Therefore and in battles special did not participate. Although if you look, and Newton is not very zealous, moreover, after the publication of his version of this method of mathematical analysis, he wrote to Leibniz: "Our Wallis joined to his "Algebra", which had just appeared, some of the letters that I wrote to you in time. He demanded from me, that I have stated openly that method, which I have kept it from you by adjusting a Cup spring letters; I did it briefly as I could. I hope that I have not written anything that troubles you, if it happened, then I beg to inform you, because friends are more to me than mathematical discoveries".
Leibniz also in response to a message posted in the British Royal society a letter in which he agreed that Newton came to the analysis yourself, "on General principles similar to our". When in 1713, at the meeting of the given society, it was decided that the first was still Newton, Gottfried Wilhelm did not upset, saying: "I never thought the work worthy of publication. I have had many such trifles, when I saw the ocean". All of this suggests that on the law of the championship argued mainly students brilliant mathematicians, and they believed such strife crap not worth attention.
But the most curious is that Leibniz did not attach much importance to his mathematical works. But this man was created a system of differential and integral calculus (and well-known icon of the integral brought into use too it). Its still remember (sometimes, unfortunately, a bad word) pupils and students, when you hear the terms: "differential", "the differential equation", "feature", "variable", "the constant", "position", "x", "algebraic and transcendental curves", "algorithm" - all of them appeared in mathematics by Leibniz.
By the way, Gottfried Leibniz can be considered as the first programmer and information theorist. Long before Charles Babbage he found that if the record certain groups of binary numbers one below the other, the zeros and ones in vertical columns will be regularly repeated. This discovery gave him the idea that there are completely new laws of mathematics, but the main thing is that trying to formulate Leibniz realized that the binary code for optimal system of mechanics, which can run on the basis of intermittent active and passive simple cycles. He even tried to use the binary code in mechanics and made a drawing of the computer, working on it, but soon realized that the technological capabilities of its time does not allow to create such a device.
However, one computer scientist managed to build. This was the famous mechanical calculator (the calculating machine). Unlike its predecessor, created by the French scientist Pascal, this machine except for the addition and subtraction could multiply, divide, or extract works roots and build number to a power. That is to say, that this device is in no way inferior to modern electronic calculators.
As you can see, the merits in the field of mathematics at the Leibniz was so much that would be enough for a whole generation of scientists in this area. However, the Gottfried Wilhelm all my life hard, they were not admitted, considering mathematics sort of entertainment. By the way, just as he applied to physics to biology - ironically, in these Sciences, he is also very successful. It Leibniz for the first time formulated the Law of conservation of energy. He also owns a number of discoveries in special sections of physics in the theory of elasticity and theory of oscillations. Yes and convenient formula for calculation of strength beams, used by all architects of the world, for the first time brought it Gottfried Wilhelm.
As for biology, it Leibniz introduced this discipline the idea of integrity of organic systems, as well as the principle of nesudimosti to mechanical organic, that is, he proved that any organism is not the biological programmed machine (as it was supposed followers of Descartes). By the way, the idea of organic relationship of all living beings and their relationships with inorganic nature, first expressed and justified also Gottfried Wilhelm. Later it was she who inspired many scholars, astnosti academician Oparin, in search of mechanisms of spontaneous generation of life.
As you can see, all of these discoveries can be called outstanding. Thought so almost all the friends and disciples of Leibniz, but, alas, not he himself. The fact that Gottfried Wilhelm saw itself as a... of a humanist and philosopher. He believed that the most valuable achievements are the works on philosophy, law, history and linguistics. However, as time has shown, these are areas Leibniz had failed.
His theory on the origin of languages was not very popular and soon after the death of the scientist was completely forgotten. The works of Gottfried Wilhelm on the history of Russia (as he studied the Kyivan Rus) rarely were published in our country, and almost all domestic experts was skeptical (German, too). As for his works on jurisprudence, at least in Germany Leibniz often attracted to resolve the most complicated legal issues and he had a reputation of an experienced lawyer, he still failed to create a theory that would explain the legal principles of the existence of the state.
And the point here was that Gottfried Wilhelm tried "to combine" in no way matched the principle of democracy and what later would be called "the police" state. He was a supporter of the theory of the social contract and considered that the subject of power shall be the state itself, not the person of the ruler, but at the same time the scientist saw the ideal management in rigid centralization and bureaucratization of the government. As you know, to create a legal rationale of this cocktail was very difficult, because we should not be surprised that the Leibniz in the end nothing happened.
As to philosophy, the Gottfried Wilhelm created a complete and consistent picture of the world, which, however, there was one serious drawback - it was very difficult to understand. Evil tongues claimed that even Leibniz not been able to explain his philosophical system outsiders. Perhaps that is why his philosophical works rarely were published during his lifetime, and after his death many other philosophical schools were used only by some ideas of Leibniz. You can say, very philosophical concept of this extraordinary special development in the future is not received.
So, Leibniz, like many other scientists considered the most important of its achievements those that are very low by his contemporaries and has not left an appreciable trace in the history of science. And what he ought to be proud of, a scientist is not appreciated, considering them "trifling amusements". Indeed, sometimes to the researcher fails to understand that his work is most important and what is secondary.